Muslim girl is all upset because of Tower of Diversity

Crispy kebab.

NOW Muslim girl is upset.

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My neighbour told me that one of the daughters rang her own daughter at about >12.30 saying they weren't going to make it and that she loved her. 'She's about 13 I think.


Honestly. I couldn't give 2 fucks about muslims. But being trapped in flames is a terrible thing, I don't wish it to my worst fucking ennemy. Now, knowing that your kid burnt alive, this is just unbearable.

Sorry but I don't buy it


Need a link to the ISIS video where they put the guy in a cage, set him on fire, and his jaw literally melted off his face in 30 seconds? Why would you feel anything for these animals?

You must not have concerning enemies. I couldn't give a fuck how mine die.

>But being trapped in flames is a terrible thing, I don't wish it to my worst fucking ennemy
If you lived in Europe your worst fucking enemy would be Muslims and you would wish it upon them every single day.

That's a chick with a dick, bottom center-left

How many kebabs got fried anyway? It's got to be more than the official 12.

Wow, 13 all already a mother of a daughter!

All praise allah for the new kebab pressure cooker tower of peace. Right on time for ramadan too.

Thank you. Even though I hate all kinds of people I wouldn't wish this on anyone. Even all the SJWs and Moldylox




Man get a fucking grip. Goddamn.

The thing is sunni muslims dont see an issue with burning you alive though

>Fridge that exploded was known by police to be a known supporter if ISIS

The fridge was sentient??And was a terrorist??

This is why I wish social media was around on 9/11. The footage and stories would be insane.

Double Doubles,
Double idiocy



Wasnt Myspace around then?


Aye, God wants you to crack one off in Church.

>Bow down to the Priest.

I knew you faggots would spot a trap. Do you /k/ by any chance?

I know it's a bit soon but that made laugh so much I nearly spat out my champagne.

Fuck your feelings for these apes.

Every single victim in that tower was non white. Those disgusting commie blocks need to be torn down with their subhuman residents inside.

Thank you, sir.

Isn't grenfell tower the place sadick khan threw all the white ppl out of to move in welfare mudslimes? Fuck 'em.

Smart Fridge?

Do the mudslime wemyn have special emergency headcover/burkas, in case they have to leave in a hurry?

It would be kind of ironic, if they survive the kebab fire, but get shari'ahed in the skreets for showing too much skin.

The word you're looking for is poetic.

i doubt any of them shat a tear when ISIS burned thus trapped hostages alive
heres my condolence

>Do the mudslime wemyn have special emergency headcover/burkas, in case they have to leave in a hurry?
Girls and women have burned to death in buildings because men wouldn't let them escape uncovered. Think about that.

>Saudi Arabia's religious police stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress, according to Saudi newspapers.
>One witness said he saw three policemen "beating young girls to prevent them from leaving the school because they were not wearing the abaya".
>The father of one of the dead girls said that the school watchman even refused to open the gates to let the girls out.

It's better to burn in this life than in the afterlife.

I'm glad they suffered

Good riddance

You're all atheists that just want to murder someone with impunity.

>known ISIS supporters fridge went haywire
And nothing of value was lost. These people don't even belong in White countries. Useless parasitic pieces of shit. Right on Trump's birthday as well.


Not only that, it also had a drawer for storing fidget spinners


The more muzzy rats, niggers, spic shits, gypsies and lefty cucks die the less we'll have to worry about when the race war takes place.
I can't help but wonder if the bolice queer cheif is gonna bring up the "diversity" regarding the dead the incident like that whore did with the ISLAMIC. TERRORIST incidents on London Bridge...
Oh and muzzy rats burned alive?? I don't even feel a thing other than thinking they got lucky compared to what I would've done to them.

Well yeah. Deep down everyone wants that.

I can only praise the lord for giving these Muslims and blacks a taste of their own medicine

Those girls tears are delicious

>mudslimes burning alive
>mudslimes throwing their kids from the windows

>tfw something similar actually happened

>According to residents and local reports, the latest bout of violence erupted between two tribes after an incident in which a monkey that belonged to a shopkeeper from the Gaddadfa tribe attacked a group of schoolgirls who were passing by. The monkey pulled off one of the girls' head scarf, leading men from the Awlad Suleiman tribe to retaliate by killing three people from the Gaddadfa tribe as well as the monkey, according to a resident who spoke to Reuters.

This. You know a mudslime started that fire because they were pissed at construction or weren't getting enough benefits. Fuck 'em.

That doesn't mean they deserve it

>The fridge was sentient??And was a terrorist??
The fridge was hacked by russian hackers

>copy link to the red box, hit enter
>copy page address on pol
it's really not hard

They deserve it for breathing the White man's air.
One of them (probably all of them) were supporters of ISIS, the terrorist group who wants nothing but to kill you and your family simply because you don't believe in their dog-shit religion.

That's what I would call justice... Fuck these burnt mohammedans

yes it does

They certainly think you do.


That second picture though
>The burnt remains of a note written by a child expressing their happiness and dreams, which was found near the scene of the huge fire at the Grenfell Tower block

Can you be trying any harder to wring sympathy for these subhumans

Fucking isis garbage. Just send in festh squads and get rid of these fuckers

we can say he couldn't keep his cool.


>The burnt remains of a note written by a child expressing their happiness and dreams
Does the note say 'I hope one day all the infidel ill be dead and we will finally have peace'?

>Living around muslims causes fridge to lose its cool in deadly hate crime

I wouldn't put it pass these people...


Damnit Carlos!