What's it feel like knowing you're not the one who have her the golden shower?

What's it feel like knowing you're not the one who have her the golden shower?

Who gave this cunt a golden shower and why the fuck should I care?


Stop mashing the keyboard with your fat burger paw, Cletus.

>you're not the one who have her the golden shower?

Speak English, you fucking spic.

stop posting this shill

>not the one who have her the golden shower?

inb4 Moarpheus

>an attention whore attention whoring
why should i care?

>not the one who have her the

Liberal retard detected

bretty gud


>y..you too

>you will never spray her with your "silly string"

I'd rather spray her with my cum.

Not a wet back you fucking leaf.

I'll do as I please.

I want to impregnate her and make her stay in the kitchen to cook for me

Someone threw urine at her at one of the protests, you shouldn't care but should know that she has a base of horny fanboys.

I want to go Max Hardcore on her

she enjoys piss games


pretty good since only cucks give a flying fuck about this coal burning roastie.

>you're not the one who have her the golden shower?
Excuse me what