Do you remember the 60 000 a day, Sup Forums?

Do you remember the 60 000 a day, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

>6000 a day


>2.7 million

Watch this and decide for yourself if you believe the claim is even remotely possible

>Auschwitz - Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth:

>muh 600 thousand gorillions

This is now a holocaust revelations thread. Post them infographics faggots.

>that effiency

Wtf, I love nazis now

For something that is apparently factual and (in some countries) illegal to deny, the numbers somehow keep changing constantly...

Oy vey, 6 million a day?

You fucking gay ass lying Nazi piece of shit! It was 600 trillion billion a second, where do you think climate change came from? Jewish fumes had blocked out the sun so all footage from that time is black and white. I mean how fucking stupid can you be?

>6000 a day
Forget about nazi ufos, the secrets of these super effective gassing technologies must be found.

6000 a day? How many were turned into lampshades?

Oy vey, the 6*10^6000000 per day!

it was 6000000 a day, you antisemitic pig

Oy vey, I rememba dose poor souls thrown to the bears and eagles (pic related)! The flames licking their bare bloody haunches! It's like anudda six gorillian all ova again!


>muh 6 googleplexigorillion

>The eagle didn't get eaten by the bear
Oh wew, jewish fairy tales.

That the nazis could be so efficient while using the extremely inefficient methods described by eyewitnesses shows you germans are the ture master race.

WHY did Sup Forums not make a bigger dealof this shit:

Elie Wiesel fucking just made up the 5 million goyims. It was taught to me as fact.

But Im still told Ima pos for being *skeptical* of what seems to be some sort of magick talmudic 6 million figure.

'One of the more commonly perpetuated myths around the Holocaust is that the Nazis held a conference in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee on January 20, 1942, where the “extermination of the Jews was planned.”

The simple answer to Netanyahu’s question is, yes, this is a lie. An outright, shameless, blatant lie.

The actual minutes of the Wannsee Conference can be read in their entirety—in the original German here,

In reality, the Wannsee meeting and its minutes do not contain a master plan to kill Jews;

– Nowhere in the meeting’s minutes is genocide discussed, planned, proposed, or even suggested;

– The Wannsee meeting never discussed gas chambers, shootings, or any of the fantasies propagated by the exterminationists;

– The Wannsee Minutes reported that there were only 4.5 million Jews under German control (yet 4.3 million Jewish compensation claims have been lodged against the postwar German government);

– The Wannsee meeting was a planning meeting on how Europe’s Jews should be deported, via transit camps, to the East; with able-bodied Jews being forced to build roads and other labor intensive tasks in those regions;


Typical dindu tactic.
Have no possible apology for the terrorism and violence of the present? Just pull out of your ass absolute irrelevant shit from the past in hopes of guilt-tripping anyone.

But since you're at it, why don't you adress the astounding number of deaths caused by Mao Zhedong?

Or perhaps you would like to talk about the Muslim slave trade that still goes on to this day.

You see... We evolved. We changed for the better.

You people never did...

Say hi to Palestine for me, merchant boy.

That picture is cropped. Is it trying to claim that whites have forgotten the holocaust? I'm reminded of that shit more times a year than I am of Christmas.

if the Nazis did want to wipe out the entire jewish race (yeah, jewishness is a race now) then why did they collect their semen in giantic cum jars?

isnt that kind of counter productive because future science can recreate the jewish race out of those cum traces?

Aren't you forgetting about Chanukah you fucking anti-Semite??