>this is considered white in America
This is considered white in America
Could use a little more bleach.
she is hot and right leaning.Look at your dick user,he knows the truth.
muh dick
looks like kurd with bleached hair
Is this gonna be her future?
>Strawman argument
French Chinese from Leafland
>Internet Nazis don't like cute girls
who is this cutie? I wan to hug her, and take her for walks at the park while we hold hands
>this is considered master race by nazis
Ye be funny for a landlubber.
She's half East Asian, half White, which is superior to just white.
If you wanted the perfect human being, you'd want to put:
Japanes/Korean, English, 1/16th Welsh, 1/16th Ashkenazi Jewish, small amounts of Dutch, German, French, Scottish, Irish a little bit (1/256) of Portuguese
AMWF wins again
No. It's not.
>who is this cutie? I wan to hug her, and take her for walks at the park while we hold hands
would desu
I have the strongest urge to kiss her neck.
I want to make love to her in missionary while I look in her eyes, 2bh
God damn...
>nazis that accepted 1/4 and 1/2 jews in repsent European genetic preservationism(one drop rule, no foreign blood)
It's almost like non-whites are dumb subhumans 99,999/100,000 times
Alright, I think we should just clone Roaming to make all women look like that. Equality, great fuckings and happiness ever after for everyone.
A fucking leaf
>This is considered Canadian in Canada
>holding hands
You sick fuck.
Same, but I've yet to find a girl that prefers romantic missionary over rough doggystyle with hair-pulling and choking.
I want to tell her shes beautiful but shes only mine and im going to make her feel like a women tonight while slowly going harder on her, grabbing her neck and feeling warm body squirm
That'll get boring in like a week desu
No it isn't
How many legit white people are there in America, 15-20%?
thats optimistic desu
Decide for yourself.
See: that's why the socialism is retarded, even if you could have your paradise - which you will never have though.
No, that's considered a chink.
>$50 of makeup
>diffuse lighting no doubt created by elaborate behind-camera rig
>hair dye
>colored contacts
>instagram filter
Haha, she is trying so hard to look like a pretty white woman, too bad she is anything but. Once you learn the tricks, you realize every girl that does this MUST be ugly as fucking sin under all that enhancement.
Found the kikes. Kill yourselves.
>right leaning
>(((civic))) nationalist
Sure. Definitely not just saying stuff for the attention and betabux.
Breaking news ol chap, most americans are mudbloods
Somebody get that white woman a sandwich
What the fuck is she supposed to be sucking on? Shit looks disgusting.
Breaking news, most "white supremacists" want to take existing populations and raise dindu numbers as high as possible. Nope, still a kike.
>truth is a jewish invention
USA is a mongrel minority-White semite-run nation. Not even 60%, or even 50% White. More like 20-35% White? Let me help you. Anywhere between 28-32% of the US """Whites""" has negro or amerindian admixture. USA is like BEST CASE SCENARIO 35% White country.
It was specially non-Hispanic Whites who got studied. Beware of purity!
wrong. You have no freedom, shart. You can't
>not send you kids to school
>not have insurance
>not pay for Obamacare
>refuse to buy/sell from people based on race/religion/sexual orientation
>refuse to pay taxes
>refuse to hire people based on race/religion/sexual orientation
>no autos
>fighting words and incitement infringement of the First Amendment
Most of us want them gone from Europe (or better yet exterminated)
she's not white, she's half jap
If only she was intellectually honest.
Can someone post the American White vs European white picture? Thank you.
White girls do this too. Have you seen what most white girls look like without make up? She isn't trying to look white, she's trying to blend out any blemishes on her face like any normal girl.
Not what I meant. I'm talking about one drop fags who will look at someone like pic related, and if they find out that they had a single ancestor from 5 generations ago who was 1/20th African, they're automatically an impure nigger. THAT is how you raise dindu numbers
>with your 2 inch micropenis
>one drop fags
Every ethnonationalist group in Europe. Amerinigger, you've been found out. That's why we ban American and even a person with one American grandparent from joining
i feel like faggots like you are t even genuine stormfags... but jews/leftidts here to post just hyperbolic crazy shit.
fuck you.
She is ridiculously sexy and while an old fuck like me isnt going to learn much from a gen Zer... she seems to be doing God's work.
she also doesnt rely on her sexiness overy like certain beuddered sjws on youtube
thats another thing: enough of these youtube 'celebrity' threads FFS.
you assholes are more retarded than the kekistani contingent
It's more free than 99% of the world. In the US hate speech is 100% legal unless it's an actual call for violence.
Also, pretty sure you can home school your kids. Not sure what your point is, either way a kid should have an education.
Thank you for continuing to prove why you lot are braindead faggots working against your own cause.
Why should we accept subhuman mongrels from USA to EUROPEAN nationalist movements? A nation with DNA based citizenship can't be subverted. Unlike yours...
No it isn't
dem pussi lipz sheeeeit le me see yo ass gurl i wuna sniff it
>an actual call for violence
Illegal why? Unconstitutional shift made to appease ever increasingly subhuman low impulsed population.
>what's the point
They teach that negroes and abos are human in US schools. Who the fuck lets kids attend such anti-science shitholes?
Looks like a 90 IQ Eurasian Negroid, or in other words, the Jews wet dream
All Hail Kalergi!
Hapa girls > dog shit > white wimmin
Don't see a problem.
Easy. Because the standards can always be tightened. Mediterranean? "Oh, you're a shitskin nigger." Slav? "Gook rapebaby." Celt? "Pale skinned niggers." Germanic? "Snow nigger. You will never be safe, because there's always someone with even more stringent and retarded ideas than you.
$4500 dollarydoos a month for roaming via patreon. Keep sending those shekels, goyim.
>implying women shouldn't be throat fucked. T
he blame is on the men for turning her her into a porn star when she could have been a white cock sex slave.
How come Marky Mark isn't a accused of being a jew?
Show your Russian flag kike
Fucking logic FTW
>this is considered white in America
Looks white enough to me desu
If you're under 6 foot, you aren't aryan
I could never date a mixed girl who has a non white father. It just doesn't sit well with me. She is the child of a white female race traitor. Race mixing is acceptable for white men to do but never for white women.
I hear the alpha asian man meme all the time but in my experience amwf couples are almost always college educated liberals.
>Mediterranean? "Oh, you're a shitskin nigger.
Actually that applies too. We don't tolerate foreign blood. Meds are an example of a failed White Genocide in European Traditionalist thought.
We don't want you and your genetic scarification of race betrayal.
One of your ancestors was degenerate enough to breed with a subhuman. Commit he ultimate crimes. And then at least three or four generation of Whtes who were degenerate enough to breed with mongrels
-berg does not automatically equal Jew, or even German, as is the case with him. (In b4)
Mark has an incredibly Italian family
No it isn't
I know, but people always go (((BERG))) when they see a last name with it
That's a (((divide and conquer))) shill. I've seen him at least 10 times. He usually posts under a Russian flag. He uses this exact same post over and over and nobody ever notices.
I don't care if they're considered white, I only care if they've considered MUH DICK
Not bad for a country being 48% white.
>Muh D&C
There is not magical unity back on the continent. The only unifying factor is "fuck kikes and mednogs". Continental WALL to split PIGS/Romania/Southeastern Ukraine will be a splendid idea. No more nig sea around
That's what happen after countless years of jewery. To much mixbreeding plus jewery in America to save them.
I fucking knew it. Already suspected it was him. Argued with this fag at least twice before in that atrocious Roach thread about what defines a European.
Shut the fuck up. I call you out every time I see you because your dumb ass has yet to even slightly alter your tactics. Why don't you tell everyone how you're a (((German))) living in Russia?
No it's not, at least not to my kin.
yeah those can be white too, sweden.