Are women beyond fixing?

Are women beyond fixing?

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yup man, 50% of them are quite normal

once you bother to talk/hang out with them

Cool thread jidf

oh c'mon first you whine about not wanting to have a serious relationship and then you blame us for the chicks who let themselfs go full crazey?

American women are

kill yourself pedophile enabler. seriously.

You think british women aren't broken also?

>once you bother to talk/hang out with them

I hope they have a male realtive chaperone while this is going on.

Who the fuck whines about serious relationships? That is the ultimate goal in life.

At least half of them are gone, yes.

The west can adopt Islam any time they want.
Sluts will be lashed 100 times with the men who fornicate with them.
Non-virgins will be seen as degenerate used goods and will practically be unmarriable.
There will be no kids out of wedlock.
There will be no kids with fathers running away.
Rapists and killers will get the death penalty.

Nice strawman.

Oy! Ya-Cheeky, Cunt. Waht-joo on about, Daft lackluster wag. You is females jus' as worsen too! Lease we Bargars have access to wholelotta assault rifles! Call us Wanks; we is Yanks!

a lot of them are, they aren't beyond saving though.

Women are prefect the way they are OP. That pic doesn't represent the vast majority of women and if it did they would be OK just the way they are.

A minority of women is ok, just like only a minority of men is ok. If you're worth a good girl, and if she's worthy of you, you'll find yourselves. But remember even good girls are imperfect.

if anything, that would be reversed, retarded mgtow faggot

Sexual liberation was a mistake. Half the time men just think with their dick and enable the terrible shit that are women because not putting the pussy on a pedestal makes you a loser.

White girls are ruined.
Just find a qt exotic gf instead.

thx for the tip schlomo

>That pic doesn't represent the vast majority
Of course it does, its just most of them are to shy to admit it
>would be OK

Men are romantic at heart, they see a beautiful woman and want to protect her just like that. Women are basically only in it for the status, it's just how the vast majority of them are wired.

women have always been beyond fixing. that's why they have been second class citizens for most of recorded civilization. an "equal" society inherently favors women because men are biologically designed to basically worship women

>There will be no kids out of wedlock.
>There will be no kids with fathers running away.
>Rapists and killers will get the death penalty.
that doesnt happen on arabia saudi ok

Im a 22year old virgin

To promote a woman to bear rule, superiority, dominion, or empire above any realm, nation, or city, is repugnant to nature; contumely [an insult] to God, a thing most contrary to his revealed will and approved ordinance; and finally, it is the subversion of good order, of all equity and justice.

This. I used to LARP about marrying within the race but eventually you realize that its not a cause worth dying for. Just try your best to have a good, successful family with any woman who would make a good wife and mother. Keep your options open.

The importance of race is greatly overrated, especially in the modern world. It hearkens back to our primitive tribalism, but these days the "tribe" is an illusion.

0oo0 d>_

We need white sharia goddamn the male ideal will be attained if you know how to beat your woman into submission

i mean men are much more likely to be a sex degenerate than women which is what OP picture depict

Adultery should be a capital crime.

It's actually better anyway. White girls are fucking broke thanks to kikes, and there's the ever looming race problem. One way to fix that is to bleach the minorities.
At this point doesn't matter how many white girls you fuck, and it'll eventually get so bad that you're basically going to be fucking with the gene pool because the white population would be too small.

Why are German woman so ugly though?

Fuck off pedoflag

How can that be? Is your cutlass too short matey? Remember me hearty, even a life raft can brace the most treacherous seas if the skipper's salty enough.

>White girls are fucking broke
nope, your stupid trick dont fool me faggot. havent bothered reading the rest
i dunno man. maybe those insect looking gooks are more to your likings ?

>i mean men are much more likely to be a sex degenerate than women which is what OP picture depict

user... You don't know how bad things really are.

Assuming "exotic" women are not even worse sluts.

I am amazed how you're able to fuck up one sentence grammatically this bad.
If you mean Saudis have kids out of wedlock then no, they don't.

Good luck finding a white girl that hasn't fucked every guy she's come across and hasn't fucked at least one black guy, skinhead.