Éire/pol/ Aud 2.0 When Edition

Thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=6bMCrLkCUds

Join the NP www.nationalparty.ie







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Barrett abú

Get in here faggots


How are you cunts this fine day?


How is Dublin? I'm thinking about spending 3-5 days there next month?

Here's a link that works: nationalparty.ie

Not so bad. Fine weather over here too.

Easy with the irish times links there faggot

Clear skies over by you?
It's been hotter than a monkey's bum over here all week

Nah just nice and mild. Paddy does not suit the sun. Out all day.



So theres isis in Wicklow now?

Lucky cunt, I've been burning all week

>The general reaction to Varadkar’s victory is a measure of how uprooted Irish society has become, which has little to do with Varadkar and everything to do with the age we live in. The fanfare in certain quarters and the silence in certain quarters, both speak of a shifting, rootless society. The need to be open seems to have replaced, in the minds of Irish people, the necessity to be in any way guarded. “Openness” in and of itself has no moral value, of course. Though we are treated constantly with claims that it does. It is the degree of “openness”, it is the type of “openness”, that has to be assessed and judged. Leo I will not be Leo the Last. Diversity has no designated finishing line but is an end in and of itself. The people coming to live in Ireland understand this very well. And do not need to be told it.

Who writes these? They're amazing

I dont know, have not got on to that yet. At least it was not the other cunt lookin to make irelands population to 10 million through immigration.

Yea, agreed. Coveny(?) would have been worse, however that doesn't make Vakdar and what he represents good.

We should try to shill these articles, either in full or little excerpts to get people's interest

Ireland is officially now another nigger paki shiting hole and deservedly.

>t. Defeatist cunt

fuck ireland and fuck irish """""""""""people""""""""""""""""""

We need to get normies on facebook and twitter to read it. Dont have any social network accounts myself, dont even have an email adress kek, but other anons should get to it.

>Dont have any social network accounts myself, dont even have an email adress kek, but other anons should get to it.
Kek, I'm in the same boat as you
Yea we should make little memes or infographs, like that one fellow who would take quotes from Barret's speeches


Any of yis lads into reenactment

So, you just elected a gay Indian to be your PM. Anyone here care to explain?

>homeless symbol guide
What did the Mayo man mean by this?

In all seriousness I'd love to get into some sort of code. (Not computers but cryptic messages n'shiet)

> Irish people are innocent. Perhaps the most innocent people in the multicultural age
So irritatingly innocent. We really are a simple folk

> Yea we should make little memes or infographs
Can you make them well?

We are cucked. Its as simple as that. We had the choice of him or Coveny and this


>Irish innocence
It's so infuriating when you take into account the history of the Irish nation, hindereds of years of struggle, oceans of blood poured out, all for the mere hope of an independent republic that's was not merely free but also Irish.
All to be tossed aside traitors in government and fills lost to decadence.
A pity.

>can you make them?
Not ATM, I'll be getting a new laptop sometime this week though, so should be good by then


You cut wood yerself mayoman?

theres always the third option which usually works. we could always march on the government and stage a coup

The simplicity of our country men could mean we can win em over though.

There's no wood out where i live but i do cut and bag turf

It does indeed.

Pearse made great use of hardening back to Gaelic heroes and the Ulster cycle, as well as more recent Irish revolutionaries.
You need to instill a feeling of pride in the people-especially in the children-for what it means to be Irish
This too

you don't even need that many men to successfully stage one either when they happen you always hear "Elements in the military" or "elements in the police"

Exactly, you're at a great advantage because most of your military personnel is doing leg work for the UN, outside of Ireland
I would assume it would also be similar to the situation in the US (in the event of civil war, 3/4 of the military deserts/joins revolt)


do you have that screencap??

Lads, I've been away a few weeks why did they fuck with the flags?

Nah I don't, wish I did
I have a screen cap of a post we're a guy explains how to take out the power grid/fiber optics/ radio and tv (in the us at least
But it's very poor quality and hardly legible when posted

>lol look guys im a kekistani lololollolol

Kindly burst.

of all the flags, WHY did the mods add that one?

I don't usually intrude on these threads but wouldn't it make sense for one of the new flag options to represent northern Ireland?
they made a flag for fucking pirates

Fucking heck idk. Its like they are taking the piss out of us

You'd piss off Unionist probably, don't overestimate their mental capacity.

I've seen a guy post under an Ulster flag before

What? This?

No, it had a white background instead of yellow

Are you sure it wasn't a Japanese flag on a shit resolution?

Ah, then you mean the old Northern Ireland flag. How did they get i wonder?

No, I'm sure. He was a salty cunt too, bashing Catholics and doing pro UVF shitposting as well

I always get a nice tan when I'm out in the sun and never get sun burn.

>never get a sunburn
What are you, a fucking spic?

I reckon 30k men could take the country and impose their will but not whilst were in the EU otherwise we'd be occupied by German troops.

Must be some Spanish in ye. You from munster?

Oh yeah right enough. Wouldnt go well would it now?

There is apparently. My great grandmothers surname came from Spain via France according to the interweb an stage research of others with the surname who are distant cousins. In Griffith's evaluation there is only two households of the surname. I'd say it's more than likely though that it's an obscure Irish surname with an invented history.

But wouldn't that cause the Irish people to side with the now deposed Irish usurpers and unify against the GERMan menace?

Forgot to say too that most my ancestry is from Munster.

Invented history is the best history :^)

Now it makes sense. Munster was a trading place with spain back in the day, i think it was pre plantation i cant remember now. Often you would have some mixing going on.

Maybe, depends on how cucked the public is already. If they are good little goy they will obey what the media says about it.

Legends go that people from Munster are Spanish Gauls that sailed North as opposed to the rest of Ireland who crossed land bridges from Britain too.

> Their origins, possibly Gaulish, are very obscure. According to one of their own origin legends (Laud 610), they were descendants of Heber, eldest son of King Milesius from the north of Spain (modern-day Galicia). The proto-Eóganachta, from the time of Mug Nuadat to the time of Crimthann mac Fidaig and Conall Corc, are sometimes referred to as the Deirgtine in early sources.

Godamn this Government.

I think though that any stories of Spanish admixture here though is bullshit and the whole Spanish armada survivors settling here thing to is bs as most were killed and those who weren't were helped get to Scotland where they were able to get passage back to Spain from. When I first done research on the surname I was thinking why would anyone from France or Spain come to Ireland in the late 1700s early 1800s then I remembered that's when a lot of new cathedrals and churches were built here after the penal laws were done away with and it turns out my great grandmother was from a family of stone masons so if it's true that they had foreign origins then perhaps they came here to work on new churches and cathedrals.

I've heard a theory that says a good portion of the Irish population is descended from People who sailed from what's today Portugal over 10,000 years ago

My family's all Irish I have ginger hair (most ubermensch colour) so I burn easy


I really like this high-def Barret pepe

Apparently people in northern Spain are our closest European relatives genetically. irishtimes.com/news/genetic-studies-show-our-closest-relatives-are-found-in-galicia-and-the-basque-region-1.700877?mode=amp

You elected a fucking gay PM. Kill yourselves, Ireland.


we didn't elect him, you didn't elect may

You had a choice between a globalist or a commie.
Enjoy Brexit lad.
I wish we could get out of the EU.

> No fleg
> Talking shite
Try harder next time, buddy. Take your (you) and leave.


Well makes sense, I think northern France as well (Brittany?) are celts

I'm not a Brit. So that was on their end. Not mine. I guess the Celts like having cock up their asses.

There's ginger hair in my family too but those who have it have olive skin tone and brown eyes.

>Britain, Ireland, LOL Its almost as though we here in America had the only REAL choice in our political election
Praise Kek!

You shut the fuck up, nu-pol
If you legitimately own one of those flags irl, please commit suicide somehow. Not by hanging because you're too fucking fat to do so.

Interesting, thanks user

I also heard of that


Weird I have blue eyes and porcelain white skin. Never knew gingers could have olive skin. Also would Hitler of considered the Irish aryan? What about gingers?

Oh you didn't like my flag? Is this one better? How many up-votes will I get for it?

There have been Irish workers who have fought and died fighting the foreign armies who still occupy the northern six counties. Many still have wounds from the battles they have fought against the foreign armies and occupiers.

The NP is a bunch of middle class wussy losers, wacked out on Catholic dogma, who would never lift a finger to fight like men against the army of England. They might pick a fight with some 70 year old Muslim lady though, if they could gang up on her.

Go have your rallies in front of the Sean Russell statue (a great man - I don't know who is worse, the liberals who hate him or the NP losers who try to associate themselves with him) and fuck off.

I think this is probably the one you want

الموت ل ريديت

I want to keep this flag.

"Foreign" Northern Ireland is as British as England and Londonderry is as British as London!

The only flags I find acceptable are

Facist flag needs improvement, all the other ones ought to be binned

I know a few gingers like that who have a good skin tone and red hair and brown eyes and suit it well. Dunno if olive skin is the right way to put it but they're not pasty white with bright red hair. I rarely ever see men with blonde hair in Ireland and most have dark hair blue eyes. I doubt Hitler would have considered us Aryan but I'm sure the people here would have been a curiosity to him had and Nazi race scientists.

>Join the NP

Literally a meme party

Do you even have any members yet?

Stem NP vir vrede en 'n nuwe Ierland topkek

So this is where the thread gets derailed into mindless shitposting

Speaking of the North. The DUP are getting all kind of concessions from May right now.
Won't last though.
Invite me to your country.
I want to get off this island.


Why don't the Irish in Northern Ireland just move to donegal? Its right fucking there!

IRA shouda sided with Hitler and became honorary aryans

>Londonderry is as British as London
So Derry is Pakistani then?