White males make up 31% of the U.S. population, but account for 70% of its mass shootings. Why?

White males make up 31% of the U.S. population, but account for 70% of its mass shootings. Why?

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Must be pissed off about all the niggers or something.

Probably because they keep losing their women to superior black men.

They have to go back to Iceland!

Niggers commit how many of all murders?

The blacks join gangs.
The arabs join ISIS.

I bet he would care if he were a Trump supporter, though.

Maybe they wouldn't if they had their own country ;^)

Because gang related shooting are not included in mass shootings, even if they should.

Niggers literally commit a disproportionate amount of murders though.

Blacks commit an overwhelming amount of gun-related violence. These mass shootings by whites are news-worthy incidents. Compared to niggers mowing each other down in droves in the inner cities, it's nothing.

>but account for 70% of its mass shootings.
niggers are doing drive by mass shootings on a daily basis, so no.

You just answered your own question.

You mean niggers right?

Yeah but it's mostly murdering other nigs, It actually has a net positive


Yeah, he was so privileged that he's now dead.


He's fucking dead now. He literally has no privileges at all.

assuming your facts are true:
whites are 62% of the population and commit 70% of mass shootings
blacks are 13% of the population but commit over 50% of the murders


Lmao they don't even report on nig on nog murders anymore because it's so common place it doesn't make national headlines

Mass shootings require the ability to plan more than ten minutes into the future. And, well, niggers.

I wonder if he will tweet about 3% of the population "young black males" accounting for almost 50% of the murders in the USA.


Well it is readily recognized that almost all mass shootings are committed by males so it's disingenuous to try and pick out white males specifically as over-represented when the same would be true for every race's males.

And over what time period are you examining to determine white males commit 70% of shootings because non-hispanic whites were 69.1% of the US in 2000, 75.6% in 1990, and 79.6% in 1980 so we would suspect to find whites over-represented if you're basing your numbers over several decades.

Also, arabs are considered white in the US so how are they counted in your stats?

Blacks commit 90% of crime in the U.S.
What's his point?

But they're shitty and unorganized.

Also, doesn't "mass shooting" generally imply that someone died? Apparently, even the white libtards are nigger tier

You celebrate these as they kill other blacks.

It's a problem for you only when it's conveniant?

wrong. niggers do the most mass shootings. just like this one from a month ago.. one nigger shoots 8 including a cop and the kike media is silent about it.

niggers commit more crime than anyone else including mass shooters

Because gang shootings don't get classified as mass shootings.

For the record, the FBI defines mass shooting as a single event in which four or more people are shot and killed.

So the shooting in Virginia today is not a "mass shooting." Neither are all the nigger drive-bys and gang stuff to which people in this thread are pointing.

I LOVE how you lefty niggers grasp onto any shooting to bash white people/the right LMAO!!!!!!!!!! You bitches constantly talk shit and want a revolution but back down like bitches when shit like this happens!
>hurrr durr evil white people
>no one even died yet
>thousands of people dying in chicago-detroit- etc
Pic related.You're silent when its niggers!!
SUMMER OF RAGE is here baby!! You're digging your own graves!!

This is a very misleading post. First of all, the vast majority of mass shootings are committed by males, so focusing on white males as a percentage of the total population is somewhat wrongheaded. Furthermore, I think the statistic itself is wrong. See the link provided:
Here we see that white people commit 48 out of 86 mass shootings committed in the last 30 years. That's about 56%. By comparison, whites make up 62% of the population. So, contrary to the mainstream narrative, whites actually commit a disproportionately low amount of mass shootings. By comparison, blacks make up about 13% of the population, but have committed about 17% of mass shootings, a disproportionate amount.

male niggers count for 7% of the population yet commit more than half of the murders.


mass shootings arent a real issue in america. while they talk about them a lot just normal gun related homicide and rape cases are far more common and thus a bigger issue

adjusted for percentage of the population blacks do a bit to much murdering and raping. though whites commit child molestation at a higher rate than blacks but that may just be reported cases and blacks just let it happen


White criminals are privileged. It takes white criminals FAR less time to be reported to the public, and often times our criminals of color are left out of the spotlight and go unrecognized.
This has to stop guys.

"mass shootings" are irrelevant because they make up for only a tiny minority of murders in the US, they're just the most publicized. a better statement would be "white males make up 31% of the US population, but account for 70% of media hysteria." of course that wouldn't be entirely accurate either, because we all know russia makes up for the majority of media hysteria.


>>feminist wake up with a black dick in the mouth
>>think for a moment how her cunt is getting dry
>>and about the end of civilization
>>finish her breakfast

> even in murder blacks are less organized than whites
Why I never!


I think the point is that while blacks shoot other blacks in gang violence, whites often go and shoot other whites while not involved in criminal groups. A gangbanger who has a gun and shoots other gangbangers while fighting over drugs or whatever they shoot each other for but the gangbanger doesn't go into a school/church/job and shoot up 40 random people not involved in their gang activities because their mom said they were a loser or their gang boss yelled at them. Something makes white people dis-proportionally more willing to take their problems out on coworkers, classmates, passerbys, etc.

I read something a long time ago about the pressure of perfection and dissolution of community safety nets with whites and how ethnic groups usually have an 'fallback/support group/tribe' - blacks have churches, or gangs, or a large family with multiple generations living together etc., while whites tend to push their kids out at an early age, put their parents in care homes instead of pitching in for home-care, promote living alone and dealing with problems on your own (which causes a lot of stress) and don't have the same type of in-group bonding that ethnics have. And simple things like interacting with these fallback groups tends to lower the chances of a disaffected individual wanting to lash out on others.

Also, whites were over 75% of the population 30 years ago and have declined since so we would expect them to be overrepresented as a artifact of the previous demographic profiles of the US.
So in reality whites are actually even more underrepresented than depicted.

>70% of its mass shootings. Why?

You need at least 4 kills to count as a mass shooting; most niggers are too incompetent to manage that.


>niggers commit huge amounts of gang violence
>having a gang to fall back on makes someone less likely to lash out
nigger intellectual detected

rightwinger kills someone
>I don't care if he's X. He's a Y.
leftwinger kills someone
>I don't care if he's Y. He's a X.

[citation needed]

When white males kill, it's because they snap and they're intelligent enough to plan out mass casualties.

When blacks kill it's a cultural thing and generally planned out because it's over something petty.

remember guys we are all just one race! Racist BTFO!

Nice numbers, you pull them directly from your ass?

You forget LEFTIST whites males, okay?

You fail to mention the overwhelming majority of mass shooters in the last 10 years have been nutty, leftists.

You're not making a point, you're just crying that we don't like blacks and that we recognize less of them is beneficial to us.

The point is that the gang violence usually happens against other gangbangers - criminals killing ciminals and society doesn't lose anything important. Jamal shoots Tyrone because he was selling crack on his turf in the ghetto, who cares. Jamal doesn't go into a mall or college and shoot 30 random people not involved in his gang because he was feeling bullied and inadequate and got strung out on antidepressants.

old rand has something to say about todays event

When will the nigger flag post meme die

Not to mention how many of these shooters are "white" as we also know the census counts Latin as white.
This whole thread is a truckload of yawn

>tfw when niggers want to bring up gun violence statistics.
Oh, sweetie.

This is nonsensical point. Not only do niggers kill innocent blacks and whites in the process they do it in larger numbers than the death toll of any mass shootings

the distinctions between mass shootings and shootings is as real as making a distinction between knowing your rape victim and not knowing them and saying on is worse than the other.

Yeah, but that's not the same "kind" of mass shooting. They're talking about a very specific set of circumstances

When a white man does a mass shooting they call him "mentally ill", have candlelight vigils and make documentaries about the incident.

When a nigger does a mass shooting, they call it "gang violence" and don't consider it a mass shooting "because", it makes it onto local news (maybe), no one gives a shit and somehow it's white people's fault if you bother to ask black people what they think.

When a Muslim does a mass shooting, liberals immediately come out of the woodwork to apologize to Muslims and made excuses for them, the media plays games admitting that a Muslim did it for religious reasons, Muslims stay quiet while the liberals fellate them about how "peaceful" they are and everyone forgets it one or two weeks later no matter how high the body count is.

Blacks have rape, theft and gang crime. We (whites) have mass shooting. . . .deal with it.

This is a flatout lie. Niggers commit the most it just gets excused as gang violence.

We as niggers are just violent retards. I say that as a nigger nationalist.

Where'd you get those stats?

How is mass-shooting defined? there are mass shooting multiple times a day in nig central.

Since men are the majority of all mass shooters, why even define sex? If you say 60% is responsible for 70% it doesnt have the same ring to it?

Also niggers do drive bys and shoot other niggers outside of schools which also gets excused as gang violence instead of school shooting.

Our average IQ is ~80. We're mentally deficient; we can't help it.

yea the kind that is statically less likely than all others. Again mass shooting are virtually identical to niggers firing into each others neighborhoods indiscriminately like what happens in Baltimore weekly.

>let's just redefine the definition of mass shooter to ignore all the nigger crime

fuck you nigger

Blacks are one shot, one kill. Whites on the other hand...

This. Deceiving statistics.

We niggers are gonna nig. Amirite?

Because they are tired of your shit, nigger.

no they have rape theft and violent crimes.

Gang crime and mass shootings are distinctions made to excuse and smoke screen the issue.

It is like making up a distinction between rapist who know their victims or not.

because of niggers obviously

nigger males make up 7% of the US population but commit over 50% of the violent crime

my almonds are activating

whites are better at shooting

now post who makes up the most gun related criminal homocides

ya'll niggas always be niggin.

Because gang shootings aren't classified as mass shootings.

I sure do like raping white ladies. I mean, I know it's wrong, but our sheeboons are just so ugly. That's why so many of us kill: out of frustration toward the ugliness of our nigger women. That and crack cocaine.

Please, whitey, more handouts. I need rims on my Honda Civic.

>How is mass-shooting defined? there are mass shooting multiple times a day in nig central.

>I sure do like raping white ladies. I mean, I know it's wrong, but our sheeboons are just so ugly. That's why so many of us kill: out of frustration toward the ugliness of our nigger women.
reminder that sheboons are so undesirable that white men rape literally 0

>Because gang shootings aren't classified as mass shootings.
Why do they do this?

Except even when more than 4 niggers die in Baltimore its not called a mass shooting.

why haven't they announced the SF shooter's race yet?
>UPOS worker
>in Sf
Because he's almost definitely not white, that's why.
So, Mexican, Black, or Musselman?

>why haven't they announced the SF shooter's race yet?

Why do niggers kill more people than anyone in the U.S.?

well whites are, objectively, the most deadly force to ever grace this earth.

Gang violence is the excuse

>Since men are the majority of all mass shooters, why even define sex?

Sup Forums finally admits men are more violent, insane, criminal and murderous than women. No matter which demographic it is - whites, blacks, Muslims - it's always the men in it that are the problem, not the women.

Want to profile? Start with men.

It's hard to just chimp out and rack up a score of 25 when you don't plan, know how to shoot, money for decent weaponry/ammo/protection, or have any intelligence. This is why high scores are dominated by whites and azns

because niggers aren't human

We can't give black pussy away. Worst business decision I ever made was to pimp black bitches. It's a stupid investment. Too ugly for $2 blowjobs. And between the grape drink and weed they need to keep awake you just loose money. That's why we must interbreed with you whites. We're so ugly we can't stand looking at ourselves.

Kinda need men for a society to function though. Definitely don't need people with brown skin.

Thats always been apart of our argument for profiling m8

No one has a problem when a shop keeper says he follows men more than women.

is he mad the guy got on tv?