Why aren't you having kids with your white gf, Sup Forums?
Why aren't you having kids with your white gf, Sup Forums?
Because I have a vasectomy.
Because I already have two.
Too busy improving myself before concerning myself with trying to find a non-thot qt3.14
Because I do not currently have a girlfriend, dipshit. If you could point me in the general direction of where a decent girl might be, that would be great.
Gotta wait till I can support them and be a responsible father. What are we? Child support Dindus?
Because I've had two vasectomies.
the human race shouldn't continue
because I'm not economically independent yet
Because I'm too busy having kids with your white gf.
You really need to find girls who are leaning in the direction of traditionalism, then groom them for yourself.
You'll never find the perfect girl in the wild. Woman are animals, waiting to be tamed.
At the moment, while the support from gov is pretty good, the law isn't as fucked for the man as in the West, I wonder why I don't have 10 kids yet. Oh wait, I know why. tfw no gf
Girls don't like me
>with your white gf
Sex before marriage is degenerate.
>not wife
Degenerate desu.
Black user here. I already have 3.
Seven Kids and Happily Ever After. You want seven kids. People think two kids is replacement, but that’s not true. Two kids gets you physical replacement, but the genomes are slightly degraded, so you want three kids to make sure two of them are on average healthier than you. But you also want the eugenic effect of higher quality people having more kids, so: four kids. But you also have to take into account that some of your kids will not reproduce, because they will be killed in battle, die of sickness, or get brainwashed at college, so that makes five kids for basic eugenic replacement. You should also have at least two spares just to be sure, and to replace the losses of the 20th century. Seven kids.
I have 2 fine young boys, blond haired and blue eyed, just like my wife.
She and I are not in love yet. I don't even call her my gf yet.
My mistake. I meant a gf to be your future wife and child bearer.
>with your white gf
I wish.
I have 4.
Because she has severe mental health problems, as do most of her family, and I would never risk spawning a child and dealing with that for the rest of my adult life.
I hardly know why I'm still with her
that doesn't stop our melanin enriched friends
What white gf? They all go to college as soon as they are legal age and get fucked in the head.
Because I'm not darkr enought
White women are beyond redemption.
so basically you browse Sup Forums all day and fap to anime nazi porn then complain about women and how sexually frustrated you are.
and just like the postman
already have OP next question
Also a faggot
I'm not white
my gf has brown nipples therefore can't be white
For the thousandth time, I'm a fat ugly dicklet so stop asking!
>Why aren't you having kids with your white gf
but i do
I have 3 little snow niggers
I don't want to be locked into 18 years of court-mandated child support if she leaves me.
I'm not against taking care of my children, if I had any. I am against the government deciding how much I have to give her.
Faggots don't get vasectomy's retard. Learn to shitpost ffs
>Sup Forums, having a GF
you can't have kids with a Chinese cartoon girl
Until we undergo a genocide of women who have absorbed tainted nigger DNA we can't have white children. All a woman has to do to make herself permanently non-white is to come into contact with shitskin sperm. Even if all she's done is give a blowjob to a nigger she's damaged goods. The purge has to happen before the baby boom.
I aint got no game son
that girl in pic is a pot smoking degenerate btw, search the filename and you'll find her nudes.
Inseminated her this am, also planning on having another child. Doing what I can for the cause.
But I am
Maybe find a good woman then.
I've put at least 3 white kids into the world. That I know of. I've done my job. Now shaddup.
Because my gf is Asian
what the fuck.
I blame the jews for this
Because I chose the path of Wizardry and it's too late for me now
Just off yourself
Post them.
because I don't see the point in having kids with anyone who isn't at least 5-10 years younger than I am, and since I'm 19 and not a pedophile I figured I would just wait
I am
because i dont have a white gf or even a gf for that matter
sucks to be a loser
Looks like shes sucking a vacuum cleaner
For the good of our country, stop this
Late stage capitalism keeps the worker class too busy and financially insecure to properly raise a child.
Can't even tell, if this shopped. Varg had an autistic hissy fit the last weeks and started writing like that. He really is a white nigger, senpai.
Im too busy having kids with your girlfriend.
It's a bong, deus homo
Because I have a wife.
You're coming at the issue all wrong. First the whole girlfriend/boyfriend/dating concept was invented to turn girls into sluts, forget it. You don't look for a girl, you find a good family that has a daughter and arrange with her father to court her for marriage.
because white girls fuck dogs
>for the good of the leaf
I'm 5'6 and don't feel like I deserve a gf. Millions of better men than me, no reason for a woman to be my gf or wife.
Just had one today
Because it's hard to find a qt trad wife.
I know I was just pointing out an observation fagtron
>breeding with white whore roasties who take Jamals cock on the regular
Sorry op but no thanks
Because I'm fucking a hapa.
unless you're wealthy, you shouldn't be having kids.
I'm 5'7 my GF is 5'8 are you disfigured or something?
nice projecting
Looks like Mei from Overwatch
Wow, this was actually insightful.
The automobile has been a disaster for the human race.
Go see an optometrist
Turn that attitude around, user. I am 5'6 and have had plenty of women. You can do it, man. You do not have to be super attractive or anything. You just need to build that confidence up.
because basic factory job in the west(usa+eu) doesnt let me sustain family of wife and 3children, heck even 1 is big financial burden.
Why would we want to mix with devils? I don't want my children to have Tall White Alien genes in them.
LOL i wish
Jokes on you I have really bad eye.
-7.5 on both
>that I know of
Not being a traditional father-figure and raising them up properly. You know you probably did more harm - they will grow up to be degenerates if they'll grow up with their single mother and will be brainwashed by the media & the schooling system.
Don't just plow the field and fertilize it, you also have to groom the crops, otherwise the yield will be just as shitty as if you hadn't done anything in the first place.
the girl in the picture is the same race as you anyway
Actually had a paternity test done, good thing because they look nothing like me.
>having white children
Where can I meet non whore white women in Canada?
I live in a shithole where all the females are too busy "having fun" on the cock carousel...
Married and never having kids. Waste of time and money. Can spend all that doing stuff that's actually fun instead of taking care and raising some annoying brat, hoping they turn out okay and not some SJW faggot or pedophile.
I will have 4 white children with two different white women.
White men we cannot be bridled with monogamy right now. There are too few of us strong enough to open the womb, so those of us who are must open multiple wombs.
Because her dick is bigger than mine.
Fornication is (((degenerate))) marry her and have kids like a man does.
take away the big tits and she's just another flat faced greedy materialistic mongol appropriating european culture
"urn that attitude around, user. I am 5'6 and have had plenty of women. You can do it, man. You do not have to be super attractive or anything. You just need to build that confidence up." you do kinda need to look good I'm a 6.5/10 when my friend asked 75 Canadian Asian and white women
>your gf
I have 3.
>no guarantee you and your girlfriend or wife will stay together
>have children with her anyway
>a few years later you divorce
>forced to pay child support
if you have a child knowing all this, you deserve what you get. i hate mras because they don't want to take responsibility for their stupidity and where they put their dick
>tfw antinatalist and i love it
no shitty kids to look after
no kids to waste money on
no autistic kids to look after