Why do you guys always argue about who counts as white?
Why do you guys always argue about who counts as white?
Because race is important.
Fun. Every gatherings showed just how multiracial Sup Forums really is
Because they are arguing essentially over who should be included in their utopian ethnostate. Because genetic distance matters.
Because of jews. It started when people tried to separate jews from whites and (((they))) used it as an excuse to divide and conquer. Memes like the eternal anglo,
Blonde=/=White, just bring up racial division among whites.
But you'll fall for it.
It's just a meme. It's easy to tell who's white:
>not a nigger
>not a sandnigger
>not a gook/chink
>not a poo
>not a jew
>not a mix of any of the above with white
Why does a non white care what whites do?
OP. Why don't you ask someone if they are black enough?
So you admit us argentinians are white?! Checkmate!
Because most people on Sup Forums aren't white, and are very insecure about it.
>american ethnonationalists
what? I don't see blacks arguing over who is and isn't black
who are these cringey fags anyway
That, my friend, is a Sup Forums meetup from earlier this year.
It's just lefties and non whites who try to bait by claiming various Europeans aren't white. It's pathetic.
They do actually. Haven't you see the shit lighter skinned blacks get? Or race mixed kids, or dark girls when their own men say they're too black?
Because we are facing an existential threat. The fate of our race depends on us.
They do, as this user said In countries like Brasil shit gets even worse, mixed race people are obsessed with race.
>I post on the same board as these subhumans
as if leafs weren't bad enough
Because I will not stand for "white mexicans" aka hook-nosed jew-looking Andalucians, to call themselves white in my presence
>that gallon of milk
what the fuck
That was years ago breh. Try to keep up.
Pretty sure it's now a symbol of white supremacy, so naturally a Sup Forumsack would brig it out in public to trigger lefties.
Divide and conquer jidf shills
White is literally just a shade of skin color
Well, it's still stupid but I thought it was one of those /fit/ fags doing a "GOMAD" meme diet.
Also I wonder how many of those guys tried to hit on that one girl to the point where they all turned into beta orbiters.
We don't, (((they))) do. It's shill div&conq always sage it, just like this thread
70% of Puerto Rico identifies as "white". We have to put our foot down.
>70% of Puerto Rico identifies as "white". We have to put our foot down.
This, so much this. A bunch of Mediterranean wogs thinking they are any better than their Arab cousins. Unacceptable!
It's pretty fucking sad. They all need to get the fuck out, no nonwhites.
Because pic related.
If you're 95%+ European then yes.
If you don't have blonde hair/blue eyes, you aren't White. Anything else is caused by race mixing.
Slavs aren't white. White is cuck color. Slavs are slav color.
To avoid having racial impure beaner invaders such as Lauren Southern who claim to be white.
Ummm actually when american media was run by WASPS slavs were never white.
Race doesn't exist, phenotypes form a continuum
What if they have brown nips tho?