"DURRR I NEED MUH AR-15 to protect me from the guvment"

You ignorant rednecks clinging to your guns is why there were TWO FUCKING MASS SHOOTINGS TODAY.

You don't need a gun or at least one that can take a 30 round clip. For fucks sake, why do you need an AR besides "It pisses off le liberals"

Why the fuck can't we just catch up to the modern world? Australia, UK, France, and a myriad of other countries ban or at least restrict guns, whereas here in dumbfuckistan we have guns and ammo that any jackass can buy without so much as a background check.

Lets get some facts straight

>You will never fight the government you fat fuck

>You will never use your gun in self defense

>You will never use your gun to protect other people either, that is just a paranoid fucking fantasy. Does it happen? Yea. But it won't happen to you.

Just fucking let your guns go. Play with airguns or something so kids can fucking live.

Other urls found in this thread:


So you wish to take power away from the people, eh? I always thought that liberals want to empower people. Guess the conservatives are right. Progressives just want people toothless,servile, and stupid.

Democrats should not own fire arms.

I want to take the power to kill mass amounts of people taken from psychos.

You one naive fucker

AR-15 is a hunting rifle made to look like an "assault weapon" you dense fuck.

New slide topics every happening.

It's time to round up and remove all liberals and liberal sympothisers.

Go live in the UK faggot traitor, there when ahmed doesn't have a gun, you'll be run over and then stabbed to death

>everything that disagrees with me is just spam.

>You don't need a gun or at least one that can take a 30 round clip.
>30 round clip

Then take guns away from democrats

Libfucks just thought they fought the government today by shooting up a baseball game. Regulations on guns won't stop shit. This is a year old copy pasta for that matter, sage this slide shit

Conservatives fear that the agenda of liberals is a slippery slope, and you will find many comments made by liberals to that very effect. They will start with a law passed that seems very small, and then it will continue that way until we are forced to sell our weapons back to the government like Australia. The liberals want all of our guns with any real power taken away.

The constitution was written for a responsible and self governing populace. It was not made for our corrupt, decadent, and evil times. We need to change as a nation.

Its not the Bill Of Needs

If all gun owners can be punished by the actions of extremist antifa terrorists, then by your logic it's fine to blame every single last Muslim in the world for Islamic extremist terrorism.

Muslim genocide when?

The bullet was designed in a way that when you shot a deer with it, the two other deer had to get out of cover to drag their buddy to the medic deer.

>a couple injured, zero killed
>mass shooting

no, nobody is taking anyone's guaranteed civil rights. No need to. NOW...swimming pools! those are dangerous..more people drown every day than are killed by guns. We need to ban swimming pools.
And bagels. More people are injured from trying to cut bagels than by guns.
Why do I need it OP? Because its a guaranteed right. Why do we need free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, due process, freedom from unreasonable search and seizure? All for the very same reason.

stop being a civil rights denier


But how many niggers were shot by police? Why is the media ignoring the black man. over 200 blacks were shot by police today. Cannot cite because msm won't report it because they racist. kangz n shit.

>San Franciso
>Washington DC

blames people in south east

With you leftists luney tunes on the loose...Right wingers NEED ARMS AGAINST LEFTUST, DOMESTIC TERRORISTS!

Why are you leftists so nuts and violent? Why is it, that in the last ten years, it is males that overwhelmingly vote Democrat party, that are America's mass shooters?

>2 posts by this ID

>appealing to a paper

The constitution originally had slavery in it. We changed that and we should change this.
I blame all gun owners. ]


Will you please kill yourself and your offspring and your entire bloodline?

No. This is why. And congress knows it.

What a surprise, Democrats mock the victims of genocide.

As for 'getting facts straight' the only fact is, you are a retard.

bonus fact-- We are never giving up our guns.

>other things are worse so therefore this isn't a problem

So what
Cars caused ten times that many. Want to remove all cars?

I wonder how many of those gun based murders were niggers

>You will never use your gun in self-defense

the odds are 1 in 10 that you will. citizen owned guns are used to thwart/stop crime 3 million times a year.

I dont like anecdotal evidence, but my gun stopped an attack. I travel for work. I left the field office late. In the parking garage I was followed. When I got to my car, I already had my gun out of my purse and turned.

He stopped 5 feet from me, at the bumper of my car. He blinked and his eyes got wide. He held his hands up. He backed away slowly. I drove to my hotel and called the police

>ITT you can't rape an armed woman

Less people die from that scary looking gun than are stabbed. Most gun deaths are by pistol and are self inflicted.

New York has like no guns and we have no shootings at all. Can't be a coincidence

Bernie Sanders supporters don't shoot people, guns shoot people.

Wait.......have I got that backwards?

NYer here.

Even here we will never, ever give up our guns. The most anyone has done here is make their ARs have a fixed mag in a way that can be switched back within 2 minutes. Hardly anyone (((registered))) and nobody, nobody is going to fucking turn over anything, and I guarantee if state troopers come to take anything, there aren't going to be any more state troopers.

Look at Australian murder rates post gun ban. Yes gun murders went down but number of murders didnt.

.0000085% of the population abusing a civil right each day, isn't a 'problem'. It approaches zero. You can't get closer to zero.

200 million guns owned by 80 million people. and a scant few abuse it each day. That's not even close to being a problem. If those 200 MILLION guns suddenly became a problem..you'd know it.

>you will never use your gun in self defense

but I have and so have others that i know you dumb fucking rhesus monkey.

If you dumb fucks are gonna reply to bait at least sage your response

I need a AR-15 to protect myself from niggers in Louisiana. Surely someone such as yourself would love to have their house broken into and be raped by Jamal. Even If you ban guns, what's stopping people from stealing trucks and stabbing people?

you know not who you speak to fool

>why do you need an AR besides "It pisses off le liberals"
>implying this isn't a major part of the ownership and enjoyment of firearms

The range is my hippy-free safe space. Stop oppressing me you shitlord.

>proxies replying to own post
If he isn't retarded.

Nice Reddit spacing, faggot.

Other countries don't have to deal with Mexico.

Hey there shareblue

>slide thread


Won't work buddy, not in the US it won't

The AR15 takes up about 3% of all gun deaths in the US (and significantly less in total gun crime) despite it also being the most popular rifle of which there are millions in civilian hands.

oh be careful user, say sensible stuff like that and you'll get tons of hate from people that need the ability to possibly kill over 20 people in a space of 10 seconds without reloading, or need a freaking sniper rifle with a silencer for home defense , or a machine gun capable of piercing armored vehicles, for self defense, or a hand gun they can conceal in their pockets that can be quickly reloaded with 15 bullet magazines, you know, incase they get cornered by 5 muggers with no self preservation all at once. You really gotta be careful, or some well meaning peaceful protestors with loaded AR15s and assault shotguns will open carry around your location, saying things like "just try to take my guns from me" and "we don't need safeties, your brain is the safety", but of course they don't mean to be threatening or scare away people.

Granted, THIS faggot is probably from reddit, but double spacing =/= reddit

>10 Hilldawg!™ tokens have been deposited into your account

Let me refute your meticulously created copy pasta with a simple sentence.
2nd amendment
Eat shit and die shill

Cars kill more people on a yearly basis then guns do
Stop letting your panzy ass girly feelings sway you're thoughts about something like this
>But you're a red neck
Is not an arugment

It's too late to ban them you braindead faggot. There's like a hundred trillion guns here.

The US military holds an oath to uphold the Constitution. If we tried to over throw the government. It's there job to help. So yes we can beat the government you dumb fuck

My grandparents live in chicago. do you think the gun violence is rednecks with licensed weapons you stupid goddamned moron?

passing a law doesnt make guns disappear.

it isnt for the most part licensed gun owners despite the media reliably hyperfocusing on the rare multi shooters - its niggers and spics with illegal guns that are probably 95% of gun violence in chicago.

Im not looking to fight the gov - most of the military would do that.

Im looking to not bring a winning smile to a gun fight in a Dem run shithole

And as predicted, you faggots are DESPERATE yo make it about guns abd not LEFTIST VIOLENCE.


>it didn't
>it didn't
>it didn't
lmaoing at your life OP

>You will never fight the government you fat fuck

So far the government is not tyrannical to the point we need to you fat fuck.

>You will never use your gun in self defense

Already have against a burglar in my home. He pulled a gun and got put in the ICU and eventually prison for his trouble.

>You will never use your gun to protect other people either, that is just a paranoid fucking fantasy. Does it happen? Yea. But it won't happen to you.

Again this happened to me. Same fucking situation. He pulled a gun on me and my wife so yes shooting his ass protected someone else besides me.

In the end fuck you. Your ideals would have meant the end of my life 17 years ago. Fuck you and everyone like you.

Uh huh. And how much gun crime is there in the UK for example? Virtually nothing. Try again. ;)

Shitlibs using one of their own as an argument for gun control. I think we should take away guns from democrats because guns don't belong in the hands of the mentally unstable.

It gets on my nerves to see burgers dumping their God-given rights into the trash bin. You really don't realize how lucky you are to have had people like General Washington and his gang found your ungrateful nation. I invite those americans who are pro disarmament to come here to Brazil. You'll see what it feels like to be helpless, unable to defend yourself.

Did the number of murders change?

didn't someone just fight the govt due to having that gun

Did the number of murders change? Fuck you Leaf

guns are necessary.


was going to post the exact same image

Yes they did. See, after 2010 it's smooth sailing while you ameritards are having a mass shooting every week!

I may not live in the UK but the next best thing, Canada. Shame we're so close to you gun loving hicks.

Was such a big problem before huh : )

Now fascists like you can't mow down 50 people in seconds so problem solved ^-^

Is this what we're doing today?

>same image shows up multiple times in one month with terrible non-argument OP comment every time
>implying it isn't all obvious spam

>7 gun control legislation passed in the span of a century
>before any of them, there was literally no change
>after them there was no change
You sure showed me

Go fuck yourself

Informative response from the average right wing intellectual

>And how much gun crime is there in the UK for example?

Well they refuse to release the statistics annually (I can't think why either), but believe me the (((news))) are only to keen to tell you that records are the lowest they've been for (((years))). Bizarrely not as low as it was pre-handgun ban and not anywhere near as low as before the firearms law was changed (1982 I believe).

Reminder it was (((Thatcher))) who first changed the guns laws.

Reminder it was (((Major))) who first suggested a handgun ban in 1996 immediately after Dunblane.

Reminder the (((Tories))) are just as cancerous as (((Labour))).

Reminder none of them have had anything close to a based MP since the '60s.

they just knife and glass each other there.

>implying we can't get AR-15s here
we can even get Vepr 12s (not even sure it's not banned from import for you, merry friends)

granted, we can't carry (except to and from shooting range and gun shop), we can't use them for self defense, and we need to register them (all of which is lame; we still can get hunting guns and riffles without registering provided we have a hunting license)
and granted, it won't last long with EU faggotry

but still: don't lump us together with australian and brit eunuchs

>If all gun owners can be punished by the actions of extremist antifa terrorists, then by your logic it's fine to blame every single last Muslim in the world for Islamic extremist terrorism.
>Muslim genocide when?
That's good imma steal that

>Why the fuck can't we just catch up to the modern world? Australia, UK, France, and a myriad of other countries ban or at least restrict guns
Explain to me, you fucking retard, what that would even do in The US, where there are firearms than citizens? These firearm regulation shills come out like clockwork every time there is a shooting and push the same propaganda about useless weapon regulations. If you really give a shit about civilian deaths, go shill for something relevant, like big tobacco or drunk driving.

The deadliest weapon is a retarded sub human in possession of an advanced tool made by a superior mind. Not the tool itself.

>meme brackets
We need those bands to keep guns out of the hands of Nazis like you.

The only way to do that is to lobotomize the masses. Where there's a will, there's a kill.

We live in the modern world where we have nice things including tools capable of inflicting massive damage to large numbers of people.

You will never be able to keep these tools out of the hands of psychos in a free society ( another one of those nice things we have - a free society ).

The only thing you can do is keep the psychos out and work to foster societal cohesion.

You do realize even if you found a way to ban guns, you still have criminals with illegally owned firearms right? Also that crime rate is the same fucking thing

That's a gun control compromise that I could live with honestly.

Well done countryman, I will too.


>All Republicans are psychos
See how easy that would be to abuse?

>people say Trumps wall wont do anything to stop undocumented immigrants from coming
>theyll always find a way
>(want to) build it anyways because "it'll stop 90% of them at least xD"
>analogies about letting flies into house and windows
When it comes to guns though... hmm.....



Democrats know they can't be trusted with guns. Everyone else knows they need guns to defend themselves against Democrats.

This is actually true.

Watch as a mentally ill liberal fantasizes about shooting everyone she comes into contact with for a month.


-2 mentally unstable people with AR-15s and many people are shot.
-700+ responsible gun owners locked and loaded and not a single shot is fired.
Pic related, last weekend.

Archived that for you

>You ignorant rednecks clinging to your guns is why there were TWO FUCKING MASS SHOOTINGS TODAY.
But neither shooting was by an ignorant redneck. They were done by leftists.


You're fucking stupid, why can't you get it through your maple-syrup drenched skull that regardless of how many restrictions you have. Criminals and other Democrats will still own a gun. Same with terrorist attacks, what's stopping them from stealing a truck and stabbing people? Are you going to ban trucks after?
