looks like a dude with shitty makeup and a fake tit

Why is it ''okay'' for you to post a dickpic on social media but she can't post a pic of her(not even nude) niple on instagram without being bodyshamed?

>Things that never happened the thread

Islam does not permit such degeneracy. Women who get unruly are punished.


She's not wrong.

So basically her dad said she was being a whore?
Explains the triad.

god damn i wanna stick muh BBC in dat ho mouf

ok, but why did she have to post a picture of it?

This matter is so trivial I'm surprised this is even on Sup Forums. She isn't wrong about choosing to not wear a bra, but she should've been conscious that many will critique her posting that publicly. Its so obvious there would have been a backlash.

I've noticed a lot of people not wearing bras in the summer and it's cringeworthy. Why do they do this.

>people complaining about seeing nipple
actual, literal faggots

Think of the children!

I think the #FreeTheNipple shit is something that everyone can agree on. They feel like they're stronk, we get to see nips for free. There was a chick that was super into this nip shit at my uni and once a week she'd walk through campus without a shirt or bra. Her flesh pillows were ridiculous and all of the guys knew where to be when it happened. She thought it was great, and so did we.

She is right.

someone convince me that islam will not be the force that mops all this up

Fucking kill yourself you shill

>t. Shariablue

Suggesting that someone not place their nude body on display for the entire world to see because they understand how nudity propagates on the internet is not equivalent to complaining about seeing nudity.

> don't wear bras
> wonder why boobs got so saggy when she gets old

I see nothing wrong with this. Hyper-sexualization needs to end. Wonder Woman honestly changed me.

>Attention whoring this hard
>Will complain about people looking at her

Typical female.

>Will complain about people looking at her
rural and suburban retard alert

It is functionally the same. If you actual, literal faggots had the world as you wanted it, you would see less boobs. It's a fact. There is no difference.

wow you gotta admit this is powerful


>look at my boobs

She is exactly saying the contrary, maybe you should read things twice.

If she wants to be an attention whore, that's her own problem and apparently she won't complain if people look at her.

>nipples are natural and exposing them in public shouldn't be a big deal!
>to prove it here is a photo of my nips along with a 10 page manifesto about them

you gotta show mad respect to this

It's actually the opposite, boobs get saggier if you wear bras.

>cotton titbag isn't natural
>attention whoring on the internet with your pocket computer is


Yea, free the nips girl... but take a hedge trimmer to those stupid fucking eyebrows please. Fuck I hate the Kardashians and their influence on these vapid sluts.

she'll regret being stupid when she is 28 and her boobs sag like my balls. braless boobs cause the tendons to stretch or some shit which causes droopage. i'm not some titty doctor, so i don't the in and outs of it.

>Wonder Woman honestly changed me.
>Being morally influenced by a comic book/adaptation of a comic book
Neck yourself you easily controlled faggot

>tendons in boobs

>caterpillar eyebrows

Every single time you see shit like this, it's not for some high-minded ideal of "freeing the nipple" or somesuch fucking nonsense.
It's for attention.
Women would walk around naked 24/7 if it got them all the attention it desired.
Don't assume nobility of thought in women where none exists.

I don't know who this you is because, I'm not friends with this person nor did I request to not see her boobs. It is not functionally the same, because the person making the request may or may not have a vested interest in not seeing this persons breasts. They are not my breasts, so I don't care, but I understand the reality that this person may feel differently in the future about their decision.

wow this is deep.. you gotta show mad props to this

bras literally do the opposite of what theyre designed for and make tits sag

i'm all for this trend of no bras for selfish reasons

I thought chicks wear bras because when they walk, their tits bounce around, and it's uncomfortable.

I'm down with this, these bitches think they hurt the patriarchy by showing their ass and bobs in public? TOP KEK you go girl it makes me soooo mad ;)

>neck yourself you easily controlled faggot
Being a sexualization monkey is on par with being a nigger.
Breasts signify maternity, not the erotic.

like i said, i am no titty doctor
ligaments is what i should have said, i knew it was something like that, more or less the same, see pic

>morals are a construct
>ok now lets ruin ourselves and everything lol

bras are designed to give cleavage you useless ancap

you think the peeps responding to her would be ok with dickpics.....


ur rly smrt

Slide thread.

>1 post by this ID

this ho look like a clown

not any better, faglord