Should we protest this?

So it turns out some stupid half-silicone mongrel whore is organising a "slutwalk".

Does anybody else want to go out and protest this shit? Why are we allowing this to just go on without any opposition? Sure, internet activism is good, but real life activism is better. These people are literally complicit in the destruction of our civilisation. They should not be given a free pass.

Pic related isn't bait by the way, it's something she posted on Twitter which received over 140,000 likes/retweets. Says a lot about a society when such blatant pornography is allowed without any sort of backlash, and when the only backlash is directed towards those who criticise it.

Women's liberation was a mistake.

>Women's liberation was a mistake.
Yes, yes it was.

I wonder if the reaction would be as positive had a man posted a picture of his bits on his twitter account followed by children.

and do what, rape them?

the only people who are relevant in protesting this are parents and other women


Im 100% ok with a woman posting nudes. 100%

niggers dont shave their pubes confirmed. gross.

I'd fug her ;DDD

>his bits
tbqh it would prob mean even less. it's just pubic hair i'm sure there's celebs who have posted that

she look like a skyrim mod


Nice muff

This is what she said to Piers Morgan for having the decency to call this whale-sized bitch out.


muh dik

W what are you?'

holy shit that is what i thought it was at first before resizing it

Europe's a skyrim mod

women want attention, ignore it and if it ever mentioned to you just ridicule it.

>that disgusting airbrush job

god create hair to cover up his mistakes

who cares

Slutwalks are good. It's just a method of outing women who are not marriage material.

Juden Raus!

fuck I think i better keep hating and she might keep posting!

I'm fully with you dude, let's try get a discussion going on this shit at a national level.

pick your battles user

It's great when sluts slut, but when sluts start encouraging and converting the pure ones into sluts because they get to portray their slutting as this cool and great thing without showing why it's fucked up... then it becomes a problem

>this strong reaction to oppose naked women on streets
I have news for you son. You are gay.

i want to fuck that


I warned you about the biosluts, yet you refused to listen

whoah when did they mess with flags

>wanting degeneracy to stop.
this is why nu/pol should be gassed.

Fuck off, kike.


Not gonna lie I would totally pound that pussy.

A woman's naked body isn't pornography. Being nude is natural and not degenerative at all. Being fully clothed and having secks while being filmed is.

I knew I should of invested in google glass! ... Anyone know any good camera glasses?

>should we give an attention whore attention



America has some weird views on nudity in general

Pubes did nothing wrong

absolutely disgusting

didn't kanye fuck that

>Zero tolerance

>whale sized

fuck off, this is the same liberal degeneracy that got France where they are.

>Does anybody else want to go out and protest this shit?
No. You will get laughed at for being a fucking retard. If you let yourself get triggered by Amber Rose then you should just kys

>Being fully clothed and having secks
I have no idea how this would work.

Those hips can't be real. R-right guys?

She's fat as fuck.

time to fap !1!!!1

No, she fucked kanye

Niggers are fucking gross

If people don't start tweeting bushy dick pics at her I'm gonna be real disappointed

>women expose themselves in the name of liberation

we should organize a pro sharia protest at the same place on the same day

>there are women out there who genuinely believe they're fighting some imaginary construct by posting nudes of themselves on the internet

Go back to the 18th century

You need to visit an art museum or look at some old architecture with reliefs of nude bodies on them. America is this way because we were founded by puritans.

oh we progressive now?

Let's totally go to this.

To protest. Y-yeah, that's it...

>rape them
That's cultural appropriation white boi!

Quite a different thing from what was posted in the OP, friend.

I honestly can't tell the ethnicity of this woman

Im 100% ok with THIS woman posting nudes. 100%

This entire thread is bait. Why would anyone in their right mind protest against nudity? You honestly act like these types of events have never taken place before, which makes me really question you're age and mental robustness.

Europe for example is completely fine with nudism, how come us Americans are weirdly sexual in many themes, but very prude in others? Like others in the thread have stated, female nudity shouldn't be discouraged. Its not really degeneracy to begin with. Public sex is, but walking naked isn't.

Think of ancient Greek statues. That architectural era is chalk FILLED with nude art. There is literally nothing wrong taking place. You'd have to be a raging homosexual to protest this event....But I do agree with you're overall antipornography sentiment. It is not natural and more regulation should be put on it.


>Equating this fat ugly bitch with works of classical art
Fuck you.

She looks like a lighter version of Grace Jones.

>A bunch of autists protesting

That'll be entertaining.
So tell me what will you say when they ask,
"Why are you against women with healthy sex lives?"

They just want attention. If you want them to go away, ignore them. There's nothing attention seeking women hate more than being ignored.



People need to stop making a big deal about nudity. Its as natural as can possibly be. Its only really Americans that care so much

>implying there aren't women all over sandnigger land that have their throats cut for not wearing an ET hat

>disproportionatly affects women of colour

Cause niggers

She's not even black. Bitch is white as snow. She has a half kid tho.


And the fact that America is a puritan based underculture is the reason why I, whilst many others are CIRCUMSIZED! This paranoia of the morality regarding sex in our culture has put us to such a distract measure that almost every child has his FORESKIN removed! People like you are the reason why I have no foreskin! Damn you to hell! This is why we have such prevalent autism in our population and ruined limbic systems! This is crazy, insane!

All nudity isn't the same. Today's public nudity is laden with all kinds of context and political message.

omg so #bravewoman
This is all just a shitty rehash of something that happened a long time ago.

America has become Stale. Derivative. Plastic. Ugly

middle girl's breasts just fucking deflated
me in the top left btw

if a "pure one" gets corrupted by a couple pictures, then she was just a whore waiting to become a whore.

I'm sorry if you're gay enough to not like naked women. But I do.

>mfw #amberrosechallenge is real

What makes you say that, goy?

Bill was a funny guy. Lol

No morals
No standards
No self-respect
Makes sense

Niggers are gross, but a little hair down there is a good thing.

>Says a lot about a society when such blatant pornography is allowed without any sort of backlash
people are naturally naked you know

Women want to be seen as more than just sex objects... but then have a march about how its ok to be sluts.

Women logic is some weird shit

Dude there's nude art in the 18th century this is just simple Puritanism

The right wing is sounding more and more like Islam each day

>she was just a whore waiting to become a whore
>mfw virgins finally figure this out

Heard her on a podcast saying she likes dudes with pubes, she doesn't like it when they shave.

>made a career out of fucking rich rappers and getting them to buy her shit
>preaches about the power of feminism and independence
What a talentless roastie cunt. If she didn't have a fat ass she'd be sucking dick for drug money right now.

>So tell me what will you say when they ask,
>"Why are you against women with healthy sex lives?"

"You nigger-fucking degenerates should be hanged for ruining millions of young white girls. Praise Kek MAGA Check em' 14/88 "


We schedule a ceremony devoted to Allah in the same place at the same time.

It could be possible! Never know!

This entire post reads like somebody larping as a Sup Forums user

These slutwalks were happening back around 2011, nobody gives a shit. Protesting against them only gives more publicity.

Why are their nipples all a different colour if they're supposed to be from the same tribe?

>gonna post my nasty deformed body one more time for the haters

I actually saw one of those chicks with the fake ass the other day. She had big fake tits too. Looked disgusting.