Custom flags introduced

>custom flags introduced
>3rd world shitskin countries disappear
really makes you think

This thread is for whites living in white majority countries. You may only post in this thread if the majority of your country is white and 1st world.

Remember: behind every flag is a pajeet, don't let them live it down

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>You may only post in this thread if the majority of your country is white
oh the irony


>Being a post-2014 newfag

If you were hear for the 8 steps of cuckolding then you wouldn't be saying that

ummm.... think again sweetie.

LOL it's true.

Ow wait. Shit.

52% white is still a majority numbnuts...for now

all posters from india
look they're too afraid to show their real flag
go home POOs

>white majority countries
>just barely qualify

we're still the majority, just barely. only takes a few dozen million dead shitskins to right the ship though

If only I was pooinloo. It's even worse.

Or adding Puerto Rico to the Republic might be enough to tip the scales

Whatever you say, mr. 53%.

fite me bro

You're not white pedro. And frankly, America will become poo land once Kamala Harris becomes the 46th President of the USA; plus poos are the #1 income group by race, best educated, etc. And I don't appreciate this white supremacy shit, I'm just gonna watch as you white folk get nigger'd, spic'd, and LGBT'd to extinction. Haha.

Skin obsession isn't healthy user

>race is only skin deep
tell that to IQ

Why do whites talk so much about IQ but the IQ chart says whites aren't the best? Does that mean that in Japan, whites are basically nigger-tier? I am ok with this.

Fuck me, mate thats a beaut

If you live in the United States of America you use any flag other than the American flag, you are a commie cuck fag fucker that needs to be shot with aids dildos by ebola abo aussies

I'm willing to admit that east asians test higher on IQ if it means we can start judging race that way


hello my fellow white brother

The solution is to prohibit racemixing; that's why poos in India are all low-caste retards but Indians in the US and UK are fucking geniuses.
Average IQ by caste:
25% Dalit and Tribal = 80 IQ
15% Muslim = 85 IQ
40% Backward Caste = 95 IQ
15% Upper Caste = 110 IQ

Just imagine if we didn't let niggers racemix and only kept them doing menial tasks like mowing lawns and cleaning toilets, while the high IQ races could focus on more important things like scientific and engineering achievements