We Official Monster Raving Loony Party now

Post insane policies we should enact.

Free flipflops on tuesdays.

the purge but only for black majority areas

Also we'll start an inter-mural national box turtle fighting circuit.

sharia law

tax cuts for the rich

lowering of the rent

I like this

Convicts dress as popular memes once a year and have a cage match to the death for their freedom

Lord Buckethead for Prime Minister.

Watch out May!

Steal people's money and tell them it's for their benefit

Everyone is delivered a random exotic food that they have to eat every friday. This will overall improve our appreciation of foreign foods.

I'd watch that. Don't kill the turtles though. Other wise it will become illegal and get shut down.

bring back turkey twizzlers

Make THICK the new standard of beauty.

Commence the THICK-ening.

Of course not. We'll have to come up with some way to determine the winner, but that was a given from the start.

How do they decide the winner in a beetle fight?

ban Sup Forums

Make it every household, and extend it to over the weekend.
That way we're not just shoving pineapples down people's throats.

Holy fuck now thats a throw back to better times

Destroy the central bank.


Hard to cut taxes for people that don't pay any

pre-Jamie Oliver times

Gassing people we think are part of an international conspiracy that constantly contradicts itself and is the scapegoat for anything we think is stupid.