Feminist nut job has melt down over someone sending her Pepe images

You know what to do.

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On it ;)

>i have bluetooth on even though wires exist
She deserves everything that's coming to her. I bet she also uses public wifis.

>>admits to "cussing him out", ie violently accosting him in a public space
>Why didn't he just mace her? More of these grown-up terrible toddlers need to be dealt with forcefully, since force is the only way to control animals that don't have reason

Sooner or later sending emotionally hurtful Pepes is gonna become a crime, like sending flashing assault gifs.

>that nose
>that hair
nuf said

>killing her child is her greatest and only achievement in life


She was digitally assaulted by a terrible white supremacist. We need to congratulate her for being so brave to standing up to this white male trying to oppress her and posting about it on twitter to spread awareness about the dangers of the internet.

They are protected by the laws it doesn't matter what she said if he maced her he's he'd be in handcuffs not her

send her this, lets make her the new symbol of hate.

I'm done

Come on, you know she was doing the violent head-bobbing all the way through. That's assault. Anyone who went to school around niggers knows that the head-jerking is an intimidation thing. Combined with "cussing him out", the undesired nature of the interaction, and video cameras all around, I would expect that the person acting violent is the one that ends up in legal problems, not the person using his last available means to end an unwanted encounter.

>people of color
When exactly did saying "people of color" become okay? Is "colored people" still a racist phrase?

It seems to me like this shit just keeps on changing in USA. Last I remember, the anti-racist motto was "race is a social construct, it's just skin color" and now they seem to be full on accepting race as a biological category and even going on about inherited trauma and what not.


>It seems to me like this shit just keeps on changing in USA. Last I remember, the anti-racist motto was "race is a social construct, it's just skin color" and now they seem to be full on accepting race as a biological category
I'll explain. If you are a white male, anyone with a clue about biology and evolution, or conservative in any way, then whichever one of those options you state is racist and evil and you are racist and evil.


> Kills nigger baby
> One less nigger

Sorry, what's the problem, here?

>You know what to do.

can you explain?

lets all send her one pls

It's settled. We need to lock Jacob up. This guy is fucking DANGEROUS.

>people of color
Its their political buzzword, to group all ethnicities against white people.

If she's an ant she will be so pissed.