Island drifted away - brexit happening
what other parts mean?your thoughts appreciated .
Island drifted away - brexit happening
what other parts mean?your thoughts appreciated .
Other urls found in this thread:
three branches becoming one - trump taking supreme commander role in civil war?
the bear will leave his cave forever - russia reestablishing soviet union and taking east europe?
The belly of dragon will drip water - china getting hit by massive tsunami ?
The black flag will fly above the dome - isis taking over vatican?
What about the burning building in london? It's been put out and is now "dripping with water"
Dragons kill people ya know too
I think its that
is dragon a national symbol of england ?could be
Some of these are obviously referring to something. Bear leaving its cave is California seceding.
The rod and ring will strike - national socialism rising in europe?
Dragon is more welsh than british, but the english flag is based on the legend of st george and the dragon. You see the symbolism everywhere
I am from the future. We deciphered the message. It says that user who wrote that and op is a faggot
'a rock will stand on seven hills' - israel getting nuked?
The one in Philippines is close too, can't remember the name
nah its Russia invading somewhere
Sounds more related to Rome to me. Probably something Vatican related. But I'm not hanging around here to deciper this, sayonara.
>A rock will stand on seven hills.
Dwayne Johnson will be the next Pope.
Seceding or an earthquake cleaving it off of the United States?
>13 posts before this one
>8 are from THIS bigfoot chasing retard
nobody gives a shit about some vague bullshit some random moose fucker said, idiot. take a hint, fuck off and kill yourself.
no, the ravens will starve is the uk.
'rod and ring will strike' reminds me pic related
>The star will gorge itself on clay.
The Joos want to form greater Israel, effectively relinquishing their neighbors of their clay.
Bear will leaving its cave forever - stock market crash and great depression.
Killing bolt that will not kill - EMP shockwave?
the ravens will starve? isn't the raven banner a swede thing? and if so, starving = money will be drained, starving the country of its economic ability? A rock on seven hills... maybe the muslims invading rome via the migrant crisis? the Bear leaving its cave... assuredly about russia. maybe a reference to russia's ongoing strife and domestic/global issues forcing them to do something drastic, like actually going to war with the west. the rod and ring, the elites will make a desperate gamble to get their plans back on track, seeing as trump winning, seth rich, wikileaks, etc have thrown a monkey wrench in the works.The star will gorge itself on clay... Israel will take even more of palestine, possibly expand into neighboring countries. Idols will speak and move about... could this have something to do with automation and robots? or maybe celebrities? that one is tricky. The black flag will fly above the dome... that one must be about one of two things, Islamic insurrection in the US, or the dome of the rock being in control of a group like ISIS. Three branches will become one... the most likely to me would be the US declaring martial law and the three branches of government, Legislative, Judicial, and Executive will cease to operate how they do. The Executive branch will assume all governing powers in the nation. It will happen when the weather cools... Its coming this fall.
but how ? trump is currently cock blocking boots on the ground in syria
You are listening to the nonsensical ramblings of a lunatic mind
>Gayass "prophecy"
>Posted by a leaf no less.
Fuck off newfaggot.
>Dragon is more welsh than british, but the english flag is based on the legend of st george and the dragon. You see the symbolism everywhere
Learn your history. The banner of the English is the white dragon of wessex. Pre dates the Red Dragon of Wales.
no, and why would i? this was a low point for Sup Forums
Shit! a BEAR MARKET! you got it I think. but EMP's aren't as dangerous as many think, the thing about EMP's is that they could blow out all the transformers, which is the most dangerous part
stock markets crashing ->great depression -> full automatisation of production and resaurce efficency through out the world->new phase of humanity ?
emp is very plausible if usa would engage in war with china .
this is a very bad larp thats trying to sound cryptic and mysterious but fails hugely. please don't waste your time with this drivel
looks like utter bullshit 5o me
>three branches becoming one
All three branches of the american government are controlled by the republican party.
What a load of bollocks. Shut up! Get out! Go home!
That's all bullshit faggot, and they are so vague you could make them fit a number of issues.
black flag over white house? kinda reminds new tv series ,,designated survivor'' , looks like jews condition ing public for such scenario
the face of nupol
>It will happen when the weather cools
Dantes inferno metaphor for people being metaphorically "cold" (living dead)
>Plans laid long ago
Book of Daniel Chapter 12 Verse 1
>Three branches will become one
Something with abrahamic religeon
>A killing bolt....
I spit fire, I'm fleet foot, and I'm soarin' (wonder bolt rap at nighttime, got like 2 suburban cop cars on me)
>The star will gorge itself on clay
Archangel Micheal was rendered emotionless through lyme disease
>Black flag above the dome
Luciferians run the white house
>Two voices
The archangels Lucifer and Micheal
>Ravens starving
Luciferians getting BTFO
>The bear will leave its cave forever
Time for the "bear" (hairy) Archangel Micheal to leave his house....
>The rod and ring
Raphael awakening Archangel Micheal with his healing stick
>leaf post is still being taken seriously
If I reorganized some letter from skyrim would you faggots be interested in it too?
The island will drift away, and later the rod and ring will strike.
It makes sense. Are there any active intelligent fascist organisations in england that adopted this symbolism?
im not aware of any im just thinking if i should gtfo from lithuania before russia annexes us .
You are fucking cancer you fucking retarded little shit head. GET OUT!
I was in that thread btw.
I think it was a /zhg/ one? I miss those.
Come to think about it, the rod and the ring might not be singular in nature. It could also be interprated as "the rod and the ring", meaning two seperates entities.
In symbology, rods and rings often symbolize authority or power. It might be speaking of two seperate but powerful entities that deliver a combined stikd, or even strike eachother. Two powerful nations pherhaps?
The rod and the ring will strike = kinetic weapons being used
it lines up with the second image as well
things are moving quickly now
There is going to be a big political change.
Deciphering a prophecy doesn't always make things clearer.
yeah of course it could be something else entirely, just guessing
its definetly a war, a ring for me associates with olympics and guess what ,next year, will have 2018 Pyeongchang County, South Korea , so probably will something be connected either to china or north korea .
>A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill
US shoots down North Korean ICBM
>The star will gorge itself on clay
North Korea takes over the South
2018 Pyeongchang /South Korea winter olympics
Trump going to war with congress?
The political situation in the usa is quickly deteriorating atm.
In addition, Trump is literally depicted as a king with a rod in his hands in this pic
Surprise no one is considering "star / clay" to Puerto Rico.
Theyre basically bankrupt, there was a vote for statehood recently, and there was that whole 51 star flag incident a few months back.
It's very possible. I wish we had an idea of the outcome.
I'm ready for civil war. I hope I'm not alone. If the ring prevails we're all fucked.
Dragon coming in September?
demorats and neocons blocking alot of trumps initiatives , without him getting supreme commander role all reforms cant be implemented , war seems the only scenario to accomplish that .
>They're trying to force God's hand
Trying to trip Trump up, presumably through all this MUH RUSSIA conspiracy witch hunt shit
>three branches will become one
deep state taking over
>an island will drift away
>a killing bolt willshine in the night but will not kill
Trump's 57 tomahawk missile attack at the empty tarmac
>the black flag will fly above the dome
something about ISIS
check out this thread too guys , the day it was posted it had instant 3 duplicate threads goings, 'they' really tried to slide it away .
its a guys from ausie intelligence sharing his knowledge on future geopolitics
This is the correct translation, although the translation is ever known. For those that can read the code, welcome Revelations boys.
Ooooh i love pondering over spooky and mysterious shitposts!
Peter (the rock) the Roman will rule from Rome
>It will happen when the weather cools
It will happen when geo-political strife seems to be at ease.
>That's when they'll make their move
While everyone expects world peace, they will strike. Much like launching an attack during the middle of the night against an unwary victim.
>The plans laid long ago
Self-explanatory, referring to ancient sect of satanists
>They're trying to force God's hand
Challenging God's authority and power.
And now for the signs:
>Three branches will become one
There will be a coalition between three powers.
>The rest of the stuff
They could mean literally anything, will have to wait for them to happen to know about them.
it would have to do with China though
Idols will move about. Manchester bombing and subsequent relief concert.
>check the second one
Two voices (Facebook and Twitter, two biggest (((social medias))) out there, where you talk to people, hence the voice part) will call out in a silence (get shut down/ddosd/some shit like that, or silence) that all will hear (fucking everybody uses Facebook/Twitter or knows someone that does)
Or it could refer to the """"""""""two"""""""""" main parties of America, Republicans and Democrats, but if that's the case I know fuck all about what the rest of the sentence means for that
My theory is they will go in order so I think this image is just symbolic. Trump is going to do something impressive soon.
The two witnesses are Elijah and Moses(or potentially Enoch)
I think the ravens are either connected with one of the birds Noah let out of the ark after the flood, or with the ravens that fed Elijah.
Of course the seven hills is Rome. Could the "rock" be another biblical reference?
>idols will speak and move about
niggers i think i fucking found it..remember radny stair and the EGS moron..his original shooting date was supposed to be in September, and he idolized a fucking tv
>randy claimed he would be back in September to wage a war against Earth
listen to this song
Wait fuck that the two voices are the bogdanoffs
Yes the New British Union use the symbols because they're essentially the spiritual successor to the BUF.
I honestly don't know.
>it will happen when the weather cools
didnt trump say there was something coming in september or whatever
>t. nu/pol/
Fuck off cunt, you're shitting up the board.
also the mega eclipse is coming
>/po/l predicting shit
thats been a thing for years you newfaggot
We can only hope user.
>they're trying to force God's hand
Satanists attempting to take control openly and destroy Christianity completely
>Three brances become one
Elements of FBI NSA &CIA join forces under Trump
>An island will drift away
Brexit, article 50 invoked
>A killing bolt...
Trumps attack on the Syrian airfield - meant to kick off ww3, but killed no-one and went no-where
>Star will gorge itself on clay
Israel openly delaring the Golan heights in Syrian as thiers
>Black flag will fly over the dome
Dome of hagia Sofia, Turkey openly alligns with ISIS
>The belly of the Dragon will drip water
Terrorist attack in China, targeting a Damn
>Two voices call out in a silence all will hear
Putin / Trump or Assange and ? use the interent to drop massive amount of files callling out all the globalists ISIS connections and realeasing all thier control file (blackmail) details
>A rock will stand on seven hills
after above current Pope will be gone, new pope will announce Crusade
>Has anyone deciphered this /polacks prophecy ?
>I am a giant attention-seeking roleplay faggot using the same tired tactics that "fortune tellers" and "psychics" use to spew a bunch of bullshit and retroactively claim that it had meaning. I need to fuck off back to /x/ and encourage anyone that takes any of this seriously to join me there. I am the cancer killing Sup Forums.
i got u senpai
not gonna count some nutso transghost or whatever the fuck that kid was as a "prophecy", sorry
>An island will drift away
Obvious china refrence, south china sea?
>black flag
Dome on the rock?
>a rock will stand on seven hills
The Vatican literally sits on 7 hills
>bear will leave it's cave
>The Vatican literally sits on 7 hills
how is that even part of the conspiracy..weve known that for decades
some people guess it's Russia joining the globalists.
How do you get custom flags?
Pls no bully
i've heard cia shill steve pieczenik talks urging trump to cut intelligence community and unite them under one command(currently there are 16 ?).
How would pope benefit from crusade ?when globalist already have their puppet
the time is coming brother in Kek, soon the new world will be established and we will free our people.. just like back in the days...
>we have until 2020 to see what they really want
Someone please how do you get flags like that?
>a fucking leaf
Fuck you nigger
A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill. - there will be an EMP device used.
The star will gorge itself on clay- Israel will build new settlements.
No you massive mong it refers to Revelations, where in the end days idols would seemingly come to life.
The belly of the dragon will drip water - China will build up their navy and exert control over the South China Sea.
The ravens will starve - London will be completely taken over by muslims.
If you have to ask, you're barely even paying enough attention to deserve being allowed to post.
Open your eyes shittard.
cant help but think it has something to do with pic related
maybe the sumarians are still around and will be revealed as the puppeteers in he middle east
the ravens starving reminds me of native american legends about the raven who eats the sun
there's going to be an eclipse soon, right?
>The belly of the dragon will drip water
Another one, THE dragon or serpent, that means a big war
>The ravens will starve
common heathen rewriting, for peace.
No flesh to feat on for the ravens
>I'm still a bit puzzled over this who originates from anon5
Jojo reference?
kinda happened with the formation of JSOC, they have access to everyones else files and are made up agents from all branches of the US military / intelligence.
The curent Pope is not a chrisian and is a puppet of the globalists due to his penchant for children. He will not last long, a new one will be made or Ratzinger who was made to retire, but techinically still considered a Pope would be the head of the church if something happened to Francis..