Which one of you alt-right losers wants to have the honor of explaining this little beauty to me?

Other urls found in this thread:

they also can't separate jews from zionism

Literal ancient history
Faggots with signs
Irrelevant for decades

I have the same expectations for Islam that I do for Christianity. They deserve criticism until their most relevant extremists are assholes with signs.

Find me a Westboro bombing or truck attack and then maybe you won't look like a complete faggot

Hasn't been meaningful in decades

>can separate the Crusades from Christianity

That's where you're wrong heretic.

Republicans are generally not liked here. The KKK is no longer relevant, Westboro does not kill people, and the crusades were instituted to take back the byzantine Christian lands from the awful Turks.

You are a dipshit, OP.

completely false equivalency- westboro is 40 people kkk is 5-8 k out of 1.3 billion christians.

however, the loran itself calls for violence and multiple polls show that a large minority of muslims have extremist views.

jesus youre... your ignorance just isnt cute anymore, man.

>Implying that the Alt-Right support Republicans.

The Republican party is nothing more than just a bunch of cuckservatives who betray their race to be pet goys to the Jewish Banks.

>the crusaders

Did literally absolutely nothing fucking wrong.

>the kkk

Haven't committed a murder since the 70's.

>westboro baptist church

Have the views of an average western Muslim >


You can't separate ISIS from Islam because they are doing exactly what the Koran and hadiths say

Zionism *is* Judaism

Jewish Supremacist Mythos

"The mashiach [Jewish messiah] will bring about the political and spiritual redemption of the Jewish people by bringing us back to Israel and restoring Jerusalem (Isaiah 11:11-12; Jeremiah 23:8; 30:3; Hosea 3:4-5). He will establish a government in Israel that will be the center of all world government, both for Jews and gentiles (Isaiah 2:2-4; 11:10; 42:1). He will rebuild the Temple and re-establish its worship (Jeremiah 33:18). He will restore the religious court system of Israel and establish Jewish law as the law of the land (Jeremiah 33:15)...The world after the messiah comes is often referred to in Jewish literature as Olam Ha-Ba (oh-LAHM hah-BAH), the World to Come...In the Olam Ha-Ba, the whole world will recognize the Jewish G-d as the only true G-d, and the Jewish religion as the only true religion (Isaiah 2:3; 11:10; Micah 4:2-3; Zechariah 14:9)."
From "Mashiach: The Messiah", Judaism 101

Video of Jews:
Orthodox Israeli Jews: Non Jews Are Beasts to Serve Us as Slaves [Open] [Open]

What Happens When Jews Can Freely Rule? [Open] [Open]

Judaism in its own words on 'who is human:'

Saying something is 'anti-Semitic' scarcely ever means that it is untrue. It usually goes to excessive Jewish power.

Learn about the Kalergi and Oded Yinon plans, and spread the Word.


While many KKK members follow Christian faiths, their movements have little to do with the religion itself.

At one point in time they hated Catholics. Also many blacks in the US are Christian, but still cannot join them for the simple reason that they are black and not white.

The Crusaders were Christian, and even questioned killing Muslims, by stating that the Bible told them not to kill. The priest later clarified to those men that the Bible on condemns the killing of other Christians.

The Westboro Baptist church is a very vocal minority of Christians, that do everything within their first amendment rights. You can disagree with them all you want, but they are legally allowed to do what they do.

Defensive wars that happened a millennium ago.
A dozen trolls with signs, hardly relevant.
75% LE and irrelevant for a long time.

Besides, I don't hate Islam because of ISIS. I hate Islam because of Muslims, and vice versa.


Nice try.

Radical Islam is a significant minority within Islam and probably a plurality compared to other interpretations, whereas the Westboro Baptist Church is literally one church, the crusaders are from a thousand years ago, and the kkk isn't a religious organization and has, again, barely any members

I mean if we want to include the Crusaders, can we include all of Islam throughout history, because at that point "Radical Islam" is an overwhelming majority

Seriously, you have to braindead not to understand this

I can't.
Because I can't distinguish (((Christianity))) and (((Islam))) from their (((source))).

Islam apologists have so much to learn about the true nature of the beast.

It is an uncontrollable monster that can only be controlled by the purge.

Look into why Sikhism exists.

Weird it's almost like we are rooting for our team

>Find me a Westboro bombing or truck attack and then maybe you won't look like a complete faggot.
Not all christian and not truck attacks, but relevant.

ISIS/ISIL is a relevant threat to all of western society. A threat to you, me, the fags and the niggers. The KKK stopped being a threat around the 50's and Westboro has never been a threat, just a bunch of loudmouth faggots with signs.

Saged because you were probably paid to post this


ShareBlue sample maymay.
1 post by this ID
Retarded Replublican vs. Democrat paradigm.
Rosemary, SAGED and time to construct additional pylons.

Your team? Europe is great because of Pagans. Christians brought nothing. Christianity is as cancerous as Islam, first by doing a Genocide in Europe and later in the Americas.

>hmmm all these Alt-Righters use anime
>could it be the secret to their power?


If you use Tomoko for your shitty normie memes one more time I will find you and gut you!

Not a republican, but anybody with two brain cells should be able to see both of those things are wrong. Every religion at some point goes through a destructive phase. All relgions are cancer, fuck religions.

Islam has never gone through a reformation. Fundamentalist Islam is the same as Mainstream Islam.
Christianity has gone through multiple reformations and is adaptable to a variety of cultures, unlike Islam.
The Crusades were a medieval Christian response to persecution by Muslims. Today's Muslims have not evolved since that time, while Christianity and Judaism have.

40 people who sometimes hold a sign that hurts peoples feelings.

Haven't had anything to do with christianity since they stopped persecuting catholics, fellow christians. Also haven't done any harm since the 70 except for, again, hurting some feelings.

A reaction to the rapid muslim conquests of christian lands, requested by a country that was being conquered by Muslims. Also if we get to go that far back let's not forget said Muslim conquests that destroyed Persia and their ancient culture and religion, got all the way to Tours in the West of Europe and from Vienna to Ukraine in the east (with the Ottomans, a country known for 3 genocides). Crusades are ridiculously small-sized compared to that, as they remained limited to the levant and anatolia for the most part.

Meanwhile Isis beheads people who don't follow Islam, throw gays from buildings because Islam tells them to, blow up innocents thousands of miles from their homeland and their wars. All while yelling Allah is great.

Meanwhile, faggots like OP somehow only acknowledge all the bad parts of Christianity, while ignoring the teachings of Christ about peace and forgiveness.
>B-but don't forget, Islam is the real religion of peace, even though is literally tells you to kill all infidels.

Really makes me think.

4th thread i've seen on this in the past week. saged.

fuck off nigger muslims arent people

we need a fedora flag

find me ONE terrorist attack not done by a christian or pseudo-christian. oh wait you cant


Hello shareblue.

>the crusades
A response to muslim advances in Christendom Africa
>the westboro baptist church
>the kkk
A democrat run political movement post civil war that's been irrelevant for decades

Thank you for the slide thread, and remember to sage mina-san!


Political correctness and social justice have made people afraid to hate, not only has the west lost the ability to hate it's enemy, it's lost the ability to even see the enemy. We greet terrorist attacks with anti-islamaphobia protests, candles and love-fests, this doesn't stop terrorism because this is what they want, it helps them when they think we are pushovers and they can walk all over us. If we dont have the ability to hate our enemies, then we can never win, and that's why social justice is cancer and the best ally of terrorists. See how we don't even refer to them as enemies, no, we say they are "terrorists", just a one-off. How much more wealth and technology and advanced weaponry do we have on our side, slam dunk right, and yet this shit in the Middle East has gone on longer than both world wars? wtf?

ISIS is just an easy target for normie debates.

In truth, we reject ALL of Islam. We believe in the Christian way of life Jesus taught us. To love one another, but to uphold morals. Islam and Christianity do not go together.

Islam is authoritative and cruel. Christianity is about rebuking, teaching, and admonishing. Christianity is a better way of making society work, Islam makes you wear hijabs and stones you to death for mistakes.

How many people in the last 20 years have the Crusades, WBC, and KKK killed?

How many people as Islamic terrorists killed?

This is why I treat liberals and leftists like adult shaped children.

The difference is Muslims support most of the shit ISIS do and don't care to stop them. After 17 different attacks within 13 months, to condemn muslims is considered a crime.

Crusades pushed invaders out and stayed in their own territory for centuries. No one but liberal faggots like westboro and the KKK haven't been relevant. Condemning these groups, justifiably or not, is not a crime

You are just another run off the mill Americunt ignorant fucktard, who has no clue about basic history, let alone current situation in Middle East.
You are the cucksucker who is told that a bunch of highly educated Saudis flew a plane into your building, so that you attack a bunch of goathearders in Afghanistan, and you clap like a lemming over how good and virtuous you are in spreading democracy.

Disgusting, stupid, worthless.

I am just glad that in three years your useless ilk will be replaced by a bunch of drug ridden gibmonkeys.


Isis, Al qaeda, boko haram, hamas, Al nusra...

Why would I want to separate the Crusaders from Christianity? They literally freed southern Europe from Islamic barbarity on the first try.


You fucking morons need to stop falling for the same fucking bait thread every fucking day
Everyone in this thread should KYS

Can I see your rebuttal to this image please?

Because Christians understood that parts of their holy book were fucked up and not compatible with the modern world and they reformed, which is something Muslims have yet to do. If they want to be accepted, they should fix their religion, because Sharia-imposed mass murder, misogyny and homophobia have no place in the civilized world and it's not a racist sentiment to acknowledge that.


Why cant you seperate radical islam from islam?

Repent faggots

Bad and good all together, overall, I feel no shame in the Crusades. And that Crusader aesthetic is just the best. We won the Holy War the minute we finished dressing to kick Saracen ass.

Use Sharia law as a basis of control in shit tier muslim countries as if they are unable to be separated unless by a secular dictator.

Wonder why we hold it to them on that? You must be a fucking idiot.

Statements from the Global terrorism index of 2015 and 2016:

The five most deadly terrorist groups were responsible for 74% of all deaths related to terrorism by known groups in 2014:

1. Boko Haram: incidents 453, deaths 6644, injuries 1742.
2. ISIS: incidents 1071, deaths 6073, injuries 5799. However there were more than 20,000 killed by them in battle.
3. Taliban: incidence 891, deaths 3477, injuries 3310.
4. Fulani Militants: incidents 154, death 1229, injuries 395.
5. Al-Shabaab: incidence 496, deaths 1021, injuries 850.
Total deaths: 18,444

Four terrorist groups were responsible for 74% of all deaths related to terrorism by known groups in 2015:

1. ISIS/ISIL: 953 incidents, 6141 deaths, 6208 injuries.
2. Boko Haram: 491 incidents, 5478 deaths, 3376 injured.
3. Taliban: incidence 1094, deaths 4502, injuries 4685.
4. Al-Qa'ida: incidents 368, deaths 1620, injuries 969.
Total deaths: 17,741

Evidently just the top four or five Islamic terrorist organizations account for the vast majority of terrorist related deaths, imagine if they included all 30+ Islamic terrorist organizations? You are a naïve fool! Deadly Terrorism is almost exclusively Islamic that is a fact... The only large militarized terrorist organizations are Islamic that is also a fact.

The accusation of anti-semitism is a deflection from Jewish wrongdoing. Counter-semitism is not hate speech.

Because both WBC and KKK are completely irrelevant.
ISIS has killed more people in the last month than the KKK has in the last 100 years.

All of those things are condemned by christians, meanwhile islamic terror is promoted by the average muslim

So democrats can separate ISIS from Islam...

...but they can't separate anti-zionism from anti-semitism??

Do you have a time machine? Nobody is asking for millions of medieval Europeans to reappear in our time either. What happened 1000 years ago, does not justify problems that we are facing now. Muslim countries behead people, that is the culture these people are from, and they are not particularity well informed about our societies on arrival. Americans fail to realize that all the refugees from Syria have to go trough extensive education programs to learn about western culture when they arrive. During the refugee crisis in 2015 we had incidents with refugees attacking trans people, simply because they had never seen anything like it before. All of them don't know that gay men are allowed to hold hands in public. They have to see pictures of men kissing and be told not to harm them. Stop being so fucking naive.

ISIS follows the literal text of the Quran, and the example of Mohammed, but none of the three examples of "Christianity" follow the Bible, nor the example of Jesus. There you go.

>SO Republicans can separate the Crusaders, Westboro Baptist and the KKK from Christianity...
Yes it's easily done - the example and teachings of Christ stand in stark contrast to those.
>...but can't separate ISIS from Islam??
Yup - because ISIS are good Muslims who follow both example and teaching of the child raping slave trading warmonger Muhammad and his violent scumbag followers.


all me senpai

>Defensive wars that happened a millennium ago.
oh you can fuck right off

>Implying the Crusades weren't a direct response to Islamic expansion and destruction through Europe
Hello Achmed


Fuck right of for stating historically accurate facts?

Detected the paki

shut the fuck up you little anime geek

Republicans are complete retards Sup Forums isn't republican besides maybe the libertarian retards. No one here wants to seperate any of that from Christianity besides maybe the KKK because they were just a southern organization.

The Crusades were justified

Westboro Baptist are a bunch of sue-happy lawyers trying to start shit so that they can get paid

The KKK is irrelevant and is a political group based on race not religion

There was nothing wrong with the crusades.

They were a war of defense against Islamic aggression towards the west. The Arab world got everything it deserved.

I'm an Atheist by the way.

Check out this video if you have the time:

Likely bait, but, alright, to help spread information, I'll post.

You're completely uninformed, OP. See related pic and also go to source material page here:

Aloha snackbar

Fuck off back to the HuffPo comment board

More of this please

What's wrong with the Crusades?

the first crusade wasn't, it was an attack against the holy land / an attempt to relieve the byzantines
you have a jihadi flag you nutter
there was zero islamic aggression, there were a few nomad raids but that was it

...They dont separate The crusaders, westboro baptist church or the KKK from Christianity.

Your argument is invalid.

Defensive action against islamic conquests.
They wave fucking signs and cause butthurt, nothing else.
The only power they have nowadays is their popular culture reputation. There hasn't been a single klan related murder for over 30 years.

It's impossible to separate ISIS from islam, for they are following koran as literally as possible, just like it's intended to be followed. Islam would still be ultra violent religion without ISIS.

Ask and ye shall receive. And get lots of (you)s.



ISIS = Islamic State = Islam = Delicious Kebab = Death to America = Collapse of all civilization.


they sure love to chop heads

more head chopping

throat cutting

>Every religion at some point goes through a destructive phase. All relgions are cancer
1,400 hundred years is way past enough time to get over one's "destructive phase". Anybody that makes excuses for islam is worse than the most violent muslim, because IT'S YOUR BULLSHIT THAT THEY DUCK BEHIND.
Actually LEARN the histories of various religions, or shut up, greenfag.

bang bang

I forgot what this one is. Guess I'll have to watch it again.

almost like I don't mind killing people who want to kill me, but don't want to be killed

If only Islam wasn't constantly committing acts of terrorism everywhere around the world and everyone wouldn't hate them

You're right, it's impossible to separate ISIS from Islam because vetting Muslims has been proven to not work, and since Muslims are a net negative to any society they're a part of, it makes sense to just deport them all to prevent Muslim terror attacks. Glad you agree.

yet another that i'll have to watch

The KKK follow their own guidelines

>Look up the Kloran

They sure love their drivebys.

Last one.

I also saw my favorite tumblr lolcow post this. This guy is bringing up all these gotcha "points", yet they're almost all false equivalences. Bunch of historical shit that were about money/land/power and nothing to do with religion.
The closest ones to ISIS could perhaps be the Salem witch trials and the Spanish inquisition, but even those don't come to close of the death toll of ISIS. Salem witch trials was about 20 people, Spanish inquisition about 4000 people.

This shit pisses me off more than anything else. This kind of people who look islamic terror through their fingers and pretend everything is ok.

I told you to stop last time ruining good anime and posting in general.
Fucking neck yourself already god damn

You shithead no one is saying there is no difference between ISIS and muslims. This might be the worst straw man I have ever seen but it seems to be the only argument put forth by leftist traitor scum. By the way Muslims crusaded waaaaaaaaayyyyy more than Christians. And Islam is a shitty religion (read the Qu'ran). By this post I can tell you are quite fond of gays and trannies, and do you remember what Muslims do to them? No, not ISIS, Muslims. Eat a dick and die

>Just because it's happening in (((current year))) suddenly makes everyone responsible
>I really just can't answer OP's question honestly or it'd be obvious I'm retarded

is this shit even real? there's blood all over the floor and i dont see any from the people getting shot. also the first guy you can see the bullet hit the water and miss?

Look at the strength and resolve that young man has. His victim probably did nothing wrong to the boy, yet the boy still did his duty. He saw a threat and eliminated it without pause and without question.

Modern white men will NEVER have this kind of courage. The minute real wetwork on unarmed combatants (women, children, old men etc.) needs to be done it will just be a cacophony of excuses, white-knighting, and general beta LARPfagging all around from white men.