This is a new bill that was introduced on the floor of the US Senate entitled,
“Combating Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, and Counterfeiting Act of 2017.”

It basically says everything is evil..

1. Cash is Evil
2. Bitcoin/Crypto is Evil
3. Prepaid Phones are Evil
4. Gift Cards/Vouchers/Coupons are Evil

These people are certifiably insane. Among the bill’s sweeping provisions, the government aims to greatly extend its authority to seize your assets through “Civil Asset Forfeiture”.

Civil Asset Forfeiture rules allow the government to take whatever they want from you, without a trial or any due process.

This new bill adds a laundry list of offenses for which they can legally seize your assets… all of which pertain to money laundering and other financial crimes.

Here’s the thing, though: they’ve also vastly expanded on the definition of such ‘financial crimes’, including failure to fill out a form if you happen to be transporting more than $10,000 worth of ‘monetary instruments’.

Have too much cash? You’d better tell the government.

If not, they’re authorizing themselves in this bill to seize not just the money you didn’t report, but ALL of your assets and bank accounts.

They even go so far as to specifically name “safety deposit boxes” among the various assets that they can seize if you don’t fill out the form.

This is unbelievable on so many levels.

It’s crazy to begin with that these people are so consumed by the fact that someone has $10,000 in cash.

But it’s even crazier that they’re threatening to take EVERYTHING that you own merely for not filling out a piece of paper, without any due process whatsoever.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Vote in Republican congress
>Cry when they do repulsive shit

Really made me think, user.

Oh, and on top of civil asset forfeiture penalties, there are also criminal penalties.

Right now according to current law they can imprison you for up to FIVE YEARS for not filling out the form. Five years.

But apparently that doesn’t go far enough so this bill aims to double the criminal penalty to TEN years in prison.

Further, their bill wants to pull any business which “issues” cryptocurrency under the anti-money laundering regulatory umbrella.

Here’s where these people demonstrate that they have no idea what they’re talking about.

No one “issues” Bitcoin. There’s no Bitcoin central bank. There’s no Chairman of Bitcoin who decides on a whim to increase the supply.

Bitcoin is created automatically amounts that are predetermined by its code. It’s software.

So the Senate is essentially trying to force the Bitcoin core software to comply with money laundering regulations.

The bill also attempts to drop a major bomb on Bitcoin by including it in the list of monetary instruments that must be reported when entering or leaving the US.

CALL your congress & house of representatives and tell them not to pass this bill!

this is the quick run down boys call your senators and congress members and tell them not to pass this bill


also they are urging their supporters to kill people

That would be Loretta Lynch telling people to shed blood in the streets months after threatening the FBI director if he doesn't drop the Clinton case.

The irony is that Republicans are supposed to be limited government

>Bill is sponsored by Diane Feinstein

i sit here laffing at all the people believing they will ever get real money back out from fantasy coin investments, and now this happens and i'm laffing even harder.
Jeff is coming for your drug money, get rekt.

Holy shit, that's fucked up.

Maybe this is why we got blitzkreiged with 3 different hige events that MAY OR MAY NOT BE... falseflags done on purpose. This is like when Canada passed the antiterror legislation right after the parliament shooting hoax

>some Americans still think they live in a free country

Wow, its almost like both the parties are shit!

Only an absolute retard would believe that. No politician has been for limited government for over 100 years now

Having a federal legislature was a mistake

>Ancap against decentralized banking

Take off that flag, cryptostatist scumbag

>These people are certifiably insane.

Uh...Who? You didn't note who exactly introduced the bill. Kill yourself.

>Republicans never work with Feinstein to oppress Americans

They are also supposed to be pro 2nd amendment

Thanks Trump

i copied a run down from /biz/ click on the top link


>Sponsor: Sen. Grassley, Chuck [R-IA] (Introduced 05/25/2017)
>Mr. Grassley (for himself, Mrs. Feinstein, Mr. Cornyn, and Mr. Whitehouse) introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary

>No one “issues” Bitcoin.
Every user of crypto issues bitcoin, dummy. So they all become collectively responsible.

yea they need to keep that shit in check

Yar, inflation be proof the current monetary system be a ponzi scheme straight from the hooknosed hornswagglers den of devil worshiping.


Stay away from my bitcoins faggots.

Statism is a disease.

They're just getting ready for the upcoming financial collapse.
Tbh I when it happens and they use this bill, I'm going to be so happy watching normies flip shit because they lose everything, and then get thrown in jail for being homeless.


oh no, no, no user.. some of them know exactly why they do this.

lmao its literally nothing you idiots why are you so dramatic? not everything is some muh evil conspiracy lol kmt


you are a faggot, faggot.

So... do I cash out my buttcoins now?

>The PATRROT Act is limited government
>amnesty and support for illegals by Reagan is limited government
>Medicare Part D is limited government
>The HIV treatment in Africa by the Bush Administration is limited government
>The monstrous defense spending that goes up during GOP administrations is limited government
>Lincoln instigated the first national income tax during the Civil War
>Republicans historically fought for high tariffs and civil rights legislation
>Bush and friends had a steel tariff in the early 2000s
>Trump wants tariffs
>War on Drugs started by Nixon and now being advanced further is limited government

hey good thing there's OP's like this guy that will usher all this in

>act like 3rd world savage
welcome to the police state, thank you liberal scum

>if you dont support funny money ur not ancap

Who the fuck is pushing this bill?

So what are the chances of Trump not vetoing this?

if you support the state, you aren't ancap

>Cash is evil
>2. Bitcoin/Crypto is Evil
This is correct. Many deepweb illegal sites and hackers use cryptocurrency for their dealings to avoid justice also terrorists like ISIS etc. They should be illegal.
>3. Prepaid Phones are Evil
>4. Gift Cards/Vouchers/Coupons are Evil

>Trump is responsible for the bills congress creates.

You're autistic

V E T O this Mr. President

I like how conservatives think they are completely immune to the police state.


I don't think Trump has any idea what goes on where and how. He just meanders around making random decisions as prescribed by his advisors or gut reactions..

or its just nice to laugh at the kiddies that fall for the get-rich-quick memecoins

>mfw when this goes law and cia loses insane ammount of money and influence within bitcoin

I was debating a comie and he was saying the same shit. They're fucking taking control.

Nothing will happen. Do you really think the American public or anyone in the western world will rise up and stop this or any of the other things that have happened or will continue to happen? If people have done nothing but yell a bit on internet echo chambers over the past 20 years while this stuff has gone on, then nothing will change. No one will stop it.

In a sane world there would have been a violent revolution 40 years ago. Sorry Sup Forums, its just not going to happen. People are too comfortable, drugged out, and distracted by bread and circuses. You may think people care about this, but for every 1 person that does there are 1,000 others worried about whats on tv tonight. Better to accept the future than fight it.

Everyone here was in fucking diapers with Bush and the GOP had power.

Trump has many of those GOPers in power again and everyone here cheers. Bunch of fucking retards. I hope the GOP keep laying down law after law that fucks you all over so you can learn for next time.

No I'm not telling you to vote for fucking democrats, stop being such partisan cucks

Trump will do as he is told.

>still defend recucklicans
Out you party tribalist

Giving up is something cucks do.

Because he's totally known for doing just that, right?


You're part of the problem.


"follow the money" its not about conventional terrorism.
>who is in a position to actually destroy the U.S.?
>what organization focuses solely on laundering and transferring currency for acquisition of power?

were simply hunting larger prey lad.

>he trashes on republicans
>conveniently doesn't trash on the democrats when they do fucked up shit
Really makes me think.

Aww you actually think it makes a difference, cute.

>No I'm not telling you to vote for fucking democrats, stop being such partisan cucks
>he says, being a partisan cuck
where were you when Obama did all the bad shit? oh right.

What's the solution?

Bury a shit load of gold in random spots like Ron Swanson?


>No one “issues” Bitcoin. There’s no Bitcoin central bank. There’s no Chairman of Bitcoin who decides on a whim to increase the supply.
>no bitcoin central bank

thats why they sanction bitcoin. You cant control it, outlaw it.

Does every time party A do something fucked up, you have to say "a-also party B did something fucked up"

You can't just complain about something one party does? This is probably why you can't call Trump out on anything he does without getting "well Clinton"


Bitcoin is where the cia helds the drugmoney,mate.

chuck is a republican? news to me

you don't know me. recucks are trash.

neocons and dems deserve to die.

Can someone explain how this changes anything?
Who the fuck carries around $10,000 in cash?

It is a part of the Democrat strategy. If they pretend everything is some evil conspiracy, they can then point back to said "evils" come election time.
It doesn't work that well, but they still try it.

>Literally say not telling you to vote Democrat

>Literally didn't mention Democrat at all, and the only reason I did is because retards like you will think I'm defending democrats because whataboutism is the only way to soothe the cognitive dissonance infection everyone here has

>Implying Obama wasn't a shitty corporate shill neoconlib

Fuck off partisan cuck.

lemme move those goalposts back
feinstein, a jew democrat, must leave office

>they continues to defend democrats
hypocrites. typical lefties

>falling for the george lucas meme

God Bless Trump for rousting this e-jew crypto scam a lot of you are going to get fucked in the ass with backtaxation thats what you deserve for jewing finance a lot of you are going to end up killing yourselves hahaha can't stop laughing senpai the good guys always win E-JEW FAGS ETERNALLY BTFO

People who are trying to save money in the face of a financial collapse.

>aha i said it so it must be true!
You are bad at subversion, kid. Give it up.
It is extremely well known that the Democrats use "whatabout [x]" to concentrate public attention on republicans, yet the same is not done to democrats, who very often support the actions of the republicans as well (see: this bill).

You are partisan, and your concentration of criticism on one side outs you as a member of the opposite side.

They dont carry the money around.They have it in cash.Thats a slight difference.

What good is cash money in the event of societal collapse?
It's worthless paper.
Also what makes you think you won't be ganged up on for your food and armory as soon as shit hits the fan?

>Foreign opposition making fucktons of cash selling drugs to citizens
>keep killing them
>they keep coming back
what the fuck else were they supposed to do besides maintain some semblance of control over who that market perpetuates?

their after me shekles!

Leftists are pulling the same shit and worse in Europe, you fucking weasel. Government is the problem--all of it.

>Pushing the overton window to cashless society
>One step closer to banks imposing negative interest rates

As long as your coins aren't kept on an exchange, these fuckers can't do shit about em.

>Who the fuck carries around $10,000 in cash?

Me. It's the safest place for it to be.

Holy shit feels good that I sold my Ethereum a week ago for 200k profit.

Bagholders will get BTFO and it will be hilarious to see all the normalshits that just jumped on the bandwagon without knowing anything lose all their money.

financial collapse isn't necessarily society collapsing. If it is just the former and not the later, cash can come in handy.
Although if the crash is caused by the fed, then the cash is probably going to be worthless. Kind of a toss up, really.

You calmly try to steer away that mostly american citizens are killing themselves with the drugs the cia brings into america.They never killed them.They alway controlled them to get money for building up the deep state.

Any tips for someone looking to get in after the bust?

Ahoy me mates, never let cash die, cashless society is what those jew landlubbers want, don't let em take yer fancy magic doubloons away. Push back and never let this pass no matter how many times these scurvy dogs try, yarrr

I want to be locked in a closet with this woman for 4 hours.

He literally called out Obama for being a corporate shill

Are you therefore admitting that conservatives are just as fucking retarded as liberals?

These kind of knee jerk reactions always cause more harm than good.

I mean, what damages the economy more?Some guy driving down the road with $10K in cash, or thousands, and thousands, of millionaires parking their money in tax havens like the Cayman Islands?

I'm just saying.

There are bigger fish to fry. These laws are about keeping the little guy down, not doing anything to combat corruption or improve the economy.

These people are fucking retards.

Can you even read?

>Are you therefore admitting that conservatives are just as fucking retarded as liberals?
Why is your goal to sink conservatives as low as liberals? You seem to have a vendetta or something, with your extreme stereotypes and all.

blackpill fags can gtfo. They are never impartial.

Go to biz and buy promising looking shitcoins for pennies. I fell for the ethereum meme in the January of 2016 and bought almost a thousand for around 1 or 2 dollars each, forgot about them until one day I woke up and saw that the price jumped to 200+ per ethereum. I still day trade shitcoins and make good money, a few k every month. I'll wait out and see what the bill will mean and if I have to retire in a cheap country like Thailand or Peru.

Im just being realistic here. Please explain to me how anything will change. Not even drumpf has been able to accomplish the most basic of shit. In fact all that has happened is more refugees admitted and more illegals coming in than before. And of course stuff like this bill continuing as normal, not that i expected that to change under trump, but i at least thought we could get basic things like a wall or "ban" temporarily inconveniencing 10 percent of the muslim world for 3 months from entering our country. Nope. Cant even get that.

If you have hope for the future about anything in the western world at this point then i think you might be delusional or just new to this.

And now we know why the baseball game shooting and the UPS incident were false flagging for.

Conservatives and liberals sink themselves. I have nothing to do with it. They are both deluded, evil, cuck ideologies at this point.

Why are you hell bent on ignoring the truth? Just calling out your ridiculous double think.

You're trying too hard
This guy who made this bill is a cuck.