Let me remind you that the Russians fucked you in 1945. And we can repeat it again, damn it, the fascist fagots. Suck the big Russian white cock
Mere reminder to fascist fuckers
Sorry Ivan, but if you really consider it, the war was more like this metaphor- the Fascists were fucking you, hard, but it turned out you had HIV. So in the end, you got the last laugh, but you still have HIV.
and sage. eat shit commie
Stalin's "brand" of communism was fascist too
Your argument is invalid
>Russians fucked you
You mean the rest of the world
Reminder that the "USSR" wasn't "Russia"
Who won the spanish civil war?
Basic bitch authoritarian conservative Franco
You wish...
We fucked you the first 2 years really hard faggot
Millions of Slavs killed in a zerg rush by an enemy with it's hand tied behind it's back for much of the fight. The kill/death ratios and tank/aircraft losses the USSR suffered in those years is nothing to be proud of.
Kek, both of my great-grandfathers are soviet war heroes. I wouldn't mind to continue their legacy
2nd smallest dick in Europe is """big"""
>Russian manlets believe this unironically
At least you ennobled their gene pool by raping their women
>leaf confirmed
in what universe?
Fucked em good at 3rd Kharkov too. Hell, you guys were bleeding them at Kursk til the allies came knocking at Italy's door.
HIV was invented by the Anglo-Saxons to disintegrate and destroy Russian people, because you are afraid to openly fight us
Rosssiya stronk
>tfw my grandfather had to flee the Soviet Union for German "collaboration" after the war
>he only worked in a Germany factory
>Nazi collaborator
You're a big dick.
What does that even mean? The entire worlds resources were use against them and your people were just the cannon fodder while capitalism won. Same as China becoming the worlds slave labour, Capitalism won. your shit ideology didn't win anything and you acted as nothing but patsies to the Americans and capitalism.
btw what fascists are you on about?
What fascism has occured?
Or did you get spooked by a GQ article?
The only thing close to fascism atm is the social engineering and brainwashing going on by the 1%. You are deluded to attach yourself to a hollow brand yet to have any meaning.
The Russians fucked themselves more than anyone else. just sayin
see WW1. 1918 proved how truly beta your country is. Jew loving faggot
A shame that we lost the war
>my evil ideology happened to beat yours due to an overwhelming numbers advantage that means mine's better
You're just a stupid pindos rednek, Russia can turn your nedostranu into a radioactive ash for a few seconds
noice bait broh
That's literally the same thing niggers say.
>white man be inventing AIDS to keep the brutha man down
The United States sold to the Soviet Union from October 1, 1941 to May 31, 1945 the following: 427,284 trucks, 13,303 combat vehicles, 35,170 motorcycles, 2,328 ordnance service vehicles, 2,670,371 tons of petroleum products (gasoline and oil) or 57.8 percent of the High-octane aviation fuel,[24] 4,478,116 tons of foodstuffs (canned meats, sugar, flour, salt, etc.), 1,911 steam locomotives, 66 Diesel locomotives, 9,920 flat cars, 1,000 dump cars, 120 tank cars, and 35 heavy machinery cars. Provided ordnance goods (ammunition, artillery shells, mines, assorted explosives) amounted to 53 percent of total domestic production.[24]
lets see who wins if nazi germany had unlimited supply chain from the USA while japan + usa was invading you from another front.
>Commie zerged rush a ethnic white commie
>My communism is better
Thank you for your service, have a free helicopter ride on the house.
Friendly reminder that your nation were best buddies with Nazi Germany until THEY decided to betray that friendship. You would have never tried to rid the world off fascism because you were too busy being buddies with them.
And today you like to call yourself the great liberator. Hypocrite
soviet union are 17 countries.
In lieu of military strategy, zerg rush until they run out of bullets
>lets see who wins if nazi germany had unlimited supply chain from the USA
doesnt work, nazis hated jews and usa are jews.
In total, the U.S. deliveries through Lend-Lease amounted to $11 billion in materials: over 400,000 jeeps and trucks; 12,000 armored vehicles (including 7,000 tanks, about 1,386[39] of which were M3 Lees and 4,102 M4 Shermans);[40] 11,400 aircraft (4,719 of which were Bell P-39 Airacobras)[41] and 1.75 million tons of food.[42]
You saw the national debt of the USA ?
oh boy, better use the "winter" excuse.
"it was to cold bro, i need my sun to fight!" pussyazz germanz
Let me remind you again that the bolsheviks assfucked the Russians, And Putin is repeating it again, Damn it, the soviet faggots, Suck the big bolshevik jew cock.
>disintegrate and destroy Russian people
wrong target, i think you mean homosexuals
hypothetically, this dude thinks it was a fair 1v1 for some reason.
It was worth it, Ivan.
Boт тaк вы и пoвтopитe :^)
Bitch and you sold my homeland to the Anglo-Saxons! You are the fifth column
I don't know anything about equipping militaries but here's Hitler himself saying they only expected to have a one front war with good weather
He's a commie, he's already a retard, doesn't take much of a stretch for his historical ignorance to extend to the actual war, too.
So you fought for the system that killed millions of Russians, Ukranians etc. And you lost additional 20 million lives, nothing to be proud of. Soviet Union was ran by non-Russians > Jews.
Kys and sage
Slide thread.
Sage and move on anons
Eu is run by jews now. You next ;)
cant make this shit up
רע הפיתיון
(((the Russians)))
Good goy Ivan! Report to report your family for hoarding grain.
Kill yourself russian subhuman, slavs like you must be gassed.
Today, June 14, is the commemoration of soviet deportations and genocide victims.
You literally chose the perfect day for this thread, vatnik.
17 countries was soviet union.
And the axis was three plus voluntaries, your point?
no one cares rape baby. kys
meant for
>all the butthurt stormfags in this thread
Nobody won in WW2, least of all Russia.
America did actualy, they gain a lot of influance from ww2.
Your Ideaology killed so many innocent people, go back to Israel you Jewish Commie Fuck!
> h-h-he doesnt agree with being a commie piece of shit
Say Chechnya is cool and the best, faggot.
We can always repeat.
>Russians fucked us
We literally destroyed your tanks with wood to the tracks. Also nice kill ratio.
And we watched ;)
Nah, lend lease did it. Commies would have lost without capitalist support
At first I thought this is a Jew thread or some khokhol made it, but it is important to acknowledge that it may as well be some stupid russian shkolnik. I hope you will be gased.
commies need to be gutted you say?!
Watch your tongue, Mongolian savage.
Came here to post this specific image.
Glad I didn't have to.
The Nazis and Commies are idiot bastards. Fascism is the best way.
Perfect opertunity to post my new memeball.
At least you commie fucks admit you're a bunch of sodomite degenerates. That's the first step to rehabbing.
If we have lost ww2 - means what we won this gommie
Look at all of these buthurt children.
The Soviets annihilated the reichs army whit brutal efficiency and excellent strategy, and there is nothing you can do about that.
I forgot that it's summer and summerfags returned.
Then why did you ally with Donald Trump?
>implying mussies are good just for killing fags
Muslims are like kikes, imbecile, swipe them both from the face of the earth
>he forgets gay nazis
>basic newfag
Russians and Slavs in general are shit-tier people and always will be.
>when Finish larpers masturbate to the initial victories of the winter war, but forget that they were destroyed in the end and humiliated in the continuation war.
Without landlease you would have been rekt
german education .... that war with russia starte in 1941 , thats why the russian only celebrate the years 1941-1945
15 rubles have been deposited on your account
> larpers
the finns shot the heads off every invader. the commie rats got just enough land to bury their dead. finns utterly destroyed the invader
i c wat u did dere