ITT we await the Cosby verdict
Cosby verdict
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Cosby only got in trouble the moment he started to criticize ghetto culture.
Also this is the third fucking day and lawyers say it's a he-said-she-said case, he's gonna be acquitted. Cap this.
Bumping for feminist rage
Is the trial not being televised anywhere?
Not sure.
>he's gonna be acquitted
Will women chimp out if he is?
Undoubtedly lol
Verdict: NIGGER
Verdict: zippidy-be-bop-boo
Black men cant rape, only people with privilege can rape since privilege = power and rape is abut power.
I know you're shitposting but there are people who believe this unironically
Literally he said, she said.
How can they convict him with zero hard evidence?
They can't and they won't
Did literally nothing wrong
Really? I haven't followed the case and don't know any facts besides the fact that many many many women came out accusing him. Why did it even go to trial if it is nothing but he say she say?
Then again, the EXACT same thing happened to Trump after the "grab em by the pussy" tape release.
>KEK will protect Cosby and declare him innocent.
>Cosby has always been a redpilled nigga.
>Lefties will descend further into darkness as they attack the famous black man.
>Niggers side with based Cosby, and revolt against the lefty commie scum
>White Knight Libs vs Hood Niggers in the streets all summer
Comfy as fuck
>Why did it even go to trial if it is nothing but he say she say?
Cosby committed the crime of being a redpilled black man
If the zoobitybop doesn't fit, you must acquit
Sleepy whyte wymenz
Why are (You)s gone? That's stupid.
Anyway, yeah, I figure...
Yup. Note that the hammer came down on Cosby right around the time BLM was starting - the powers that be couldn't risk another "pound cake" speech at that crucial time.
This, as soon as a black man dares leave the plantation the left will come down on him like a ton of bricks
You can go to trial and be convicted on only he-said-she-said evidence.
I was a prospective juror in a case once where the lawyers as much as told us this was what the case would be.
>Women already seething at the inevitable acquittal
>You can go to trial and be convicted on only he-said-she-said evidence.
Maybe in the socialist haven of California, but most of the rest of the country actually believes in burden of proof.
If the condom don't fit, you must acquit
hope it never gets old
>We the jury find Bill "The bibbityboopboppin pill droppin" Cosby not guilty on account of was kangz and shit.
It was the other pole on the axis of evil, new york.
And I think it was even worse -- it sounded like she claimed she was too intimidated to say no at the time but she meant no inside so it was still rape.
he'll get off. no way he'll be found guilty
He's 100% guilty, he has no chance m8. Sorry. If you've followed the case at all there are very credible accounts of what happened with some substantial evidence backing it up.
Cosby should not have forced his pudding-pop into her after dropping a fizzy-bomb in her drink.
He is going to visit the boy in the hood.... do NOT drop your soap or FAT ALBERT will plug your pudding hole!
>"""Victim""" calls her """assailant""" numerous times after the """assault""" takes place
>"""Victim's""" account of the """assault""" has at least three contradictions
Real solid
>implying one person out of the 50+ accusers means none of them have credible evidence.
When it's the primary accuser in this trial that's exactly what it means
>there are 50+ accusers so one of them HAS to be telling the truth
True that and its something we should check who is financing the ghetto culture?
pic is clue
Howard Stern has a penis...
Digits acquits
it has been prophesied