Simply chickens coming home to roost,
look at his policy positions and the suffering imposed on the working class and tell me why I am supposed to care about this.
Simply chickens coming home to roost
Which of his policies justified shooting him?
pro 2A
because if he dies on the table hes going to be a fucking martyr reeeeetard
One Bernie supporter is dead. It seems like constitutionalists come out on top here.
You people are so bad at this. The 2A means to fight a tyrannical government. The fact is the only thing you guys are upset about is you lost a democratic election. That's not tyranny, that's our Republic. Also, please start taking shooting lessons, 50 shots, five hit, pathetic.
We'll see if the GOP billionaire globalist servant survives
You don't
Neither of us should
Your a democrat arguing against globalization... Fuck, how retarded are you? Or are you just black?
Liberals are bad at this.
Much like saying hurtful things doesn't turn people against the 1st amendment, people using guns nefariously doesn't turn people against the 2nd amendment.
Freedom has its benefits and pitfalls.
This bitch is retarded, it is so we don't get rounded up in camps and killed like so many before us. No one goes around shooting democratic leaders, even though it is very tempting.
Wow I thought I was bad with a non zeroed scope....
maybe he is being ironic
>No one goes around shooting democratic leaders
Republicans are the globalists
now all the sudden tyranny is subjective
>why I am supposed to care about this
because the pendulum swings both ways...
That dude was crazy though.
Right? That's awful.
Here's a good standard to identify tyranny or not tyranny:
If you get to freely elect the people who pass your laws and can replace them if you convince enough people to your side, NOT tyranny.
Grow the fuck up fag.
And people on the other side can hit their targets.
republicans told me obama was tyrannical
Both parties are globalists you utter moron.
>when you're so retarded you justify using a constitutional right you don't believe in to put down a "tyrant" whose crime is not supporting rights that are not in the constitution
no worries, doctor jack sava is here to save the day
Don't you know one of your leaders is Charles (((Schumer)))? Who admitted on the Iran deal that he was torn between America's interests and Israels? This Republican vs Democrat false dichotomy is what (((they))) want.
And you and your friends thought they were idiots, right? But now you do the same thing when a Republican is in office? Hypocrisy and emotional retardation, that's what you are.
To be fair, it is pretty hypocritical of Scalise to try and take away people's healthcare, then whine like a bitch and demand top-notch expensive healthcare for HIMSELF as soon as HE needs it...
Obama wasn't tyrannical though. Steve Scalise was.
Source: Republican logic
He was moving things to become more tyrannical, considering there was a blackmail database being made, increased spying, executive orders everywhere, and a media that would say he dindu nuffin.
I'm looking at them OP. Pic for (You)
Thanks. Been looking for that one for months.
because people are going to shoot back, retard, and then the whole jig is up
>, executive orders everywhere,
He was a wicked cunt, perhaps the right wing will see this as gods will.
Hyper retardation is a sad thing to witness.
I know
I'm looking at this one too OP. Have another (You)
>if necessary
You still have made no point in this entire thread backing your claims. You are either legitimately retarded or fucking around. My money is on your retarded.
>My money is on your retarded.
Probably because if it keeps, Trump folks might come after you?
Just saying. You know, the whole "Chickens" and "Roosting" stuff?
I know you are just being pretend retarded
because not even democrats are this retarded
Do you not consider plutocracy to be tyranny?
Yeah, that's why we voted against another fucking Clinton.
he dies................. DEMs die,
its that simple the first shots been fired, its time to drag RESISTERS and DEMs from their cars and homes and be made to pay for his death
Death to the the DNC!
He also dismantled most of Obama's. Executive orders are okay, but they have to be within executive power. Obama was overreaching.
So this guy will win every re election from now on?
Trump is overreaching.
LARPers need to try harder. Commies need to move to Venezuela
>this is the only response
>republicans are the globalists
>democrats are the racists
fuck you Washington, seriously FU go play basketball outside please
This. Fuck politicians.
So you would've been okay with Sanders getting shot? Do you really want to live in a world where politicians who are not doing what you like is getting shot?
How short sighted are you? What if someone found out you had objectionable opinions and they felt that you should be shot?
You moron. You live by the sword you die by the sword.
So, your point against Trump, is that he wanted to hire someone who worked for one of, if not the most, powerful Democrats?
I bet he follows OccupyDemocrats on Facebook.
Yes and every court they have been to was a liberal court. Only one court matters anyways.
cwb931 [3:28 PM]
Lmao the shooter guy in Virginia that shot up the baseball game was a Bernout holy shit how unfortunate for democrats
How bout them violent Trump supporters tho
I'm a liberal and I acknowledge this too.
This goes for both sides desu.
There are very few Americans, an incredibly infinitesimal fraction that genuinely believe that the constitution should be upheld even when they personally don't benefit or are even disadvantaged by it.
If both sides were willing to put partisanship aside, they'd realize the snakes and leeches and charlatans in both their parties and take this nation back, they'd hold their representatives accountable rather than just buying into narratives one side or the other push.
They'd listen to policies rather than ideologues.
Liberals and Conservatives would realize that those dividing lines are literally 1984 type divisions such that a SOP-esque system of endless political strife can be profited from.
It speaks volumes that Conservatives vote against their interest in the short and long term and Liberals refuse to vote out politicians who themselves refuse to disavow corporate umbilical cords
Only if the people are opposed to it and have their power to decide taken away. Fact is, people could vote the plutocracy out, but they never do. If you elect them, and they take advantage of you, but you reelect them, that's not tyranny, that is stupidity of the masses.
>Getting shot with a sword
Still, not an argument that Trump is more globalist than Democrats. Clinton got paid a lot of money by Goldman Sachs, Soros is the major founder of globalist policies and groups, Obama wanted an end to borders.
This makes Trump a tyrant, right? Do you remember what you were originally arguing? Of course not, you're a fucking idiot, but I just want to let you know.
Democrats are so retarded.
They probably lose a brain cell every time they say something stupid like this
The point of the second amendment is to fight a corrupt government (Aka a communist government or a dictatorship)
Not to shoot people you disagree with.
This is why I'm a republican and will stay republican.
Stupid shit like this
Trump literally admitted that he's a globalist. He's slashing taxes for the wealthy.
There have been idiots who had bright ideas like the shooter did. It's important to remind these fools that they're not the first to think of this.
>le speeling eror meme
Literally quaking with fear. I am as free to exercise my second amendment as any frothing Trumper snowflake. I keep ol' Mossy at the ready for any nigger or right wing loon that would attempt to harm me or my family.
I don't think you know what globalism means.
Plato was right.
Democracy was a mistake.
Trump admitted he's a globalist.
You're just a cuck.
Because you're next...
Hey that's the first thing I said
What a bad shot
Yet again, no argument, no proof, no intelligence. Please come up with something at least funny, this is getting tiresome and you are a terribly unentertaining shill.
Glad I'm not the only one.
There will always be power accumulation at the top of a society, the only question is what kind of person will that be? And that question is answered based on the filter and criteria you put up.
If you make a society where people, the masses, choose the leaders, you get leaders who try to artificially fill out the expectations of those masses.
You get the world you deserve, I suppose.
So who did those people shoot? They're free to bitch and moan all they want, just like the MSM is free to bitch and moan all they want about Trump being Hitler. But when you say 'No, seriously guys, Trump is literally Hitler's second coming and you have to go kill him and all his supporters please do it' and then people start taking you up on that, maybe its time for some self reflection.
Trump admitted he's a globalist. Lol are you slow?
The Constitution was great so long as people respected it. But even politicians who say they are Constitutionalists openly ignore it. When the law is not respected by those responsible for passing and enforcing the law, society needs new laws and system of enforcing them.
Ah yes, I remember it clearly in his 'Obama is literally Hitler, I'm shooting these people because I hope they're related to him' and how it was met with cheers of applause and justified by the MSM.
Again, you are not actually giving evidence of globalist ideology. You give pictures of articles about Trump hiring someone or praising Israel, but none of that is inherently globalist. You really need to get some Hooked-on-Phonics and edumacate yourself.
The greatest suffering working class in America faces is being forced to live around niggers and spics. Anyone supporting immigration is opposed to the working class, period.
you're in denial that Trump admitted he's a globalist. Is that what this is about?
>chickens coming home to roost.
This shooter was an arm of tyranny. He wasn't fighting it, he was trying to help it. The democrats are the party of authoritarianism.
By your logic, we should be killing Obama and Clinton for the suffering they wrought upon millions of people in the US and the world.
So, he wants to make money = globalist? You really don't have any idea what you're talking about. Why don't you just post or link to where he said he is a globalist? So, now it's not just Russia, but every topic, Democrats are going to ignore facts and debate and rely solely upon sinister innuendo?
Solid point, I believe it was Benjamin Franklin who said, upon ratifying the constitution, "[you have] a republic- If you can keep it"
Well beyond even that, it's used as a wrapper, an excuse to do certain things and then it's ignored when they want to go against it or neglected altogether.
It's a classic case of people ignoring the spirit of the Magna Carta: that no citizen is above the law in letter or spirit.
Congress on both sides of the aisle have turned the Constitution into a mandate of heaven, a tangible document that they themselves write giving arbitrary moral superiority to whichever group they want.
Blacks who commit the majority of gun crimes in the US? Democrats let those slide more often to maintain votes and favor by passing new regulations or abolishing others.
Police officers who abuse their power and are protected by their less abusive but equally complicit brothers-in-arms? Can't touch them because they vote Republican.
Morality needs to exist beyond the deliberation of any decision of men. Religion was great for this for a time, partially because it theoretically had laws and principles you COULD NOT BEND and therefore some openings for good men and women to make a case that all faithful would have to adhere to should their theological arguments check out. But now, in this secular age, most politicians seem to be flagrantly nihilistic in their moral character
Perhaps he will learn not to ruin pizza parties.
Trump is a servant of the billionaire globalist class. He admitted he's a globalist. Your only argument is that you are a cuck.
Yes we should
Well he's certainly shown very little with his actions to suggest he's anything other than an opportunist for himself.
I don't know if he's personally dedicated to the globalist agenda, I just think he's in it (the Presidency) for himself, either financially or even just out of his own ego