Ay lmao, even CNN can't spin this shit

Ay lmao, even CNN can't spin this shit

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Hey SJWs--Stop the hate!


anyone else find this odd, guy moves from Illionis to Virginia two months, living out of his van and staying the YMCA which right next to baseball field. this can't be a coincidence. this guy has been playing this shooting for at least two months

dems can't spin this as spontaneous.

left wing death squads cant hit shit cant say im surprised they are going to get fucking raped in the day of the rope

>This would be a bad thing

nah they'll spin it to make it seem like trump is such a toxic president he's driving people to do extreme acts of violence, guarantee this will be a talking point on don lemonhead and anderson cooper tonight

>CNN actually doing its job
This frightens more more than anything else I've seen on Sup Forums

I wonder what is activation phrase was


Don't politicize this. This is really a non-partisan issue

We should use this to drive the wedge between establishment lefties, and progressives even deeper.

This is a HUGE opportunity I think.

i genuinely don't believe that's a real headline. at best it's a deeply-buried op-ed-tier article for plausible deniability. CNN was VERY low-key today reporting on this.

The shooter was clearly a spook. The guy he shot was investigating child trafficking, plus .


I agree, the sooner we all unite against islamo-liberal violence the better

hehehehe it is funny because I remember sanders being "against" demagoguery,do you guys think he is self aware enough to understand that he himself is a demagogue?

personally my bet is on no

one of you amerifats should buy and ship the gulog archipelago to him.

I'd do it but I am a poor fuck.

Bernie supporters are the most violent and unhinged. Absolutley nobody is surprised.

Plans for 3 months
Uses 2 firearms
Fires over 50 rounds

Kills no one


At least we know libtards cant aim worth a shit

>bernie supporter


Activated sleeper cell. Confirms it

no. patsy? like a lee harvey oswald type? they wouldnt mkultra an asset for an op like this and use a fat old slob who can't get a single kill when shooting fish in a barrel. stop that nonsense. i know it's fun but it's reaching at best and very weak on its merits. this clown was radicalized by the media. that's it.

actual spooks operate on much higher levels. actual patsies are carefully-chosen on a few basic qualifications. this was a card-carrying liberal who believed cnn and tried to catch bodies but failed. it's incredibly strong in terms of symbolism but there's nothing deeper to this event.

got idiots like pic related and trump going on about 2nd amendment solutions. whats a crazy moron supposed to do?

Taken moments before the first shot was fired.

Thats what you're up against in the great culture war, my friends. We will be like Jolly Green Giants with guns.

agreed. I support this idea

L-E-A-F get out
You're wasting digits

They don't need to. It supports their US civil war agenda put in place by their commie planners.

If they would have called a "time out" maybe the shooter would have stopped.

um, "no"

A spook would have killed someone.

Has the whole world gone CRAZY?! Am I the only one around here who gives a shit about the rules?!


Pro-tip: never hire a drifter to do a professional assassin's job.

How broke is Hillary anyway?

"Asuka best girl"

Mainstream meteor and certainly the DNC don't like Sanders.

This is actually a boon for their power struggle to retain control over the party. Too bad once they boot out all berniebros they won't have much of anything left.

>"how do you do, fellow Sup Forums members"

A good old civil war in the US its well overdo.
For my part I say go for it.

he was a burnie bro

He should have shot a synagogue if he's really so anti-Trump.

wtf was wrong with his idea faggot?

Should of killed people that matter instead of innocent goy.

>50 shoots
>0 kills

>american aim education

>pro sanders
>not pro DNC or pro Clinton
>not spin

OP has digits
push this
Anything could happen
It doesn't matter what you think now

Burny is a shill taking advantage of his harmless old cunt appearance. I don't use the shill word usually - it's real in this case. Demon possessed old liar takes in the weakest minds.

This shooter is a natural progression from riding the high horse of SJW LARP morality. Liberal fascism shows it's true face...etc

its a leftist thing

How does he keep getting away with it?

CNN is a pro-Hillary network. They wanted Bernie to get BTFO for a long time.

Lone nut, non-story, go back to sleep, children.

Stop insulting our intelligence.


What did they mean by this?

YES, I would join americuck civil war

If this is the worst we can expect from armed antifas, the Day of the Rope will be a breeze.



More like "Left wing miss squads"

this is more annoying than DESU anf SENPAI

and I would kill who posts desu and senpai

They don't need to. It shows that Bernie bros are psycho and shows that trump is inciting violence merely by being president. It works perfectly for them. Can't you see that?

In all honesty (not even larping here) it has got to that point.
Not much to say afterwards.

it's implying that faggots here conspired to create that wedge, when in actuality it's just liberals turning on liberals, and is probably a libtard subtly projecting blame to this board

I just want to say this new flag system fucking sucks. Why did he do this? When will the insanity end?

This entire shooting is a prime example of why people shouldn't get caught up in the emotions and drama of statistically incredibly rare, almost one-off incidents. When we're talking about national politics in a country of 325 million people, every national political "group" or "movement" is bound to have a handful of extremists willing to resort to violence. That's just how things are with tens of millions of people categorized under a single group.
The most dangerous thing people can do is loosely assert blame to that entire group, because it will almost certainly happen again, and it could happen to any group.
Nothing in Sander's platform advocated for violence; quite the opposite. Not a single part of his entire campaign promoted violence. Yet people will take the actions of this individual (one of millions) and use this incident to paint everyone who supported Sanders--and to a broader extent everyone with left-leaning political views--with a single brush.
And within the next year we'll probably see a single Trump supporter do something similar to this, and people will hysterically assert blame on Republicans and paint them with a broad brush. And it will be wrong to do so.
Crazy people do exist, and when it concerns presidential politics, several crazy people capable of resorting to violence are going to end up backing every single popular presidential candidate there is. Maybe something will trigger them into resorting to violence, or maybe they won't, but again: when presidential politics involves tens of millions of people, there are always going to be a handful under each candidate who are mentally unstable and mentally capable of resorting to violence.

Another sick Liberal making his fantasy world a reality. Perhaps the Russians hacked his brain. Slim bucket Sanders lover. Does the Liberal Media understand that they create this drama? They caused this agonizing incident, the MSM fueled the shooter.


Communism kills.

Found the centrist

me? the guy killed nobody. there is no way in the age of the internet and "conspiracy theorists" being bigger news than the state-controlled news they would leave and stone unturned. i seriously believe they want a civil war and i seriously believe this wasn't fort sumter. this was a loser radicalized by the media. and he died a loser and a zilch and im very happy he is dead. if you look too hard into everything you are going to drive yourself crazy.

your side losing != tyranny


"pull it"

I've been doing this all day at work. I'm defending Democrat voters and even Democrat congressmen, only highlighting how it's the media that has pushed it to this point.
Everyone I talked to is agreeing, it's been one giant nonpartisan circle jerk against the media at my job and I fucking love it.

I've always found their use of the word trump funny.
You know they mean it in the sense of "overcoming" but I always read it as if it says to love "Trumps" hate.
Funny word choice, wonder why they still use it.

>trump is a nazi
>all his supporters are nazis
>literally kkk
>le drumf
>le cutting off head is art
>le literal fascism and shutting down free speech

all of this for over a year, pushed every day from cnn, msnbc especially. and they act fucking surprised

fuck liberals

>Nothing in Sander's platform advocated for violence;
Sanders literally told people REPEATEDLY to "rise up". As in, communist revolution.

Their tiny brains cant comprehend a dual meaning.

Hold the media's feet to the fire

Gonna print n SPAM on my campus.

Sanders said it himself. What's your point?

If he was a patsy or an op he wouldn't be a right-wing Christian, or a disgruntled vet, not a chubby Bernout.

did cnn seriously publish this?

This is photoshopped, right?

As a life-long southerner, I assure you, we are always ready


>This frightens more more than anything else I've seen on Sup Forums


yea these guys always have a trouble past. Run in with the law, domestic abuse. NYC car attack, Florida airport shooting.

but the way they describe this guy double tapping the gun and hunting the people makes it sound like he is some trained killer.


That they can't spit it, (you).

>Shooter was strongly anti trump, making facebook posts about destroying trump and the republican party
>Asked if targets were republicans or democrats, started shooting after they answered rep

Definitely non-partisan issue here. Get the fuck out leaf.

The Oregon bigot stabber, was also a Bernie supporter.


top kek


This. CNN is still shilling for Hillary/Establishment, and y'all are taking the bait

>pump russia hoax and anti-Trump hysteria for 6 months
>some wingnut latches onto it and tries to take out 30 congressmen
it's called covering your ass, they are scared of this coming back on them

You retards, a neo-Nazi in Sweden just managed to miss a bunch of Iraqi refugees while hurtling towards them with his vehicle

Oh shit I didn't know adults came to Sup Forums

It is not surprising that CNN mentions that the shooter was a Bernout. The globalists want to assassinate Sanders, make sure he won't be able to run again.

Yup, even the BBC is saying he was a leftist and a Sanders supporter.

The cunt's FB page, before FB cucks removed it

I bet this retard was pro gun control too. What a fucking moron.