Why shouldn't Yugoslavia unite again?

Why shouldn't Yugoslavia unite again?

It was the only successful Socialist country.

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fuck off

Yugoslavia is just a tool to create greater serbia

Tito kept the Serbians in check though. Yugoslavia was Yugoslavia for as long as he lived. All you need is a competent leader like him.

This, Yugoslavia should be reunited under the Serbian flag.

Not really. All Yugoslavs are the same people. They should be united under the Yugoslav flag.

And it should include Bulgarians.

Yes because Tito was hardcore Serb Chetnik

>All Yugoslavs are the same people
>All Slavs are the same people
>All Balkans are the same people
>All Europeans are the same people
>All humans are the same people
not really though

Nice analogy faggot. Yugoslavs have no genetic difference. Slovenes, Croats, Bosniaks and Serbs are literally the same people.

Go to Vranje/Vojvodina or Dubrovnik/Istra and then say all Yugoslovenes are same

>All Yugoslavs are the same people

Of course.

You think Europe would allow such a thing?

>Yugoslavs have no genetic difference
this is a claim, but do you have proofs to back it up?

LOL you commies still alive how old are you 90 ?


Because Albanians, Bosniaks, and Kosovars would infect the rest of Yugoslavia.

yugoscum, you must go back to your Balkan shithole

>Yugoslavia was successful

Austria-Hungary is still the best eastern/central european country ever

Afuck off red animal. Slovenians should not live in the same state with Serb shitskins and Albanian apes

Kosovo is Albanian. And Albanians are already immigrating en masse to Yugoslav countries.

Also, Tito wanted Albania in Yugoslavia. There's no reason why they shouldn't be.

>Jews had equal citizen rights
I think not

shut up faggot, at least he does't hide behide snek flag
>eternal kraut plotting misery for everybody yet again

it was, untill you came for "jobs"

All ex-yugo diasporas should be repatriated back home. Or killed


yugolsavia is dead and its for better

Ga neuk jezelf

No fucking way Serbia without south asian cigan admixture

Netherlands is not your homeland, serbroach

Why do you deny your Yugoslav nationality, Slovene-bro?

Settling this once and for all.

who knows, this graph may be shit, I found it online and never checked for being true

Slovenia is not Southern Slavic. Slovenia is Central European

Contrary to what Sup Forums might tell you sonetimes, a people does go further than genetics. Germans and Dutchies probably don't differ much genetically, but we differ in history, culture, language, religion and tradition. That's what makes us who we are, it's the same for former Yugoslav countries and that's why it fell apart.
This is why shitskins aren't real Europeans, they lack these factors.
If you don't understand this concept then I assume you're just a burger, because anything further than white and non-white seems difficult to you.

>Best eastern/central European country
>Not the Ottoman Empire

Glad to see another patriotic austrian.
Slovenien und Ungarn sint Habsburgisches land!

Because the entire area should be bombed flat with napalm.

Except for Croatia, they are cool.

>Slovenien und Ungarn sint Habsburgisches land!

You mean part of the Danube Republic.

Yugoslav culture is the same across all of the countries. Only religion is different, Croatia is catholic, Bosnia is muslim and Serbia is orthodox.

Besides that, they're all the same

Fuck off, Sunni scum.
Takfir when?


The only reason Yugoslavia held out for as long as it did is because them US and USSR monies.

As soon as Tito died, serbs took over, ruined it, and got wrecked. Now they shill for it on mongolian throat singing forums


Do you really think a country changes culture within 80 years?

What are you talking about, retard? I said all of their cultures are the same, except for only religion. They're the same people.

oh fuck off you diaspora shit

you know damn well what the case was

I'm talking about slovenia you daft cunt. Do you really think they would have the same culture when they had literally been part of different countries for more than a thousand years?

>yugoslav culture
What the fuck is that supposed to be?

By that logic, all the people in the USA are """Americans""" by ethnicity and have American culture (and not mexican, german, irish, nigger, etc.)

Serbs have more dark hair than Croats

also Croats are more civilized

if you see ex-yugos chimping out her in Germany it is mostly Serbs

Slovenia literally created yugoslav civilization in Carantania

Except here in Slovenia, we share much more with Austrians than with the rest of the Balkan nations.
Living under Austrian rule for over 1000 years does that to you.


Yugoslavia was NATO funded short term fix state.

>google keeping tito afloat

I will repeat this until you colossal faggots understand once and for all.

literally ended more than a thousand years before.

Socialist Yugoslavia was a meme... We literally got billions of gibs from West and when money dried out all of sudden nationalism and wars...

Croatia - sometimes White
Bosnia - shitskin
Serbia - shitskin
Serbs, Albanians, Bosnians, Bulgarians, Greeks - they all must be exterminated
Why shilling for Austria-Hungary? They considered Jews to be equal citizens. Fuck it

You got Money for that? It was some bribe to not join the Warsaw Pact and act as buffer state?

Yugoslavia was fine until Milosevic took power and tried to turn it into greater Serbia for the 595th time

Serbs ruined everything like they always do


Do what you want, but keep us out of it. We are not like you, never were, never will be. And leave my country you fucking -ić subhuman leeches.

cigans larping as Europeans really

What's most worrying in this thread is the amount of flagfags that seem to have no concept of southern europe and eastern europe.

People never bothered to zoom in on a map and figure Yugoslavia is next to Russia. It's beyond me why actual natives from there never correct them. They actually seem to believe they are authentic slavic people. Not just that but half the population of Serbia and Bosnia seems to think it's Muslim because it teaches Islam.

Doesn't anyone there get a history lesson? Only FYROM seems to be generally on the right path when it comes to identify but the dispute between them and Greece is even more stupid.

I've never been more ashamed to be related to these people.


How did we come when we were always there to begin with?

>Only FYROM seems to be generally on the right path when it comes to identify
Nice meme.
FYROM is Bulgarian. Any attempt to identify as anything else is bullshit

>the eternal huehue is back

Nothing in Europe is Bulgarian. They are alien immigrants that must GTFO or die

Well at least someone posted a damn infographic. It's just mixed Illyrian people who would have thought? Also afaik they belong to the same haplogroup as the entire Balkan and eastern mediterrane.

Germans and Dutch people are pretty much the same. Just like Scandinavian people are. I mean, how is that hard to understand for some people. You have nationality and you have genetics.

The culture you speak off is constantly shifting. Perhaps in northern Europe this has been a thing of the last 2000 years but southern Europe has gone through so many shifts that it's near damn insulting to not give voice to that.

>Serbs, Albanians, Bulgarians, Greeks
>they all must be exterminated

You mean the 4 only legitimate nations must be removed?

t. 56%

real Albania died in the 15th century

they are turkish fanboys, says all

Wrong, Slovenia was the only successful Socialist country

IBD sequences say otherwise, but whatever floats your boat

>implying tito would be around forever
oh wait what happened when he died?

fuck off commies


Yeah sure Brazil. You live on the other side of the ocean and you fell for the counter-meme. Congratualations.

Your reply is a great example off how stupid this dispute has become.

> Macedonia was part of Yugoslavia.
> Bulgaria was not.
> FYROM shares borders with Bulgaria and Greece.
> Somehow people from FYROM are Bulgarians and not Macedonians
> Because they share a border with them and FYROM is a 'non-country'.

What's even more hilarious is how the world enables dumb niggers to go WE WUZ while being 4 countries across from Egypt and yet this entire feud is left flame because people want it to be so.

That's the dumbest picture I've ever seen

Doesn't mean your genetics are not utter shit, Toniblerim
Literally the embassy of the eternal gook in Europe
The only White European nation. Coincidence?

I hope you're baiting. I sincerely hope with all my heart you're baiting.

Look it's Albania with an opinion. You are the most mussie infested country in the balkan. 99% rape babies. And I doubt you get any history lessons at school.

it should have never existed in the first place.

NDH should form again instead

>Yeah sure Brazil. You live on the other side of the ocean
> is how the world enables dumb niggers

If he's the same Brazilian user from yesterday, he has a Yugoslav father has to escape thanks to the Serbs.

He has probably more intel and his father's historical insight than a random/ general Brazilian.

>99% rape babies.
Not really, just trash of the tribe reproduced the most

i would read a bit more on the history of yugoslavia and you will see.

We were a mercenary people, lending our services to the highest bidder. Now that such a profession has been discarded or become taboo we have it hard forgetting inherited instincts.

Well I also have a Yugoslav mother and had to escape thanks to the Serbs so we are on the same boat. Doesn't mean he's not just parroting some popular opinion by the group of people he and his father originated from. Like someone already posted in this thread. There are allot of ethnic groups in the Balkans and each has their own fucking beliefs which are 50% truth and 50% fairy dust. That's why we've always had wars.

Give me the quick rundown on the yugoslavs and why they all want to kill each other.

Zizek would be dissapointed with you

A literal non-argument. Let me guess, Alexandrovski. You're ethnically from FYR Macedonia, currently living in Australia, between the ages of 17 and 24. Your parents moved there either after WW2 or after the 90s. You have brown hair and eyes.

Now tell me how much i got right.


This. Serbshits should be hanged

You mean fat marxist coke using retard that is laughed at and spat on?

>Well I also have a Yugoslav mother and had to escape thanks to the Serbs
No you didn't, you were just a pussy.

Exyugo diaspora is always subhuman, because it's diaspora.

>It was the only successful Socialist country.

so successfull that it broke apart, the nations who were part of the country literally fought 3 times against each other in less then 90 years.
It was so successful, that hyper inflation made money in it literally worthless.It was so successful that since the late 1970's all of the state owned mega-corporations operated with financial losses. The state took credits upon credits just to pay the people the puney pensions and "monthly paychecks"..
In the 80's the people were payed literally with food stamps. It was so successful that in the 80's the supermarkets were literally 90% empty.
It was so successfull that you could drive your car only every other day because of oil shortages. Fuck off commie scum

Very well, I'm gonna be completely honest with you Albanian.

You were wrong about every single one of them. I could give you the first because it's close but it really isn't.

Here are the correct answers

> I'm ethnically from Bosnia but my Grandparents come from around Pella (GR) although some lived in FYROM. So I know both sides of the story and have no horse in this fight.

> I'm still living in Europe and will never leave except if the homeland is lost and we have to temporarily relocate to the colonies until we Dues Vult Constantinople.

> I'm 25 years old (damn you were close)
> Also I got darkblond hair and blue eyes since i'm half Nord half Med and my balkan family aren't a bunch of Turkish rape babies. But I take it you are brown haired and eyed since you come from that Albania.

Oh and they moved before and during the civil war. Are you satisfied with my answers?


what the fuck does that mean? there's no such thing as "A Yugoslav" or Yugoslavia, or Yugoslav culture, or Yugoslav identity..It's as fake and as bg as a meme as a chinese plastic plant.


that lispy stalinist cuck faggot

Well that's my fucking point if you read the entire thread. That's exactly what I've been saying. There is no culture, no identify. Just history and genetics. A.k.a. you are completely right so please get off my case.