>Sup Forums is becoming increasingly left-nat as the alt-kike becomes cringier and cringier
>the memes will spread all over the internet
>eventually left-nat becomes a popular movement
>massive protests and eventually revolutions
>(((capitalists))) are thrown into gulag before being thrown into ovens
>left-nat utopia is secured, a home for every race free of exploitation
>eventually left-nat nations colonize space
Why aren't you Nazbol yet, Sup Forums?
BASED Nazbol Gang Conquering Sup Forums
Easton Morales
Xavier Richardson
Fuck off commie trash
Caleb Taylor
Okay..... by any chance do you have autism???
Jayden White
Aleksandr ((((Dugin)))) is PURE EVIL
Logan White
A marxist? On my board?
Kevin Wright
post naz bol memnes
David Moore
Sup Forums is a neo zionist board
Isaac King
>Sup Forums is becoming increasingly left-nat
Stopped there.
You are clearly fucking retarded
Benjamin Rodriguez
Levi Adams
>Non-Russian Nazbols
Limonov, Letov and Dugin would rather you commit suicide and reduce the populace of western trash than support them.