The holocaust happened.
The holocaust happened
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Nope, but it should have
Nope give proof it happened
Sure bud
Not enough seeing as there's like 20 Million Jews alive still.
If the holocaust really happened, a Europe finally freed of Jewish influence would have experienced its longest era of peace and prosperity
Oh wait
Kind of; Most died as by standars of war. Very few were actually hunted down and exterminated.
This image doesn't prove the holocaust happened. Just that people were rounded up.
Ya I know
Not only did it happen, but they are downplaying the numbers so much. In school they teach that 2/3 of Jews were killed but really it was like 95%. There's barely any Jews left in the world and they have almost no power, even in their own land. Really we should put more effort into spreading awareness and given funds to Israel, and cracking down on people denying it.
ha ha pol retards always hail this as the best thing to never happen so stupid
Assuming this isn't bait, you're about as delsusional as pic related
מנסה את הדגלים המותאמים אישית החדשים, אלי?
I wish
>Those pics
If there was a conspiracy they would definitely pick someone with above average photoshop skills. Or conspiracy theory merchants know their fanbase is a bunch of retards that can't spot obvious shoops.
In your fucking sick fantasies it did.
Bitch boi.
But it was never completed, and that's the biggest crime.
>nazifags deny the holocaust because they can't deal with the fact that their ideology was responsible for the systematic genocide of 6 million people
>muh 6 gorrilion
If you look up Lithuanian, Danish, and other European countries then you'll see that they report that at least 95% of their Jewish populations were killed by Nazis. Germany's was reported at the low amount of 2/3 because Germans are most stupid and don't keep good records on the important things. And your pic proves nothing. The Nazis did wild experiments with animals and probably trained animals to react in such ways to Jews. Like seriously, the Jews are one of the greatest races on Earth and should be celebrated more. You're just pretending to be edgy with your stupid Nazi flag. You're just mad because a Jewish girl probably rejected you in middle school and you haven't been able to get past it.
how come the jews never tried to befriend the bear? a jew and a bear could have made a good team tearing shit up, especially since they were both going to die in there anyway. might as well take a few nazis down with em. if i was a jew thrown into the cage i would definitely befriend the bear
>Like seriously, the Jews are one of the greatest races on Earth and should be celebrated more.
Should've omitted this line. Would've been better bait.
It did, even if your falseflagging ass is trying to create an echochamber lol
>inb4 Sup Forums infographs filled with complete bullshit
If any.
Jews were taken to camps but none/very few were gassed, and nowhere near 6 million died
You can't disprove anything so you just post a picture of a Jewish cartoon.
Of course it happened. But the severity + death toll is what is to be debated
Oy vey. Of course.
>1 post by this ID
Kike detected
can you believe that there were whores for good jews inside the camp?
Jews are one of the greatest. We also should thank them for all the technological advancements and for coming up with our modern economics system. Capitalism only exists because of Jews.
Archived that for you
Jews slaughtered millions upon millions, nobody mentions it.
>b-but muh six gorillion, muh persecution, give money to Israel
It didn't happen folks.
Should I care?
In my opinion, Holocaust Revisionism remains THE most important issue ever.
I care even less if all white people would be exterminated by mass migration.
Holocaust Revisionism would still be the more important issue.
And the mainstream Auschwitz narrative cannot stand.
All them krauts at nuremberg testified they were ordered to do it. The never denied it. "When additional information was brought forward that forced Eichmann into admitting what he had done, Eichmann would insist he had not had any authority in the Nazi hierarchy and had only been following orders."
Post this every day OP.
Every day until it's true.
Nigger, the holocaust didnt happen enough.
wow that's a lot of work for one pic.
But it should have.
None of them testified - exept for Eichmann - who signed a paper declared he personally order the murder of 3 million Jews at Auscwitz.
Torture works wonders.
When they started tracking down every 90 year old man who so much as guarded a gate in a camp I knew there was something fishy. Why do that? Unless of course you want to make damn sure no one ever tells an alternate story.
Come to memeball thread you lay fucks!
Most people who were seen as capable of working did work in labor camps. Death camps focused on the elderly, weak and disabled.
Methods like gassing as much jews as possible at the same time probably was being considered efficient by the nazis.
Because there were so many of them? The comparison with a court is so fucking bad, jesus. No idea about that soap shit though.
You can still visit the death camps to this day. Nothing is being "hidden".
This is just false, jesus. Victims from poland etc. are also being remembered.
The holocaust heavily influenced our modern world, especially in Europe.
To be honest, I think it's a stupid law as well. Let people talk shit desu.
They look mighty healthy to me.
It's a shame the supply lines were cut and 300 thousand of them died.
>Civilians going about their daily lives including children ought to have been massacred on account of their birth
What are you, a fucking African?
>order someone to false testify or he gets his nuts crushed
>he false testifies
>this is somehow amerifats' proof of the holacoast
Can you not read? Those are concentration camps. Not extermination camps. around 11 Million died in the death camps. People just downplay the numbers.
>it happened in my head
There were no gas chambers.
Hitler let Jews emigrate to Palestine with their wealth intact. Jews in concentration camps labored and enjoyed such luxuries as a cinema, grand piano, an Olympic sized swimming pool with diving board, postal service, their own money and so on. The smoke stacks in the so-called crematorium were built after its "liberation" by Jewish led soviet partisans.
None of this even makes sense. Also what would even be the end goal IF these conspiracies were half true.
You can also add Slovakia there, we also have laws against holocaust denial.
>considering jews people
Are you kidding me?
>There were no gas chambers.
vergasungskeller were just buzzwords then.
Crawwwling in my skiiiin...
The extermination of the white race. The only true opposition to a Jewish Zionist supremecist, one-word communist government. See my next post.
>being this far removed from reality
It's time to step outside user.
People at Neuremberg also testified to an "electric floor" that zapped everyone to death. And a floor which opened, dumping bodies into minecarts that went on rails into an oven. These ridiculous claims went completely unchallenged. Also testimony about jewish soap and lampshades, things which today are admitted by all legitimate sources to have been fraudulent war propaganda
Neuremberg trials were a complete sham
You're wrong.
Works camps happened.
Death camps dident.
Now you know.
>One post by this person
>Some bullshit Sup Forums can't resist commenting on
Slide post
These topics are heavily censored on practically every other forum and website
Nice argument, really convinced me, subscribed and thumbs up
Ethnic Jews evolved later than almost every other race, so not only are they people, but they are actually the most superior, compared to blacks who are the least, and whites which were an intermediate. Eastern Asians were a separate split from whites. .
>It happened in my mind
lmaoing at his life.
Have you ever examined the subject of holocaust revisionism??
If not here is some kind of an introduction but the topic is waaay bigger then a video on YouTube.
If you are already familiar with the arguments -
at what point did the revisionsts such are Germar Rudolf, David Cole, Mark Weber fail to convince you ???
Because you seem to be someone who genuinely believes Jews where gassed at Auschwitz - unlike some professional lairs in the holocaust industry (not naming names).
And it was worth it...
296,081 total deaths documented (only half were Jews)
there is more evidence for bigfoot than there is for the holocaust
Ethnic jews are mongrel Canaanites faggot, learn history.
Dubbs confirm
>mfw 90 IQ is considered retarded
>mfw brown people are dumber than that
Just because you have an extra chromosome does not make you a superior form of man, Schlomo.
It makes absolute perfect sense when you know the Protocols of Zion. In b4...
Oh, and aside from a few folks here and there misidentified as Jews, basically everything there is verifiable fact. And even then, it doesn't matter what their background is, if they're known enemies.
Fact: It doesn't fucking matter, 60 million died in ww2, even if we go by your numbers of 6 million that's 10%, Soviets were almost 50% and the truth is that there weren't even any gas chambers and even if it did, that doesn't justify genociding the palestinians
Labour camps does not a holocaust make.
>Retarded mongrel race brainwashed by your kind for over 100 years thinks you're better than anyone else, including them.
"I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, but thou art rich and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."
Revelations 2:9
OK guys i have a feeling they started to spread "pro-revisionist" arguments using infographic and all that - but they pick the actual bad and false arguments.
Only to later come back themseves and "disprove" the false theories they helped to spread around.
This technique is called "poisoning the well" and well-practiced in the JFK assasination conspiracy community.
This technique is demonstrated to be fatal to any truth movement of importance.
And for anyone intrested in REAL holocaust revisionism watch/listen/read Germar Rudolf, David Cole and Mark Weber.
>The holocaust happened.
Then how come there isn't any evidence for it?