*takes your tax money*

*takes your tax money*

Other urls found in this thread:


She's at least getting treatment in the USA, the same couldn't be said for Mexico.

Would you rather her live a half decent life in the USA at very minor taxpayer expense (if any) or just suffer and die in the trash filled streets of Mexico because someone stole her wheelchair raped her and threw her in a dumpster as she can not move do to a defect she likely did not even bring upon herself?

I've got no sympathy illegals or even most immigrants but this is an exception.

its not ABOUT what you want. Because you are not a citizen.

Why should I be forced to place myself in her shoes? I'll tell you what I'd rather, I'd rather our nation put its citizens first, as intended. Mexican cripples are the mexican people's problem.

She legally immigrated and seems like she likes America, I'm happy for her.

I still want the wall.

It seems I've been raked. But geographic location aside would you really deny disability benefits to a fellow citizen? What if the shoe was on the other foot?

As long as she's a legal American citizen, what's the problem?

Why is she even wearing shoes?

>Would you rather her live a half decent life in the USA at very minor taxpayer expense (if any) or just suffer and die in the trash filled streets of Mexico because someone stole her wheelchair raped her and threw her in a dumpster as she can not move do to a defect she likely did not even bring upon herself?
The latter. I don't give a fuck about her.

I agree with you here, but she is a full American now. Putting America first includes putting her first as well.
I want a wall too, trust me.

aaaand it was a leaf hiding behind the memflag.
how surprising

Only pure blooded Northwestern Europeans should be allowed to be citizens

people are far too proud these days

she respected the process. my feelings about her being here are now irrelevant to the discussion, therefore; proving once again the conservative mind set is superior to any other.

Not our problem. Genetic altruism and empathy towards those who don't resemble us is dysgenic as it gets. Anti-evolutionary even

These new flags have given us immense power.

If you can go to a protest you can work, if you can type online you can work.

Disability should only be given to people with no arms and legs.

>What if the shoe was on the other foot?
No system that takes more water than it expels will float. I don't care about your shitty sob story, this is about america staying alive. Your five hundred, five thousand, five million people I "ought" to save don't matter to me. You're asking me to sink the ship just so she doesn't have to drown right now.

No, you're always still immediately identifiable as a leaf.

How many of your neighborhoods homeless have you allowed to sleep in your home so that they are not robbed or raped?

I'd rather she suffer and die in the trash filled streets of Mexico because someone stole her wheelchair raped her and threw her in a dumpster

Why do Democrats constantly tell other people about their feelings. Your own family only pretends to care, you think a majority of the 350 + million legal AMERICANS do?

>wearing heels in a wheelchair

Eh, America is only like 60% white anyways. Not much to be saved there.

I'd agree with you but then again this woman is a social media attention whore.

she did the paperwork and process, she's one of us now.

this does not excuse the millions of illegals, they must obey the laws of this land or LEAVE

Divide and conquer pls go. Post proof this isnt a good person or GTFO.

Any subhuman can shit out a spawn in Canada/US and that trash will be a citizen. Light eyed light haired pure blooded European in Czech Republic is closer too me than browned eyed part jewish Russian national

true. just wear comfy slippers

Good question.

>Putting America first includes putting her first as well.
No user, "for Ourselves and Our Posterity" is a big sign that translates to "fuck off".

Putting American interests first would have meant keeping her the fuck out.

>bitching about someone who legitimately became an American citizen

Fuck off.

So powerful.
Friendly reminder:
>leafs legally criticize Islam
>leafs cannot legally call someone by anything but their preferred pronoun
>must adhere to the LGBT agenda, must accept any LGBT agenda their children follow or are coerced into following regardless of age. If leafs do not follow the agenda, their children will be removed and placed with an LGBT family

~25-30%*. you save the money, mongoloid. Welfare should be abolished to starve out subhumans

>implying he lives in a neighborhood with a homeless population

Sorry leafs CANNOT legally criticize Islam

Why don't we just fucking put up the shantytowns and favelas now?

>accepting an immigration system so flawed in allows in permanent welfare leeches that havent paid into the system and likely never will in a meaningful way.

Why so excited about giving your inheritance away to whoever shows up?

>this is an exception
Found the wetback. Unless she's a fucking heart surgeon there's no exception here she's the same gutter trash that you are

In America almost every neighborhood has a homeless population. It's completely out of control and strongly connected to the increase in opiod use.

Where does it say "send us your cripples" on the Statue of Liberty?

>Implying disabled people in wheelchairs would be stored in the houses of average Americans

They can live in cardboard boxes for all I care, in my country or not I don't give a fuck.

Pleddit please leave. Civic Nationalism is a more cancerous ideology than communism.

*walks away after photo*

My neighborhood does. They literally camp down next to the shitty apartments where they waste even more tax dollar housing goatfuckers.

But back to the point, never let the homeless into your home. Ever.

She's an American citizen. Putting America first now includes her, just not her shit covered Mexican relatives on the other side of the border.

Look at her post. She comes with a shitton of baggage, and isn't loyal to this country. She is vocally expressing loyalty to mexico. She doesn't belong here.

You miss the point: she shouldn't be a citizen, she shouldn't be here at all. That's what "America First" means, and the bureaucrats being shitty as usual doesnt change this.

Again, any subhuman (even a jihadi) can shit out seven citizen kids. America first = fuck H1B, gas the spics and jail niggers

Imagine my shock!

>pulling figures out of my ass the post

I don't mind legal immigrants.

>because someone stole her wheelchair raped her and threw her in a dumpster
that someone would be a mexican. by that logic why would you want mexican immigrants?

Yeah I hate it here. Moving to some Euroshit country that respects my right to have white Christian children asap.

Let me help you. Anywhere between 28-32% of the US """Whites""" has negro or amerindian admixture. USA is like BEST CASE SCENARIO 35% White country.
It was specially non-Hispanic Whites who got studied. Beware of purity!




good for her.

You do realize that the entire immigration process from coming into the US, then getting a greencard, then applying for citizenship costs thousands? It's not cheap or easy, and those that become citizens have already paid their fair share and have contributed more to the country and you ever have to earn that status.

I started hearing this argument recently, that tax is charity and people pay taxes out of compassion. No, they don't. People pay taxes to fund public services, like healthcare (in this case tax is effectively insurance), education, pension, etc. Every taxpayer benefits from these services.

Oh shut the fuck up you edgy shitstain. You don't get to decide who should and shouldn't be here. That lady is going to get medical treatment because she's a US citizen now and I couldn't be happier.

(I'm just trying to get in her pants she shouldn't be here)

>you do know it's so hard and costly to become a citizen
Redditscum please. It took my dad literally 30 minutes to become a citizen because he's a doctor and not some third world immigrant

> 5 kopeiki have been deposited into your account

that's only ontario mate, go on the average global news alberta story and check out the facebook comments, pretty sure albertans aren't being prosecuted for criticizing Islam because the comments are like 90% "hate speech". Only Ontario is as Orwellian as you say, and the LGBT pronoun you are talking about is legit a provincial law/issue. It's like me saying Commiefornia gun laws are enforced everywhere in the states.

That's true but she is now and is inuded by association along with the other 200 million+ undesireables.

This. Fuck Civic Nationalism, It leads to ethnic tension and blurs cultural national identity until you get the mongrel races like Brazil.

Shes legal. It's the illegals I hate.

As a foreigner in the US whose family had to go through all of the bureaucracy of living, working, and studying here legally from day one, nothing makes me angrier than watching illegal aliens have the red carpet rolled out for them and being showered with scholarships, healthcare, and benefits.

>proud of homeland
Can't get any more full of shit than that.

BC looks like the next to fall. Alberta is only so based because Liberals are afraid of real work and move to Ontario to work some meme job.

All in due time my friend.

>literally 30 minutes to become a cititzen
No it didn't. He got either a work visa or a greencard through work, that's not citizenship, that's premenant residency. That's good for him and many other specialists who go through the process because of their hard work in life, just like any legal immigrant going through the process. Regardless, he would still have fees to pay.

Getting citizenship involves passing an actual test and money after a certain period of getting the greencard. No one gets citizenship for free regardless of how much you buy into this "immigration is easy" bullshit.

>Mexican American


US = Brazil 2.0 with nukes
wrong. Amerishit has no freedom. It can't
>not send you kids to school
>not have insurance
>not pay for Obamacare
>refuse to buy/sell from people based on race/religion/sexual orientation
>refuse to pay taxes
>refuse to hire people based on race/religion/sexual orientation
>no autos
>fighting words and incitement infringement of the First Amendment

>but muh based model minority gooks
Gook subhumans will aid in destruction of guns rights and free speech right

Come to memeball thread you lay fucks!

They'll stay new forever.

And people say Asians are based... every goddamn time they stab us in the back when we extend the hand of friendship.

Glad to see someone finally pointed that out.
I never trust naturalized citizens that claim any degree of fondness for their motherland.
Nah, they'll get slightly scuffed beating against the wheelchair.

>Still believes race exists

Quite frankly after we exterminate negroid and australoid genetic legacy with biological virus, we must wipe out all asians and brown eyed folk

A - come over
B - shit out kid
C - said kid is a citizen
D - profit
When you can say with a DNA test exact racial makeup, it surely does exist.

Go and deny science somewhere else. Suburban retard

This. I'm surprised how everyone cares about illegals, refugees, retards, etc, and no one cares about honest working people.

One day...
Asians are deceptively civilised, no-one talks about the prison camps that are all across the Chink sphere, or the brutal treatment that the prisoners of war faced from the gooks, yet the jews who survived WW2 have plenty 'courage' to talk about their experiences.

Allied and NS vets get along just fine, but no way they'll ever share a room or event with a pom

She is a qt

I'm supposed to accept them admitting people who are assured to be burdens because it was a rigorous process? lol

I can't tell if you're backwards-restarded and saying race exists or saying it doesn't. Maybe you should consider learning English instead of squatting and drinking vodka.

Also, just because the kid is a citizen doesn't mean the parents can stay. There have been plenty of cases of parents getting deported while the kid stays because the parents didn't contribue to their community and country.
How about you stick your nose out of our politics and focus on your own shitty country? Or is it that you're jelly that you're such a useless sack of shit that you'll never get become an American?

>Yes you can, it's called homeschooling/online schooling
>Don't want to pay for insurance? Don't buy a car. Everything else is entirely optional.
>Which has been replealed.
>Which is only true for that one guy with the cake and a very small other few, which was result of an obviously fucking wrong decision by a judge.
>Which are nessecary for funding the military and other necessities. Absolute freedom is anarchy.
>Yeah, if you're not a private business. If you are you can.
>Actually in many states you can own automatic weapons if you are willing to go through the process of getting the required liscence.
>What the fuck are you trying to say? Something about free speech? You are protected from governmental retaliation, but not from other civilians.


Allied and NS vets dislike Imperial Jap vets?

Because the citizenship process invovles proving that one actually considers themselves American and is a beneficial member of their community/country. You can research more into how different pathways work, but I doubt you understand empathy outside your KKK group.


Ah, i though you meant the british, considering that pom is also obscure slang for sunburnt southern englishmen.

Thanks Moonman. Unironically being the voice of reason once again.

>suffer and die in the trash filled streets of Mexico
That one.
>this is an exception
No, it isn't, you traitorous piece of shit.

Who said that I'm not an American and that I didn't vote for Hillary?
>learning English
Dude, I'm South German. No subhuman speaks my dialect, when yours is all time favorite. How many untermenschen out there can understand you?

If she's legal, then she's one of us, and entitled to the privilege of citizenship.
No rage here.

What skill is she bringing to America ?

>Implying the American way is Hillary
Stay in your shithole. It's a sad truth, but you're probably never get to come to the US outside of a tourist visa.

Shadilay! Praise Kek!


wtf I love wheeled mamacitas now?