Ancaps aren't edgy

>ancaps aren't edgy

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I'm going to reply to this thread once just to say there's a road in the background. we can argue about roads

I completely agree, but not as edgy as communists and national socialists like us.

Want that hoodie

Ancap is edge the ideology.
Because of course its ok to sell heroin to an 8 year old in return for sex.

Ι completely agree my fellow nazi, we sure are the edgiest people around!!

of course, commies suck cock

Fuck YouTube AnCaps. They're lame. Also please drop me some shekels at

What ancap said that was ok
I would shoot someone who did that in an ancap society, so would most other ancaps

Your mother sells her body, as is her right. Who do you propose decides what is and isn't allowed to be sold?

Thats a violation of the NAP

Eat shit, you Don't have a right to sell on my land


FUCK you and your shitty ideology



You have no rights if you're on my property idiot.

want to do gay stuff?

Nobody said anything about going on your property faggot, therefore you have no argument

Still no argument to why you can sell heroin to and 8 year old in exchange for sex.

what if the child consents tho

Children don't buy heroin. Maybe change it to ice cream and you have a plausible hypothetical.

The child becomes addicted to heroin and thus lives of off prostitution for the rest of her life. It is a waste of life desu. So i can't see why it should be allowed.

>changing the question

>communist upper class cocksuckers
>national gibmonism
>thinks he can call anyone else on edgyness

>the same people idolize Stalin who made homosexuality a crime

You must have come to the pleasure district and gone into LoliPalace, you sick fuck.

Fuck off you statist shill, stop infringing on my right to have voluntary, consensual relationships with 8 year old drug addicts.

there are no rights in ancap land

Shit, alright you got me. SHE CONSENTED THO!

You'll have to answer to God not me, I just rent out the rooms.

This thread is a violation of the NAP. Recreational ICBM launch protocols have been initiated.

Also the most irrelevant!

>it's a "user doesn't realize there are cringy kids in every ideology's community" episode


>travestis for TM

Ancaps are probably the most autistic ideologues there are aside from other retarded niche anarchist ideologies like anarcho-feminism or anarcho-transgenderism
Of course they are cringy faggots who make edgy memes about physical removal when that of course violates the NAP

All political communities have edgy faggots, the only based political stance is piracy.

Stalin revolted against the Jews
Take the nazbol pill

It's a voluntary exchange between two consenting parties



Stalin also starved his citizens

>In a covenant...among proprietor and community tenants for the purpose of protecting their private property, no such thing as a right to free (unlimited) speech exists, not even to unlimited speech on one’s own tenant-property. One may say innumerable things and promote almost any idea under the sun, but naturally no one is permitted to advocate ideas contrary to the very covenant of preserving and protecting private property, such as democracy and communism. There can be no tolerance toward democrats and communists in a libertarian social order. They will have to be physically separated and removed from society.

You just don't understand physical removal. it is a perfectly valid concept based on exclusion from ones property.

pic related how I imagine ancap kekistanis drumpkins

saved :^)

We need a committee of ancaps to lay out a prospective seraglio franchise system... I would say that could be one of the first commercially viable institutions in a private establishment, especially if we built it. They could be the muses of the new society, with a value that the Circassian of old could only hope for from her sultans.

We must help protect them under the auspice of good living, education in the arts, and protection. There shall be no compulsion in antrap patronage.



Does she cum?

Good to know you're a filthy statist who disregards consensual contracts and voluntary action.

Have fun never being able to accomplish your minimal state dumbass! States trend towards larger and more authoritarian!

anything that begins with "anarchistic" is retarded. Anyone who just wants to be alone will get raped and murdered by the first few people who form a group. Youre just collecting your precious goods and services for the people who collectivize.

>Muh Holodomor
Jews did that
Hoppean Libertarianism isn't libertarianism

>ashemaletube com/search/nicole_nicolle/page1.html?sort=mw&so=y

how about you watch all her videos and find out :-)

>ashemaletube com/videos/15513/

one of my personal favorites (pic related)


>crying baby noises

They count on your support though, as a keeper of private property... it's in your best interest to make that commitment.

>genuinely believing fascism, (((national socialism))), communism, or socialism is better than ancap
Ancaps are wrong, and libertarianism is the true best ideology, but ancap is better than mostly everything else.

>it wasn't real communism
>it wasn't real communism because of Jews

Look up benneton

Shes a blonde with shades. Epic gangbangs with her gushing cum.
Youre welcome

Nazbols aren't gommies

Lol his video is basically a regurgitation of forum post. Why are ancaps so unoriginal?

>open borders
Enjoy being invaded by Achmed, Juan, and Jamal, you absolute retard!

>what are landmines and no wellfair state


Also Bruna Butterfly

>Hoppean Libertarianism isn't libertarianism
So im a fascist? cry about it. Suck the shit off my capitalist boot.

>road in background

National Bolshevism is a meme interpretation of Zionism.


Jewmericans at it again with d&c

Added to my chambers :^)

I'll trade you one of mine, use her well.

>ashemaletube com/videos/145338/white-lover-for-latina-tranny/

STFU nazi, and make antrap harems a reality; they can only benefit society. A lot better than getting gunned down with some manly crossdresser like the control-freak Hess did when the state he fought so hard for fucked him over.


Röhm I mean btw, not Hess. inb4

You do realize most railroads and original roads were privately funded by companies to allow the move if goods to be smoother to far off markets?

Physical removal is crucial if you want a libertarian society to succeed. You have to remove Jews and all venomous scum. Not kill, mind you, just dump in the Saharan desert or something

>haha edgeee!!!!

The devil himself paved that privately owned road, has a private security force enforcing the roads at a 55mph speed limit, and a toll booth every 50 miles to make a profit from it.

of course, private property implies a right to forcibly exclude.

>be some random dude
>want to build a house
>have no land
>ask the rich landowner if I can build a house on his soil for a fee
>he agrees
>build my house, go about my life
>one day rich landowner tells me that everytime I leave the house, I'll have to pay a toll of 1 million dolllars
>don't have 1 million, but I can't leave because I built the house on his soil, and if I left, it would violate the NAP
>either I pay up or starve to death
>starve to death

This is perfectly reasonable in an ancap society

Ancaps are fucking idiots


you must be that finnish poster in every commie thread

you assume you start from scratch out of civilization while ancaps repeatedly remind you this shit doesnt just bubble out of nowhere

>it's okay to sell heroin to an 8 year old in return for sex provided the trade happens on your property

>you must be that finnish poster in every commie thread


Nobody wants to live in an ancap society.

>implying you should give the power of law to some murky, unclear, shady entity
If someone is fucking kids and you don't like it, either do something about it or don't. Fuck off with your government daddy bullshit

>if I got bigger guns then you then youre my bitch

Fuck off


I never found their ideology convincing. From what I understand, the Austrian school is based on philosophical axioms such as consumers being rational agents, which is manifestly untrue.

these le pedophilia liberteens are worse enemy of the libertarian movement

learn the difference

Hoppe doesn't have a flavor of libertarianism, he just has the best analysis of what libertarianism leads to.

In the van commie filth, you won't be so frivolous when you see my collection of recreational nukes

they were fairly small, at most regional or local sized.

The Intercontinental railway was heavily subsidized by the US government.

If you don't want to sign that contract, then don't fucking sign it and appropriate your own land. I could name many shitty things that the government could do but they're unrealistic like that scenario you made.

taxation is theft

>hammer and sickle
You look like a commie to me.

That's kidnapping you moron

Unironically. I invite anyone who disagrees to study Locke or some other libertarian philosophy like Rothbard or Hoppe

You literally only need 5 secs to get to this conclusion if you're not a dishonest fuck

no need to study anything

implying pirates are not just gay seafaring ancaps


Ubironically, property is theft and if you don't agree with me you should read some philosophers like Proudhon

>the "beat me up in public" hoodie
I'm not even ant-ancap, I just hate you fucking kekistani-like memelords who have to wear your internet ideology in public.

An ancap has never explained to me how crimes would be prosecuted. They always say

>muh private police
>competition breeds good practices

But fail to realise that the relationship between customer and service provider is upended when the larger group has guns.

>service provider is upended when the larger group has guns.

that's a state

anarcho-capitalism is completely based off of natural rights and the NAP; what are you talking about?

Or a private police force possibly. The difference being that the state, at least ideally, has mechanisms of accountability and are not in policing for a profit.