
Black SJW tries to ruin this guy's life on twitter for sending a pepe.jpg on Airdrop in an Apple store



It's just a frog lol


it's incredibly reddit to post le meme frog

how did she find him???

Racial profiling

looks a little jewey to me.

he was the white boy with a polo shirt

>pepe memes as threats
Imaging being such a fragile person that you're not able to shrug off a silly cartoon frog.

Racial profiling. When in doubt, blame the nearest white guy.


ruin her life

I beg someone on Sup Forums to ruin this nigger's life

Looks like the guy was gagging over her powerful stench

this is why libel laws exist. this is libel.

my Nazi bro is right


She calls him a white supremacist and yet he's clearly brownish

persian or jew or something

On Airdrop it identifies the ID number of the iPad the picture/message is sent from.
She searched the store for the correct iPad with that ID, and found out that the kid was using it

let's begin the which hunt, she begins to go full retard on twitter

This seems like a fun tactic to abuse

And I Win

Just report her for targeted harassment of someone else.

I don't get it.

What's a Airdrop?

i hope someday i'm chad enough to get away with wearing a pink polo shirt in public

It's for applefags to poz each other in public.

npya. do it yourself

i thunk it msy be to do with those apple retard devices user

"Thank God you had the abortion"




Would murder even have to be a viable option at that point? Fucking liberals man.

Well I guess we need to be careful about posting Pepes in public because some groid might tattle on you

>Those comments

absolute fucking cancer.

Is that...a jewlottoe?

This cunts shirt literally says
All over it


Filthy nigger kikes have no morality.

So she was just snooping around and looking at everyone's iPad so she can REEEEEEE. Lefties are honestly mentally deranged

>memes as threats
memes as threats

All those triggered white woman and literal jews in the comments. Lmao

Feel free to email her pepes
[email protected]

So why are you now posting him online?

Are you also trying to ruin his life by spreading his photo around the internet? It all links back. You aren't helping him.

if anything the guy is getting support here.

I mean, couldn't you just bribe the art school to accept him or abduct him and bring him back to the future or something? Leave it to a leftist to immediately resort to murder.

Lmao white ((people)) are cowards

Why the fuck would you avoid causing the Second World War? A shit ton of technological innovations were made throughout it, and there would have been a greater conflict not long after the initial date with unknown consequences. Butterfly effect and all

Go look at a pic of her dad. I feel like that explains a lot.

If only her mother had agreed.


I'd warn him about invading Russia

>blacking out the name
What is this cuckoldry?
>doesn't display his flag
checks out


>of German, English or (((Jewish))) origins




he's cute

>He sends people Pepe memes as threats
Can somebody explain me this? How are pepe memes threats?

Honestly, some lefty just arbitrarily decided pepe was a racist image and overnight they adopted the position and will 'correct' anyone posting it.

Shut your rape hole faggot.

See this picture?

It was the last tweet send by the angry Drumpftard that shot the Congressman today.

post it

The best part about this dumb "Pepe is a white nationalist symbol!" bullshit is that normies don't care at all and continue to use it.

So libcucks look insane because they're screaming at teenagers and calling them fascists for using a fucking cartoon meme frog.

this is now a lefty witch hunt attempt greentext thread
>be me
>walking in grocery store parking lot
>see car pulling out of a spot
>the car behind them is impatient and honking their horn with autistic 5-10 second long honks, revving their engine, etc
>all they have to do is put their car in reverse to get into the perpendicular exit lane and go that way instead, it would take five extra seconds, but they evidently want an excuse to flip out on a stranger
>they tailgate the innocent car on their way out of the parking lot, still honking
>feel bad for the person being harassed
>look around and see the NPCs in the parking lot doing nothing
>get overwhelming urge to white knight
>run up to aggressor's car and splash some water from my bottle on their windshield to distract them
>they stop and honk non-stop, as if the car itself were flinching in pain from the water, lol
>the innocent car escapes, mission successful
>but i suddenly realize oh shit, i have just angered a crazy person, what if they have a gun
>the aggro car rolls down their passenger window
>it's an early 20s white roastie
>she's autistically screeching about how she's going to call the cops and sue me because i violently attacked her windshield with assault water
>she pulls out her phone and records because she thinks she's hit the jackpot and is going to magically milk some precious social capital and strong independent womyn points out of this
>she honestly thinks this is her mattress girl moment, she honestly thinks she is about to become a worldwide celebrity because of water on her windshield
>she actually calls the cops and wastes their time, claims she was physically assaulted and that objects were thrown at her car
>they don't believe her and don't care
>i just leave

Imagine being a liberal

>an edited version of a anthropomorphic frog that pisses with its pants down is basically the same as a flaming cross

It's like people don't even play Red Alert anymore

Does this mean she works at the Apple Store? Can't you get fired for tweeting photos of random potential customers? I don't know shit about Apple products.


here is a pic of her mom posted 20 hours ago . caption said something about " mom has tourist thing down "
She is @ DCA airport dropping mom off?

>would you murder an innocent child
the state of the fucking left

>Most people are too stupid to realize they are getting upset at a fucking frog; because someone told them too

There's no reason for this. There's no reason for any of this...

Nasty woman


This shit is beyond retarded. I can't believe I share the same planet with this kind of folk. Also, this makes me love Pepe even more. I want this shit to spread, I want the whole world to see that these people exist, and that they can vote.

Black killing blacks, eh.

she got a pic before he could get a full salute

Typical nigger behavior

>Calvin pissing on a Chevy window sticker is now the same as a flaming cross


This is truly the most Current of all Years

>mfw I just tried dropping this Pepe on Amar's Iphone and was declined

with hearts, too

Least that means she probably isn't having any kids.

Woops forgot

I was in her comment section. She was at the airport found the guy asked if he sent it and cussed him out and tried causing a scene at the airport.

It's just a fucking picture of a frog. Is she an inbred or something?

Not taking the piss here. That's a bloody good answer

>tfw DECLINED again

Yes, bring him back to the future, and show him why danzig isnt that fucking important to start a war over.

They've been doing that legally since Roe v. Wade.

This calls for moar smug Pepes.

does the bear's shirt say what i think it does?

>Killing him
>Not stealing him, raising him, and nurturing his artistic abilities

>paging Said and blueeyes620

WTF do they think Barron is going to do when he grows up?!

This please
She can't get away with it

I bet she's getting away with that. They're almost always getting away with shit like that.

Nice dab pretty lit

my brian hurt

Poor brian of yours.

altright cucks are skinny and faggy nu male
when confronted IRL they act like wimps
Sup Forums in a nutshell

If you read her profile she makes it clear she is proud she killed her unborn child.

"He could be just an autistic boy that likes pepe. How can that be racist and why you're full of irrational hate? And I'm mexican btw"
So that's how leftist, pro niggers and other shit dialogue?