Amerifats are screwing us over again
Amerifats are screwing us over again
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I love you
When did you cucks stop being liberal?
Geert had like a ten seat lead in the polls until he started supporting drumpf
>everything Euros do is a contrarian reflex against big daddy America
Sounds about right, this board has certainly proven that.
Sounds to me like Europeans are just pussies. Who would have thunk?
I swear to go, if that's a trap...
Will you go gay?
if such a mellow center right dude like Trump was enough to turn them 'back to liberal' they were doomed from the start
basically this, they are just eager to go against Americans on everything.
If Americans are right wing then right wing must be stupid, because Americans are stupid. Unlike us proud Europeans! We are smart, so we are leftists!
#love will win
>making Europe liberal again
Europe hasn't been properly conservative in decades, wanker.
This. This. Oh and did I say, this.
You don't get it, faggot. Our worldview that Liberalism is degenerative and self destructive isn't a choice. It's a statement about reality. A resurgent left only means that we're setting ourselves for a more violent crash when shit invariably hits the fan
It's ironic, so many different far-right movement spring up around the same time denouncing globalism with initial success but also show global support for one another and they fail. Trump's agenda isn't getting through and others are losing elections left and right.
so much for wining.
keep in mind.
With nazi you always loose!
No, can you honestly say things are going that well under Trump? It's a mess his administration conflicts itself and from a Euro perspective (even if it's just media BS to a degree) America seems like a devided hot mess.
Euros happily follow the US if it means success, in fact they did in the past. But the US now seems stagnant at best.
This times a trillion
We might be shit, but fuck Europe eternally
>tfw Trump ensures everything swings far to the left again
Trump was a mistake.
>five Trump has a 1% chance of winning thirtyeight
Give me one good reason I should ever listen to what this cuck says ever again.
Europe isn't becoming liberal. This is the most retarded analysis I have ever seen.
>can you honestly say things are going that well under Trump?
Yes. We want to be divided from creatures like this and how they think.
>vote for sovereignty and return to good old days
>get Jew
One Nation is proving to be a joke too.
Well it's going better than it would have gone under Hillary. Imagine if this shooting happened today under Hillary. Right now there'd be a serious push for gun control. But under Trump I'm not even worried about that.
maybe trump is trying to make it go far left. take in millions of muslims and get raped is the only way for white liberals to grow the fuc up
Trump just wants Europe to implode as a result of it's rampant liberalism to bolster the position of America as a global economic power.
>Nate Silver
Immediately disregarded. You're full of shit.
Can't say I disagree but europeans are stuck up their own ass and have very little understanding of internal US politics in general.
>Haha amerifats don't think being raped or weekly suicide bombings are normal! What backwater simpletons those dumb, fat americans are. Can you believe how hateful and gun loving they are?
>family of kikes
>destroying white nationalist movements
Oh shit, I missed that.
Yeah, everyone disregard this article in its entirety and forget you read it.
drumpf took too scoops to many
>nate silvers
So did you not see his coverage of the election or...?
There's nothing credible here
how about I crash your shit sooner?
538 were actually the guys who gave him something like 28% chance of winning while all the others put him below 15%.
+ the article is filled with actual election results, there's not a single polling prediction in it, just facts.
>Trump becomes president
>the left starts sperging out
>somehow trumps fault
what are you going to do? shoot him?
who says we're sperging out?
Its you dumbasses that are living in la la land.
don't you mean fuck off #winner
Europoors wish they had someone like Trump.
so when are you going to shoot trump?
>It's a mess his administration conflicts itself
Do you have any policy or action for why you think he's bad or do you just hear that he's bad a lot and go on that?
Drumpf is literally ruining the US
lmaoing @ your life
I've always been center-left
How can this fucking kike clown keep getting it wrong and still keeeping his job? Literally everyone i know are leaning right. Sd is officially a normie party. Even shotskins and niggers are voting on them. They are going to become the largest party next election. I doubt it's in anyway different in other European countries.
then why don't you shoot him?
Actually all right wing nativist european parties increased their share of the vote in the past elections.
But you can't expect a party to go from 10% to 50% when there are like 20 political parties in total.
You're really retard, Mr Reddit.
Geert has forced the Dutch center-right to take many measures against immigration. Even if he has not won, his influence has been noted.
He's probably a poor europoor guzzling refugee cum, don't listen to him.
you dumb fucking eurocucks don't have a far right
what is 'far right' in swedistan? you refuse to build your own cuckshed and demand you be allowed to pay a professional?
You mean (((Geert))) new fag.
I miss the nate precious metal memes
Phew. I was getting worried we weren't gonna get a right-wing government any time soon. But if Nate Copper says that the right-wing is falling apart I can be sure that a Fourth Reich is imminent.
Based Norway. Seriously dude you work fucking tirelessly.
you are the hero pol needs, because op is a faggot
>taking 538 seriously
...a spectrum of genders... you faggot progressives believe that.
I believe in a spectrum of genders...just like a spectrum of autism
Someone shop the crown on him please.
So in summation:
>Europeans are greatly swayed by propaganda
>Mainstream media outlets aligning other Euro candidates to a candidate that they already spent all their time shitting on makes Euros vote against anything that the media points out as being a part of this "alliance"
Wow, there really is no hope for Europe, not a chance for independant thought.
>Gets run over by Islamic trucks of peace
>Shootings by members of religion of peace
>Goes even further Left
Ain't our fault, Yuropoor. Your people are just retarded.
In Europe, the voter is more conservative than in USA. We don't vote for new parties or political positions, people vote in mass for center-right/left parties because they're afraid to new things in politics.
Come on, two elections in countries with vastly different context and dynamics and they already jump to a conclusion. I don't know for the Netherlands but the AfD and FN drop is largely self inflicted, these parties are projecting an image of incompetence and opportunism which makes their voters lose faith. It has nothing to do with the US, populist voters (i) vote almost only on domestic issues; (ii) actually tend to like Trump
Didn't his ban failed for like the third time? Didn't his administration say he fired the FBI-boss because of advise from advisors while Trump said "nope, was all me."
And what about the shitty approval rating, you think it's a great signal more than half the nation doesn't feel right about the president? If he was capabable do you reall think he couldn't have relieved some people?
Again, might find excuses for many things but it keeps piling up and mind you we don't hear Trump's excuses overseas just the blunders.
if europe was going left, (((they))) wouldn't constantly screech about the danger of nationalism
europe is only going to the right, faggot, and the war will start eventually.
Todesschwadronen wann?
bill clinton's approval rating was in the 30s in his first term. just saying
Geert did not perform badly if you consider that apart from his immigration policy, he had virtually no political agenda.
>But the US now seems stagnant at best.
In what sense?
Because from what it sounds like, you're kinda missing the entire point of the conservative party.
Have you ever watched news on TV? Have you noticed that Trump is literally Hitler to every faggot progressive and neocon? I used to think that the republicans were always digging up shit on Obama in an unfair way, but the shit that is being pushed against Trump is astounding. You literally have to have shit for brains to not see corporate MSM and the deepstate behind this.
So where are the far right antiglobalist during the 8 years of Obama?
Only burgers will think this is remotely true
>Didn't his ban failed for like the third time?
Politicised courts. What can Trump do about it other than go to the supreme court?
>Didn't his administration say he fired the FBI-boss because of advise from advisors while Trump said "nope, was all me."
This kind of bad coordination happens sometimes with all administrations.
>the shitty approval rating
He has the worst approval rating when he was elected you know. The trend since he was elected is just a very slight drop. And he has to deal with MSM waging war against him.
>ninth circus going full retard with bad faith standards is somehow trump's fault
There aren't any problems to excuse for. Our MSM is simply shitting out garbage that doesn't even fucking deserve to be called news. Hell, I saw NOS claim a while a go that Flynn resigned on his own accord and that Trump didn't fire him. That wasn't even fucking disputed by CNN for god's sake, they're just pulling shit out of their ass
Geert and nationalist elements have literally shifted the paradigm in his country.
Called it a while ago. Trump is going to be the next Dubya and will swing things back to the Left by the time his Presidency is over.
Doubt it. Everyone can see how crazy the left is. The baseball shooter it's going to drive that narrative further.
Unironically posting Nate Plastic
It's happening all over the place.
Leaders of European countries are basically allowed to do whatever they want and get away with whatever they want as long as they're mean to THE BIG EBUL TWUMPY WUMPY :(
I've seen it in a few people I know, some of them were even Yanks.
>Didn't his ban failed for like the third time?
Is that his fault?
>we do not hear Trump's excuses overseas just the blunders.
Basically because all our European media is anti-Trump since day one. In my country, there is only one pro-Trump media, LaGaceta/Intereconomia. I bet than in Netherlands you don't even have one.
How can 538 be still in business after all their failures at predicting shit?
> 2014 midterms and senate
> Brexit
> Trump
> Italian referendum
> Lander elections in Germany
>its your fault we are retarded
If the migrant stream hasnt woken you up there is no hope.
no country in western europe is conservative. none.
based bot
Feel free to doubt it, but things are playing out exactly the same. There were protests against Bush and the Iraq War, Celebrities constantly shitting on him etc... though admittedly they didn't go quite as far. The thing is, you say "everyone can see how crazy the left is", but if you ask any given random person their opinion on Trump, it'll likely be negative. Everywhere I look on the internet save for this one board on this one site, people are talking about what a blundering evil moron Trump is, as well as his supporters. Other boards on this very site are swinging Left again. Trump is undermining your movement.
Trump turned on the lights and all the cockroaches are scattering now. That's all.
trump needs to hurry up and blow up nkorea. no one really liked bush until he attacked the evildoers. if trump goes after nk i will have some modicum of respect for him and maybe he won't go down in history as a huuuge joke pres.
Both Geert and Le Pen apart from the anti-islamic anti-migration policies they were mostly leftists.
May is losing support because she is stupid.
Remember polling gave a 90%+ to Hillary
Brexit has swifted anti-european to pro-european, but Trump has done nothing here, maybe some antipopulist sentiment but most populist movements are leftist like spanish commies
>they didnt go as far
Thats the difference. They didn't shoot at politicians practicing baseball for a charity event. The average person is going to see he was a bernout and become even more disgusted. The media has been called out on their bs. They can't just spin this how they want
This, Nate's been shilling this narrative ever since the Netherlands election.
Alright the media, shouldn't our 4D chessplayer using them to his benefit like he did before? Or take them into consideration? From what I remember there was a lot of positive news when he spoke to congress and seemed presidential.
And secondly the ban failed, alright I can see that he has to try what he promised. But isn't he supposed to make things work too? Should he precious top government resources on what is perhaps a lost cause?
Yeah being anti-drumpf is way more important than your own people.
The vast majority of Europeans have no contact with immigrants, who live basically in ghettos. It's significant that the far-right is stronger in those places where there are more immigrants. We have not yet reached the point where immigration is perceived by most citizens as negative.
Guy's a filthy lefty though. Has only run against conservative candidates.
>Both Geert and Le Pen apart from the anti-islamic anti-migration policies they were mostly leftists.
The problem is that both had no political program apart from anti-islamic, anti-migration policies.
Well no, they're actually saying stuff like this.
Marine Le Pen does have one; it's basically an extreme communist platform where everything is nationalised and everyone gets free shit (although they promise a massive drop in the deficit at the same time through "fraud detection" lulz). That + euroskepticism / going out of the euro.
Which is why most conservative voters didn't vote for her in the runoff.
And this
You severely underestimate the amount of hatred for the Right.