So What Transformed into a Fascist user?

This is a not-ironic question. What led you to reject democratic republic?

fags like OP...


Do you think based antifa fursquatch dates manlets?

how smelly are her farts?

So much negative energy from you. Try meditation.

The JQ, thinking about how to fix it, realizing how corrupt and oligarchic our nation has become.

Also, a constitution means absolutely nothing in a country full of nonwhites.

Immigration, the anti-nationalist cynical bureaucracy of the EU, international politics, realizing most problems today are created by either post-soviet marxists or unfettered capitalism.

I realized that the people are too stupid to self-govern.

The double standard of "everything you do is rape" while "refugees" were let go after committing actual rape.

I just like to be edgy

those 2

Nothing because I'm not a weak-willed cuck who needs to be a neo-reactionary for every stupid fucking things that democrats and republicans do.

Only whites can rape

im not a fascist but still do not understand the basis of your question. did you know hitler was elected in a democratic vote?

Back in reality, supporting the Republic and the limits that have always been placed on the evils of democracy will get you labeled a fascist.

Haha she's demonstrating her most famous fisting video yet at Berkley

Dealing with people is hard. Akward people have facist tendencies due their inhability to deal with the complexity of daily one on one interations. Sorry for my shitty english.

I'd like to know why anyone is a leftist these days.

Normies need to realize that all leftism is a degree of Marxism. And what does Marxism do these days? I just seems to be focused on abolishing national sovereignty and the rule of law while putting guns in the hands of social, religious, political and ethnic minorities telling them to rebel.

That's no system of politics, that's a system of destruction. It has no answers, only creates its own problems which it then fails to fix.


>implying democracy isn't fascist
fascism, by the very definition, consists in valuing the group more than its individual constituents
which is exactly how democracy works

the antithesis to fascism is individualism, you dimwitted queer

Well professeur Clanton taught me about the evils of democracy and the importance of always keeping your bike secure. That's when I realized for myself that I'm actually an anarchist and a communist.
They must be glorious. I would love to have her feed me her poop every day.

>Sorry for my shitty english
yeah its pretty shit and so is your opinion

go bother posting again

Jocks at school. I realized I wanted full control of society to fuck them up

Why were flags deleted?

don bother*

the fuck

>[Fascism] was an explosion against intolerable conditions, against remediable wrongs which the old world failed to remedy. It was a movement to secure national renaissance by people who felt themselves threatened with decline into decadence and death and were determined to live, and live greatly.


ill just leave this thread

Low crime, low poverty, no victim culture, Strong men, proud women, environmentally friendly, promotes physical, intellectual and spiritual growth for the individual a well as society, no degeneracy. what's not to love?

why has this jewish girl chosen the path of the goy? What trickery is this?

>just want to be left alone
>they won't leave me alone

mom got the shitty low-fat tendies one time too many. i realized then that if we didn't start the day of the rope soon, my life would be forever doomed to mediocrity.

Fascism actually allows for a lot more individual freedom than communism does, while still prioritizing collective endeavor.

>spiritual growth for the individual
>for the individual
no such thing, in a fascist insect hive

The Bogpill

Posted this in a thread a couple days ago, but it died right after.

I was never politically left at any point. I was a young Republican in school, was part of a state organization for young Republicans in business too. I met city councilmen, the governor at the time, and a bunch of congressmen because of it.
Pretty quick I realized everyone around me were turning into NeoCons. Around 2003-2005 you couldn't be anti war without being berated by McCain worshipping NeCons for being unAmerican. I stopped calling myself a Republican and started getting deep into Libertarian writings and philosophy.
Though around 2008 when Ron Paul was running and starting to pick up some serious steam I started going to Libertarian meetings. I saw the people who supported Ron Paul, funnily enough these were also packed full of Green party supporter, and supporters of Rosanne's oddball party. It wasn't a comforting sight, and the things these people espoused were remarkably close to full blown communism. Only difference being that some of them would pay service to the benefits of the free market while they promoted total degeneracy.
I wasn't really dissuaded by it until the 2012 election. That clusterfuck made me lose all hope in this ideological dead end of a movement.

Ethno-nationalism has to be the first priority for whites. Absolute Balkanization of our people has to be the highest aspiration. Any policy that placates foreigners, any policy that leaves us weak, has to be met with overt hostility. The survival of our people isn't a matter of simple political opinion.
The Libertarian party proper as it stands now is a laughing stock. Theory can say anything, talking heads can espouse any noble platitudes they may, but Libertarians in practice are nothing but fucking Democrats who give lip service to small government. I'll never align with such a party. I grew out of that long ago.

Thats why I'm 100% Fash and never going back.

libertarian- literally the opposite of a fascist.

Antifa are fascists. more precisely neo-Bolshevik terrorists.

I'll join up with right wingers against Leftist terrorists trying to overturn an election, stifle free speech, and use state coercion to enshrine anti-European American anti-male cultural marxism.

About half the People.

The uniforms.

Our democratic republic is corrupt because the small group that runs our county is controlled by an (((unseen force))). Not only do fascist dictatorships work better, but at least then you know who is in charge.

Really?? Awesome.

>What led you to reject democratic republic?
Democracy is mob rule by illegals, minorities, poor, dumb fucks, emotional women, cuck men, bribed unions and rich fucks owning the media.

Let it be clear, democracy is just another form of soft authoritarianism, you don't matter, only corporations, rich fucks and the politician elites, people that sold you and the next 20 generations for their short term gain.
Enjoy paying debts and having your pension spent today.

I, for one, do not bow to the 1% rich fucks.

Exactly. The US is and has alway been a fascist nation and we need to get back to our roots. Now would be a perfect time to start disappearing leftist agitators.

JQ and realizing whoever controls the media controls a democracy mainly.

Dude, if you are gonna call me out for my shit writting, at least, please, at least do a better job than mine. And btw I based my opinion on my self. This is not thesis on why mostly loosers like nazis.

I don't exactly agree with you, but let's agree on helicopter rides

Jews. They've destroyed the West, they must be exterminated.

Democracy doesnt work.

1) 70% of voters do not understand the political system
2) Democracy strengthens the demographic imbalance between the most capable and the incapable
3) democracy always leads to socialism due to the demographic imbalance
4) democracy releases politicians from responsibility
5) democracy can be influenced by external forces
6) democracy is marxism since it all makes equal (the voice of an idiot counts as much as the voice of an educated)
7) democracy prevents natural selection
8) democracy leads to corruption

The fact that all democracies have failed, becoming oligarchies and ending up being more and more degenerate societies with time, Feminism and all the trans kids bullshit, and finally that liberalism and the legacy of the enlightenment made Europe the nigger shithole it is today. Republics and democracies don't work, the masses are too retarded to make decisions. The best form of organizing society is with a strongly meritocratic monarchy.

I don't like browns.

Democracy never existed in the first place, you moron.

Because I believe in a Constitutional Republic.

>The US is and has alway been a fascist nation
But you're a fascist state today.
Corporations + state = love

ta gueule, merdenchion

I'll be honest. Firearms and gun rights are what saved me from the left. I was raised by a progressive single mother in NYC. I saw an Inconvenient Truth in theaters when I was like 13. I had been socialist/leftist to a certain degree since middle school (NYC public education), but always retained an affinity for firearms due to my father's interest in them.

Firearms and their intersection with the rest of American culture and history was literally the seed for my revived conservatism.

Right now I swing back and forth in support of a sort of Anarcho-Capitalist Libertarian society that is hybridized with elements of ethno/cultura-nationalism, traditionalism, and individualism.

I believe that pure ethnic/cultural homogeneity can be a weakness, but that at the same time a weak and fragmented cultural/ethnic majority surely predicts the demise of a nation.

Very accurate
The magic word is responsibility

alright thanks for the bait

History, coupled with the mediocrity of the present.

A corporate state has little to do with corporations.

the migrant crisis,the bias in the media over trump and clock boy is what made me go from left wing to full on fash

i want to kill them

"They talked of what they call multi-racialism. Take the whole mass of humanity, put it in a bag and shake it and heaven knows what'll come out of it."

Remember to take a shower you filthy degenerate.


kys fag.

Damn it took a while.

True democracy is just mob rule. When the mob is majorly misinformed or uninformed there is only one winner, corrupt career politicians.

Fascist is your term

Liberals created the alt right and now they are making the civil war that will kill them

ur welcome

My gf cucked me with a nigger


>The fact that all democracies have failed, becoming oligarchies and ending up being more and more degenerate societies with time, Feminism and all the trans kids bullshit,

Wait, but is that due to democracy? For example here in Slovakia, we don't have trans kids, we even don't have gay marriages. I believe this happens because people's morality slides down, not because of political regime.

> The best form of organizing society is with a strongly meritocratic monarchy.

The problem with autocratic regimes is that if some asshole gains the power, majority of the people will be fucked, and you can't do much against it.


every day 1000 little skirmishes happen in a society

these little victories build up over time..and when suddenly a "contriversial" topic gets dropped the media push it and it either gains ground or gets buried

the cuckery of western europe WILL spread to you m8,i hope you resist it.


>you can't do much against it
I would not be so sure about that

Like it's so much much better where the dictators at, in africa.

Mosley was amazing

It's increasingly clear that our Culture and Traditions have been eroded and poisoned.
We need them back, and we need to stop it from happening again in the future.

i just want Denmark to stay Danish
demography is destiny

didn't get laid

Listening to public radio and the mainstream media begrudgingly until I came here and realized that all of my suspicions were true.

Libertarian and Ancap writings made me realize democracy encourages degradation. Realizing that dialectic entrenches most people deeper into their held positions made me more sympathetic to fascism.

Where that happened?

Studying maths

US is the antithesis of fascism.

What turned me into a fascist was the original hatred of feminism ad other retarded modern shit which led me to libertarianism, but then when i realized that every american value is retarded and led to the dystopia we live in today i embraced fascism entirely.

The vast majority of people are too stupid to be left to their own devices, and it's already late to turn it around.

Which is why we need depopulation, and sorry but in a world of depopulation gay people are off the list from the get go. We need people to preserve humanity not lick eachothers buttholes.

Glad to see Mosley overcoming the meme on Sup Forums.

Another good summery of what drives people to this particular set of beliefs and characteristics.

>But I don’t think people who are illiberal can understand the shock in liberal intellectual elitist circles of a man like Heidegger joining the Nazi party. This man of supreme intellectual gifts dwelling alone in his Shavian hut in the woods dwelling on the ontology of death in life in death in life in death in life—do you see what I mean?—joins, what they considered to be, a barbarous wrecking crew. And they’re appalled, they’re utterly morally appalled. And since the war people have not really known what to do with Heidegger at all.

>As George Steiner said, one of, if not the most, advanced theoretical minds of the Western civilization in the 20th century adopted this particular course.

>And he did it because he believed that you cannot have a society where death has no meaning, because life has no meaning. And you cannot have a society which bases itself upon the absence of the religious urge, however you define that urge and whatever system you use. Because if you do the reverse you will end up with a society which has two values beyond subsistence: Shopping and Fornication.

seing the destruction of my people, the anti patriotism, immigration, the multiplication of hybrids.

same tho

The Founding Fathers themselves understood that the Republic couldn't withstand its own voters. While the country was in its total infancy there were contemporaries who were openly warning against people voting for welfare. Washington wrote about potential revolutions happening in every life time because he knew that the people would destroy what had been newly established.

Though America very much was established as a white country, not enough was done to keep it as such. We fell to subversion almost immediately and it has been a steady downward trend ever since.


Fuck both Fascists and Communists
Fascists suck my dick while Commies masturbate in the corner

I'm not xD

Stop being anti white.

There's a good documentary about the destruction of the Hereditary Peers in the House of Lords, where they were replaced by government appointed peers (thereby being tied to governments rather than having a title granted centuries ago making them independent and, like the monarchy, tied to the nation). They spoke about how they hated it because it was "too democratic" to have selected leaders.

Our far wiser forefathers understood, without needing to see it, what we are learning now.

I'm not though
I'm anti Big Brother


The founding fathers were smart and had good ideas but they couldn't have predicted the globalism, corporatism, and urbanization which leads to American values and traditions being incompatible in any type of post industrial system. Libertarian values can't work with modern technology. Along with this, America has been a cancer on the globe spreading its enlightenment values and being the strong arm of the kikes since almost the start.
While America has contributed technologically it has been nothing but detrimental culturally and politically. Its destruction is necessary for any real redpilled shit to happen.

I'd like to believe you're wrong, that the Republic could be restored, and that all will be kept in check for hundreds of years to come. Though I know this is only wishful thinking.
Our system is too easy for outsiders to manipulate. Our system is far too easy for nations to exist inside of the nation, for groups to gain power and create policy that harms the populace at large.
The only way we can change course is for America to become an explicit ethnostate. With the situation as it stands this would be at odds with impassable legal hurdles. The government from the ground up has to be done away with and restructured.

The cure to globalism is hard line nationalism. Good fences make good neighbors, and this applies to countries as well.

>Its destruction is necessary
Go on...

Time and place, all we need is a commie now

Republicanism is a slippery slope no matter what, self rule always leads to a decline. America cannot become an ethno-state because it has no national identity. America was best off when it had no 'white people' and rather had Germans, Scots, and Anglos within their respective regions. The founding fathers had their ideas in place to allow for all of these groups to maintain self determination, this faded away with the end of sectionalism during the civil war.
American Balkanization is necessary for any movements to succeed without American interventionism and other globalist intervention since America is the main force behind most of it.