Australia. Sudanese gang gets BTFO

Last Sunday morning at around 1am, a fight broke out in front of the ‘Hotel Kent’ in Beaumont Street, Hamilton between two Aussies and four Sudanese. The Sudanese picked a fight with the wrong guys and lost.

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b-but what about BBC


not bad, no more footage?

There is better quality footage of this. The Golden One owns.

Damn that strike he got in was savage! Yeah!

Hell yeah boys let's get started

>fucking with Aussies
Aussies are some hard cunts

Is each one of them 95 lbs?

I'd like to see it m8

short video and shit quality, but still enough to feel the adrenaline of kicking some niggers ass

Nigger gangs without guns are nothing. They have been getting btfo ever since they came to Australia.

wow those niggers got knocked the fuck out.

Golden One going at it.

Us Brits need to take notes watching videos like this.

Fuck yes

Is that seriously him?

Fucking up the boys

That's great!

Great shit.


>fighting aids ridden sudanese weighing in at 50kilo and 50iq

cool beans now you saved the white race Sup Forums

God save the land down under.

Damn that left jab

Fucking good. When you see Blacks fight they either fight like they're crippled or just use mass numbers even when fighting their own kind.

the fighting against those monkeys or sandnigger is not the problem. They are mostly the weaker ones or only strong in groups. Problem starts when they got weapons or taking revenge in an unfair mode. Those niggers have nothing to lose but we the normal white people almost everything...


You know I get the feeling that most people on Sup Forums dont ever interact with black people.

Fighting a black dude is like fighting anyone else, they don't have an advantage.

The reason why you guys in Europe especially have formed a fear of blacks is because you are to polite, Africans take that as a weakness and will be aggressive with you if you are overly friendly.

wtf i love aussies now

Look at the beta cucks going to help them and making sure they are ok.


Props to the bouncers for letting Thor and friend give the Apex skinnies a touch up. Hopefully it was the same Apex guys that belted the autistic kid on the bus a few weeks back getting their comeuppance.

yeah u faggots. stop letting little white girls from getting gang raped by paki's you fucking QUEERS.

>picking a fight with someone whos work is lifting


Not this time.

in from the the HOTEL CUNT

Is ya boy Bangz ok?! ANSWER ME!

Better yet he was an ex MMA fighter.

is that a police officer standing over the nigger? or is he just a bouncer?

I fucking lol'd when the whole pub gave a cheer as each darkie was knocked out.

That heavy set fella was actually just giving him a standing eight count.

Good work boys.


Good lads

is that the golden one?

>All the cucks running to see if the niggers are ok.

It looks like The Golden One kicked their asses all by himself while the other Aussie played cheerleader.

>wanna take you to the movies shorty
>so I know that you will be my baby
a poet, a scholar, a true gentleman.

What a cuck-bitch you are. Taking the side of niggers just because you hate Aryans so much. 4 against two, and the White men still won.

holy shit is that him kek


Non-Valiant knights of mother Europe on suicide watch

Africans are manlets. It's American Africans that are a problem due to breeding for machinery.

U mad faggot commie? Do you hate white people more than anyone else? Yes you doooo! :)

>"DO NOT fuck with someone unloading a UHaul. I don’t care if it’s for work or if they’re moving, the task they’re partaking in is one of the worst imaginable. They’re so angry they could fight a bull. The only thought in someone unloading a UHaul’s head is ‘I hate my fucking life. I must kill.’ That’s literally it. So don’t fuck with them or you’re gonna get knocked out then left in missionary to be fucked by a van.”

Not much food in africa, senpai


Pretty good, but I would have pulled the nigger's spinal column out of his back and hung it up on the marquis of the BBQ in the background.

LMAO get fucked you ugly 65 IQ lankey chimps. This is what you all deserve and have coming.


Why weren't they hung from a eucalyptus?

Y'all been soft since you lost to the emus

Kek, UK btfo by a leaf


how long 'till they spin it as vicious white gang beats up poor refugees

Does anyone have a JewTube version of this for phone losers?

>beating up drunk/drugged niggers

wow. straya land superpower in 2025

>Be Golden One
>Visit Australia simply to pick a fight with darkies for the lulz

He is truly the hero we need but don't deserve.

Spot the difference
>You can't

It's the same fight OP posted just from a different angle.

Truer words have never been spoken

>being a commie cunt in a first world country

#notallswedes are cucks.



Get fucked.

>French government set to destroy 2800 churches
>some of them hundreds of years old, because they 'cannot afford upkeep' ( )
>Christians kneeling in front of one that was to be destroyed to pray as a form of protest
>black guy repeatedly walks up and down making noise to mess with the group
>the final time he was blaring some obnoxious music on his phone to mess with them a little more
>one guy decided he'd had enough

what problem with nigros

Good, filthy niggers shouldn't even be in our country.

>when the manlet has had enough of the "6'0/5'11" jokes.

lol local here too

Says the guy whos country killed off most of the black abos.

The Kent is always good for a fight

>ripping apart historic buildings like that


a left hook dropped the first guy. Lel

If minorities threaten your community, hurt them. They'll never go to the police to protect themselves, they hate the police. Hurt them.

wtf happened there?

Those dindus have to be absolutely retarded to pick a fight with someone as large as The Golden One (assuming that it is actually him). The guy is a monster.


Just shows the merits of taking the iron pill.

Newys my hometown, they started dumping these sudo fucks here back in the 90s under "based Howard". In the early 2000s they were having gang wars with Abos.

The sudos unfortunately were the victors, (((dibursity))) in action.

what a fucking punch! turbo manlet power!

nigger was nigging, playing loud music and disrupting them while they prayed. this was after a french priest was killed by Islamic terrorists

Read the greentext

He's not exactly being hypocritical, though, is he?

They should bring knifes next time.

can't see anything other than some blurs then 1.5 seconds later the video ends, fucking garbage m8, not worth a fucking thread.


and of course France is building over 2000 mosques....

Lovely thread m8s.