We lose 93 million americans every day due to guns. why don't we ban guns again?

We lose 93 million americans every day due to guns. why don't we ban guns again?

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Cause we all ded.

>We lose 93 million americans every day due to guns

because logistics

its logistically impossible to remove guns from the US

banning niggers would be more effective

Time traveler. He's getting his stats from 21 centuries in the future.

I got shot 5 minutes ago and died, when is enough enough?

seriously this idiot actually said it twice


Because then we wouldn't


We really need to start locking you people up.

Notice it's only Americans who will show their flag now.



93 quadrillion

Kek Get fucked

93 million?
At that rate everybody will be dead by Sunday.
Then us and the taco benders can split up the leftovers.

>93 million a day
>a day
holy shit he's a retard

93 Zillion

"400 million years of oppression!"- Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson, i forget which

Why not just ban shooting people?

To keep the government in check (have a chance to start a reveloutionand have an effective way of self defense

>We lose 93 million americans every day due to guns. why don't we ban guns again?
Explain to me, you fucking retard, what firearm regulation would even do in The US, where there are more firearms than citizens? These firearm regulation shills come out like clockwork every time there is a shooting and push the same propaganda about useless weapon regulations. If you really give a shit about civilian deaths, go shill for something relevant, like big tobacco or drunk driving.

how many of htem are niggers?

I personally kill 1 million a day with my Ghost Gun with it's 30 Magazine Clip

Mexicans bring in the guns illegally and then the niggers shoot each other legally. It's the circle of life