We're so white that we made "elf" an official species that you can identify as.

>An Argentinian dude spends ten of thousands of dollars in getting surgeries to "become an elf"
>He sort of does it as much as a tranny is a woman, so now you must respect that
>Argentinians everywhere rejoice acknowledging our country as the true and only home of the mythical elves, the whitest race

friendly reminder this is a HUMAN board



This is your brain on World of Warcraft.

looks like my ass

these guys will be the first to die when the aos si return to the Isles,

day of the logging axe soon

>tfw i play WoW daily and instead of becoming an elf, i became morbidly obese

The Netherlands is full of elves.

That fag is polluting our land. He should be burned.

stop eating so much and start going for jogs at night

i recommend night time because fuck sunlight and fuck social interaction

Truly a papacito

No, it is full of fairies.

let me see your ass bro.




I wonder who's behind this D&C post?

Mentally ill... yup white race.

>elves are our allies!
>muh honorary humans
>race mixing with an elf isn't degenerate!
>muh forest fever
reminder that elves are soulless non-humans and not our allies

none of the races of middle earth are a valid comparison to kikes. they are all self sufficient and engage in manual labor.

Elves are not human though.

Sure they do.

>gender: elf

Fucking degenerates.

There's only one country with elven offspring and it ain't Argentina.

That's pretty cool, I like elves. Now I can finally marry one.

>go to /tg/
>ask about elves

good lord I hope he never gets punched in the nose

Finns are elves