Indivisible - Leftist Plans For Taking Over the USA

Looking here, Indivisible seems to be more of a loose coalition of individual local groups than a centralized top-down organization. Having looked at some of the groups on there that are in my area, it seems to be pretty broad, including mainline Dem committees, "progressives", woman's clubs, antifa, etc. Based on what I've read, their plan seems to be to try to take power at the local level, which is obviously pretty dangerous if they can actually get organized. Most organization is done through Zuckbook. Have a look at your local chapter.

I think its funded by a Soros connection. While I don't doubt it, I haven't actually dug into it myself. It's probably worthwhile to look into (((who))) is actually behind this and see if there's any connections to the usual suspects.

Their guide:

Keep this bumped, more info incoming.

Other urls found in this thread:


Look at this literal commie bullshit from their site. Pic related. I also found some of their heads.
(((Ezra Levin))) Executive Director
(((Leah Greenberg))) Chief Strategy Officer
Angel Padela Policy Director
Sarah Dohl Chief Communications
(((Matt Traldi))) Chief Opperating Officer

Sup Forums is always right

If it might help you to find what groups are tied in with this organization…

.us domains are required by law to release all information in their WHOIS.
Registrant has 74 other domains and 29 other domains with her email. Not a threat - just saying, it could definitely help to see what other groups are involved.

Their programs include:
>Indivisible Institute (brainwashing tool for "young people across the country who share a passion for reclaiming government")
>Imagine Gov (seems to be some sort of action plan, #ImagineGov)
>Indivisible, USA (some sort of chapter program, probably OP's image)
>Pave the Way (art program? idk)
>Todd Blackman, White
>Aliya Rahman, Hispanic
>Valeria Gurr, Hispanic
>Noah (((Berger)))

Anyone willing to shoot them an email and hopefully infiltrate? [email protected], subject Let's Get To Work .

Plus they have some sort of email list. I'm assuming this is trying to gather as many people as possible to rally them together to do shit rather than make them actually become members. Probably just shit like "please sign my petition to take back our government :)"

bump again something something Sargon of Akad this should make the cucks appear

Their memes are truly horrific. Is the "I love, I'm thankful for" shit supposed to counter the rise of traditionalism here and in other places?

Huge if true

Matt Traidi, founding member of Indivisible, officer of Service Employees International Union.
That's the union tied into the Seth Rich murder.

We need to do two tthings. One is to form our own right wing groups to counter this movement. Next, we infiltrate their side and pull an Occupy Wall Street. What's that?

Amplify and niggrify. Tell all the white liberals that the only way for America to move forward is to get more blacks involved. Suggest introducing a "stack" that prevents whites from speaking before niggers and faggots - very progressive (and bound to rub many whites the wrong way, even if they go along with it publicly). Advocate replacing the existing leaders with niggers. If anyone objects, call them racist. Basically, just do whatever you can to transform the group from an organized white liberal movement into a disorganized mass of chimping niggers.

It's pretty obvious that these groups are run at least in part by everyone who thought they'd be in the white house after 2016. That's why this is organized well, and looks just like online shit from election years. This is what it looks like when career-democratic-politicians are employed and have billions of dollars to fuck the country with.

The first talking point towards them is bringing up the Koch Brothers. They've already been brainwashed about money in politics, they just need to be told about who funds their side of things.

That is exactly the way to stop a popular uprising. But I don't see this as that. This is top down, which means the meaningful positions on the chain are maintained by known career-democrats. Those positions are/will be filled with the kinds of democrats who are on CNN. Which is good, because it's just more of the same tired playbook from the DNC.

I think getting women to think for themselves is the key for the summer. If you are nervous that this will catch fire, just watch the link and rest assured.

ITT a legit slow happening gets lost in the sea of nu/pol Count the idiotic statements made this one "Citizen University TV"

>liberal try to win local elections
>Live in the south

That will be funny to watch.

Boomer liberals, maybe as many as a dozen, lay on the grass in front of a statehouse protesting trumpcare. Manipulating the less intelligent should be a crime.

Come on anons, don't let me be the only one laughing at this shit.
this guy is a future leader, no question about that.

the fuck

What the fuck is that picture supposed to even convey?

>Sup Forums.

I like this

Like 90% of blacks are Democrats anyway, if we get them heavily involved the movement will fail 100%

Reminder to suckle on the government tit


>that empty area where Eastern Kentucky is

Fuck yeah.




The title says
>"Revealing government's role in creating some of our favorite things and places"
It's clearly an early attempt at messaging. It's probably designed to get leftist back into politics after being humiliated for months. It's how you astro-turf to Leftists.

>Nothing is possible without the help of some government bureaucrats.

Makes me sick.

jesus fucking christ

holy shit even their data mining apps are annoying and cringe af

I thought it was some kind of "pledge yourself to the (((government)))" meme I just didn't understand what the fuck John Oliver has to do with any of it. But when do leftists ever make sense.

Fuck someone has to tell boomers not to fall for these data mining tactics! They are weak when it comes to technology, they've been misled their entire life. We should think about adding a message of tech responsibility to the next nu/pol/ faggotry

>yes, go- err, guy, only a large federal government can possibly provide these services!

Kek, what's with this big government push.

its hilarious how wide they already operate even the movement just appeared out of no where

thats enough for proof that they just change name again and again, probably make the movement look like its new when in reality its just extension of the same communism as before. some serious dirt money in there

and the editing of this video makes me sick, only one who gets fooled by it is younger person for this is one of the first things they will see in their schools, so they get taken by it easily. you know they operate in insituties most of the time, because their main group to influence is there

Can we start a file that lists their talking points? We need to start our own OP Research group for this

>yes goyim trust the cia

the narrative they go with is pretty obvious now

reminder this is happening at the same time they push EU agenda harder in europe


>not a group of scientists at IBM in the 80's looking for a way to streamline computing thus making it more portable

first touch screen phone was introduced in the 80s

already on it I have a Notebook with this stuff
since I am part spic I will be going be looking into gaining entry and expanding this information I'll keep you lost faggots


I checked Cuckbook just now and many people I know are part of that org.

and by the way, from finlands standpoint, on twitter and elsewhere in media there is clear copies of agenda that has been taken directly from usa

basically the same insane texts but translated to finnish. i expect to see this indivisibles narrative to appear here harder in upcoming months as well the "values" and "humanitarian aid is a must" narratives from the EU

what does the red dots mean, why are they in random parts of the country

Ohshit you're right. Indivisible is preying on one of the worst demographics - FACEBOOK MOMS and other cronies...

Links to a Mashable article "That 'paid protester' is actually your mom, and she's taking over Facebook to fight Trump"

>Milf fest
I am going to have some fun

if there is other europeans still awake at this hour, i want to inform you about the fact they will push your own officals off from the offices,police force, politicians, media, positions of power and replace them with the EU pro inviduals who do not give shit about you and your needs, only this huge machine which will eventally take away your rights, after they destroy all the people who value freedom above all else at these times.

they will accuse these officals of racism and demand to sign papers to never express their real opinions, basically meaning they demand them to sign away their freedom of speech. this is how sick of a world we live in when we are in the EU. and the mass media cheers! they cheer as the average person in power under fear signs away their freedom! its outrageous!

Sent my local group a message. Will attend. Taking suggestions


Required reading for people in this thread talking about counter-organizing.
The url sounds blackpilled but it's basically making the case for right-wingers to use the same organizational strategies as lefties because, spoiler alert, they fucking work and are part of the reason the left has been so influential for the last 60 years. And this is from me: if you start organizing, leave all the pepe-kek-shadilay shit in the internet. When you do politics in real life you manifest your political ideology in the material world. Using memes and jokes makes your political goals seem like memes and jokes. Look how embarrassing the Kekistani people are. Don't be like them. And if you're only on Sup Forums for edgy memes but deep down you're a centrist, don't go to protests or meetings and treat them like real life shitposts. Everyone is tired of seeing the Right look like a bunch of disorganized retards. Come correct or die.

>I love big government and FEMA because peanuts and shitty Katrina responses
>I love john oliver and the IRS

This, right fucking here.

>mfw the first issue with Trump she brings up is the Russia investigation

how to understand these political movements better is to treat them like they are kinda like pyramid scemes

every stage believes they will be winners after all this blows over, even if billions of people end up dead. everyone in it believes the world will sift to the alternative timeline where they will come out as a victor, even tho the path to it is so narrow its almost non existend, but they end up seeing it much more wider, as this small spectrum pleases them enough to not care about anything that might end up questioning this spectrum

>They are "former congressional staffers" holy shit if that is not the biggest load of shit. Literally everyone in DC is a former congressional staffer. Very nice method for "truthfully" revealing their career history.
>leftist actually might think this comes from low level staffers. People might actually buy that it is "grassroots"
shit is so good. Going to keep me entertained all summer.

Also, they specifically say that it is okay for anyone to "amend" their guiding document. If anyone cares to lend some autism I think that would be a good place to start.

Berkeley fights are good examples
The leftist hide their faces like the cowards they are but we saw what happens when they get caught

they scurry like Rats

>umm sweetie intensifies

Soros is a neoliberal, not a leftist, you corporate dicksucker.

check out the PDF "resist guide" on the left side of the website.


Especially the "umm sweetie the gubberment does and can do everything for you! Just submit!" meme. Jesus christ all of their content is so condescending

what is the right's answer to getting noncitizens interested in their views?
>pic related


Civil war when?

So we know that many of these types respond to DEMORALIZATION tactics.

They didn't expect us to show up at the polls, they didn't expect us to show up to protests, and they're probably not betting on a younger, more right-wing movement showing up to positions around and within local government. We simply need to show up, physically, let our presence known at council meetings and town halls, while exposing their Soros network memetically, back at home, comfy on the internet.

You think Sup Forums finds value in their stuff?

West Coast Fags
Specifically Spics and blacks
need to start spying for us I recall an user having a whole network of spies in Antifa
any idea what happened to him?

They didn't expect "RACIST!" And "SEXIST" to stop working.

>let our presence known at council meetings and town halls, while exposing their Soros network memetically, back at home, comfy on the internet.
I'm well connected in my local Chamber. It's not hard to rabble rouse the boomers in the CoC into going to town halls. Maybe I ought to get "involved" in the progressive orgs too.

do it, but makes sure you have clear talking points and you can stick to them. Confusion and disorder is the tactic at work here. So if you are orderly and in control of your own messages they will be defeated.

Probably somethine along the lines of pointing out their hypocrisy/
they say
>Don't negotiate
>we are united
>half the country is dump/wrong

But remember, boomers are the most useful of idiots. This actually means their political value is almost nothing because they are incapable of reason or leadership. If they don't seem to be catching on to the bullshit, move on to someone under 35.

>pic related is from their twitter says to say something to the congressman who was shot.
maybe send him some love?

perhaps the newfags can incorporate some theatrics into their next free speech rally.

>Indivisible is a new left-wing astroturf group that seeks to pressure Republican politicians into obstructing Pres. Trump’s agenda.

>Styled after the Tea Party, the Indivisible group seeks to recruit, train, and deploy community organizers and activists around the country. Focusing on key (traditionally purple) states, they distort politicians’ views of their constituency.

>Comprised of former Washington DC staffers, Indivisible kicked off with a lengthy Facebook post instructing readers on how to resist the current administration’s agenda.

>They published a web-based guide for dissemination to locally organized cells outlining community organizing strategies patterned after Saul Alinsky to bring ultimately bring down the Trump administration.

>Sponsored by Organizing For Action (OFA), Obama’s community organizing group springing out of his success in list-making following the 2012 election, Indivisible has held several calls seeking to mobilize similarly aligned groups against Trump.

>OFA seeks to protect Obama’s legacy by partnering with Indivisible to petition Congress not to repeal the ACA.

>Leaders of Indivisible have close ties to Soros owned and sponsored organizations, suggesting a new level of sophistication to left-wing grassroots organizing.

>Although inorganic, Indivisible was able to muster members to attend several GOP politicians town hall events, and in one case, a representative had to be rushed out of a meeting by law enforcement after being shouted down by protestors.

>With a myriad of loose ties to George Soros and his constituent organizations, Indivisible’s primary goal appears to be destabilization.

>Indivisible is a non-profit.

>I love and am thankful for
This are literal cult like tactics. Wtf is going on in the left, America?

Except the right wing lost at Berkley 2 out of 3 times. They only won when a critical mass of right wingers happened to show up. Now imagine if the right wing had half the organizational strength of the Left. We'd use their dreadlocks to mop up their own blood every single time. But for now, with right wing organization only going as far as "throw an event and hope enough people show up to win the fight", it's going to be a toss-up. Remember the ACT up anti-Sharia marches from a few days ago? The various Left orgs in various cities were able to organize a response in no time. And it's NOT because Soros ordered it or some conspiracy shit. It's because many people who believe in these causes have been working for years to create institutions to push them. That's important for the right wing to understand. We're not fighting Soros minions or mindless degenerates-these are motivated, organized individuals fighting for a cause. Ultimately I think that the overall leftist cause (universal egalitarianism with a state-enforced distributive economic system) is going to destroy our senses of culture and meaning and basucally make mankind into domesticated animals. But they don't. They really believe that they're doing the right thing, and they've been fighting and planning for it for decades. And we need to confront their actual ideas as well. That was what the alt right was about a few years ago, but mission creep has made it into an embarrassment imo.

I thought we lost 1 out 4 ? and the first one was due to people not fighting back

Won't work, once the dept of education is stripped of funding the cash pump to local DNC candidates is done. See the DNC essentially uses educators and the dept of education to launder money into the local races. This is well known and account for almost 50% of their total funding.

Basically, kill dept of Ed funding and you kill the DNC forever at the local level.

but what can we do ? they will not listen to words anymore
the White male meme has gripped their minds as a pass for them to do anything they want

what about the Berkeley mayor who told their police to stand down so the right was forced to fend for themselves
there are more like him

It doesn't matter how many battles or who won or lost. The left has large financial think-tanks producing organizer trainers who influence the left's emotions by means of acadamia, media, and culture. So you have a large amount of bleeding heart liberals clamoring for a cause, lead by well-connected, funded, and educated organizers and leaders.
is so right about this. I think Sup Forums is one of the best organizational bases the right has. We learned to utilize it the past years. In cyber space and memetically. Important, but now it's time to move to the physical realm... which the left is better at doing. Time to go out in real life, show you power levels a bit, connect, make friends, network, organize, and start showing up. To everything. This is bigger than a few scuffles at Berkeley.

B-but can I still spy in Antifa and live my dream of being the Solid spic?

Nah, just "you need big government to have nice things"... Which the target audience probably does, being unwilling to get a job and EARN nice things.

Pretty much what happened at Evergreen State College. Redpilled in the process a lot of white liberals, while dividing the "anti-racist" Left at the same time.
The white Left don't really care about PoC, they just want to remain in control.

If you're going to antifa meetings and gathering info, then you're doing God's work. And if you're doing that, I understand you may not want to show your face in a pro-right-wing rally.

Boots on the ground is what Sup Forums needs, not only at protests, but in all local politics too.

there is a group a few streets away from me but from I understand Antifa gets their members from groups like this

if your a spic or black they would bow down to you

my time is now user

from this day forward I am solid spic

Can you try to "no-platform" whites? Suggest Indivisible members aren't inclusive enough, doing enough to fight systemic injustice, etc. The play book, you know. Try to divide them on racial/inclusive policies. Get them infighting, flood in mouthy minorities, and obstruct the groups from getting things done. I'll give you a hint. I just happened on its own in a local Indivisible group. The progressives and leftists split with the democrats and liberals in the group. Don't know if it happened on its own, or if there was a little spy in that chapter, but it just happened. Help them eat their own and get disorganized.

>Comments are disabled for this video.

So Splitting Berniebros and Shillary bots?
could work I assuming there some fellow spic spies I'll be grabbing names once I get into antifa and will submit it here I just don't want my position to get found
then again I could just pull the "wayscist to spic" card if I get found

Promise them free stuff and an opportunity to protest and whine... they'll be right on board.

>be random user
>notice an event is nearby
>bring books about western philosophy, tradition, and morals to events
>encourage Lefists to think for themselves, not be herded by congressional staffers
that's really all anyone can do in terms of "boots on the ground"

I get they're trying to bring people into trying to "take action" but you'd think you're reading a fucking 1984 novel with this shit. Literally saying bizarre shit like "voice recognition has developed because of the government,thanks US Gov!" You'd think they'd realize when they pushed the limit. It's like saying that SomethingAwful created imageboards. It's just stretching the truth to convince people shit about government.

>Because democratic civil societies are (((the best allies)))
Gee where have I heard that before?

>We're fighting back against Twitterbots that may be influencing the outcome of elections.
Probably talking about those random Trump supporters on Twitter that leftists always instantly brand as bots. I'm surprised they're actually putting this on the site.

>In case of disaster, we call FEMA. How are they always so prepared?
It's almost like it's their job or something

>Wait, government makes my peanuts more delicious. Yes. True.
Not sure what this is referring to. Either way I'm sure these peanuts greatly affect society enough to make any sort of political comment on them.

>Thank you, Current Year Man.
No comment

>No matter the app, tool, or company, do you know who was critical to creating speech recognition technology? Government.
Out of all the things to put on here they put something that would seem alarming to most people (young) reading this. Nice.
Honestly, why is it supposed to be surprising that the Government (TM) would create technology like this? This is of course another way to tell young people "the government does everything for you"

With this weak bullshit the only way they're going to get people to "take action" is if they're attracting 12 year olds or adult retards (see: anarchists). I'm not sure why we're supposed to particularly appreciate standard government jobs that the government is expected to do.

No, I mean we start to make our own connections and political networks, locally, and then branch outward with it. These folks are planning to flood local politics from the bottom up. They need to met with an opposing force in that same realm.


True, a new system is needed.
But they are displaying an offensive tactic that needs a counter. Plus, I think we are fighting over the next 3 - 4 percent of the country that are leaders. So if we can neutralize their pool of potential leaders we are realize a much more powerful attack. All the while we are adding the best leadership from the young right.

It's a war of many sides

- Opposing their local policies through means of local government (Our weakness)
- Opposing them through Memetic/cultural war (What Sup Forums's strength is now)
- Opposing them in numbers during protests (Getting better but still disorganized)
- Opposing or flipping their leadership (Not our strength yet)
- Strength through networking (Sup Forums's gotta get involved in communities and show a bit of power level)
- Strength of leaders (A few Congressmen and e-celebs is what we have right now. I think we can do better)
- Opposing them from the inside (Infiltration and subversion anons. Godspeed)

>On Monday, Clinton made it official: She is joining the resistance against Trump with a Super PAC — Onward Together — which will be “an organization dedicated to advancing the progressive vision that earned nearly 66 million votes in the last election,” according to an email sent to Clinton supporters Monday.

>According to Clinton, the PAC will support anti-Trump advocacy groups like Indivisible, Swing Left, Emerge America, and Color of Change — groups that have already had an active role in resisting the Republican administration’s policy efforts, from rallying against early attempts at a travel ban to staging protests in lawmakers’ town halls over the Obamacare repeal bill making its way through Congress.

Glad someone is here helping with organizing. I think women redpilling each other and idiotic children kekflagging eachother is ultimately good. But they need a structure to stand on. I think young right leadership should fill this gap, they should leave any retardation here on Sup Forums. The strong athletic men here who listen to Rogan and Peterson should be the leaders.

Here's an interesting illustration of how weak a female indivisible resisters are compared to right wymin.

Government cult is being created.
Let them be subvert it and annihilate all of them once they registered.

They literally make the hardest part of genocide easy.

>the american right will support us in this

Like fuck

How would you rate todays shooting?

IMO lets have the scale of THIS being a 9/10, and Loughner being a 1/10

So I took the indivisible map and combined it with 2017 country voting results. Look at how many are in red counties.

As soon as I heard 50 round fired and only 5 round hit people, I knew it was a lefty attack.

I really hope she sticks around. Her money is so toxic it's like salting the Earth.
> anti-Trump advocacy groups like Indivisible, Swing Left, Emerge America, and Color of Change
what are some good names for the right, traditional, moral, polite side of the isle?

Holy Gears of Change?