Hey Sup Forums, did you heard? There was a yuge fire in New Africa, 12 terrorist confirmed dead

Hey Sup Forums, did you heard? There was a yuge fire in New Africa, 12 terrorist confirmed dead.

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What if it was an 'alt-right' terror attack?

Can't be, they aren't welcomed.

I heard that the owner is named GOLDMAN. Is there a source on this?

well it got kills so maybe it was

More likely the refugees living there for free were upset their building was too cold.

Just 12? Damn. And the building hasn't collapsed.

anyone know?

The director of the company that carried out the renovation is called goldman

thanks do you have the source?

muslims were probably cooking late because of ramadam. i would not be suprised

I'm just waiting for The Guardian blog which blames 'social inequality' and 'racism' for the incident: "If they were white, the fire services would have arrived earlier... "

They said something about fridge being the cause of fire. What's interesting is that it didn't collapse on itself, so even in Africa they got better buildings than in Jew York.


Also he hung up on piers Morgan on live TV when asked about the cladding


Thank you!

sounds like corporate manslaughter charges in the post

There is a video on Sky News of a women live streaming from inside, she speaks mostly Arabic. I wonder if anyone could translate everything she says because MSM obviously aren't going to tell you everything she said.

Been following this about 4 am, really scary as I live in flats too buto there's sprinklers and some other systems in place

If I thinks it's same one she snap chatted her friend asking her for help and praying to god mostly, her husband wasn't with them at the time

How can Goldman not know what material the cladding is made out of?

I'm willing to bet the fire did start in the kitchen. I bet a haji was trying to synthesize explosives, shit went wrong, and boom. The favored explosive of these fucktards requires things to sit in a fridge for a while as the crystals form.

This is never going to be disclosed if the case. It would totally destroy the "not all" story. They will run a "faulty stove" and do an "emergency refit" in all social housing. There will be new fire alarms, water systems and hidden recording equipment. Everything happens for a reason.

No idea, what he was doing calling up is beyond me, someone would have been frantically calling him to get of air
As with case with a block of flats a few years ago the blame is on the council.

A man came to door saying come get out but she was waiting for her husband. Idk whether to think she was forbidden to leave without her husband or she stayed for less sinister reasons.

Can you elaborate on this crystal forming technique? Sounds like some breaking bad shit

Well the fire safety protocol was to stay in the flat in the event of a fire so guess she wasaid following that, I think her husband was away in another country

More than likely it was some cheap flammable shit from China

Acetone peroxide

Sup Forums already figured out that fire was a false flag

still burning user

Is it still burning??

Have they attempted to go inside yet?

council flats - literally gov't housing

They were aluminium apparently


I'd google this but im gonna end up on a list lmfao

Corporate greed and neglected maintenance of safety equipment in the building. Is what this will be pinned on... for a good reason.

>Also he hung up on piers Morgan on live TV when asked about the cladding.

(((Andrew Goldman))).

Just looked into it there's legs in the theory, you have to keep the mixture in the fridge for up to 48 hours, and its very unstable when you take it out of the fridge.

People probably would have heard an explosion if that was the case though

yeah, it sure is better built than those two towers across the lake

The guy himself said his fridge blew up, witnesses heard an explosion, there is basis in this theory.

If its true that is top fucking kek.

>make bomb to kill filthy kuffar
>end up blowing up your fridge
>burn 120 flats, mostly your muslims brothers
>At least 12 dead, more than any other attack in London (Probably will be a higher death toll than Manchester )

They may have thought that it was a gas explosion. Gonna have to check with the investigators in the future.
Those towers had a jet crash into them. That may have weakened the structure enough to allow it to fall just by the unsupported weight alone.

They probably haven't been able to inspect the site, finding remains of people in completely burned buildings isn't easy, especially separating parts of completely burned up victims might take time.

Enough of the 9/11 u fucking commie burger I wanna know if this tower is the results of some 4 lions shit

The explosive in question,for all due intents is mostly only "explosive" when dry. When wet it's harder to set off. It will however burn when wet.

> end up killing your own brothers in failed attack to kill infidels.

>never get virgins.

A fridge would make it dryer then no? And if it's an older fridge they can sometimes shake a little which is all it would need if it was a significant amount.

>getting triggered this easily

Really? Just pointing out a fact that gets overlooked whenever 9/11 comes up. Nevertheless I shall cease.
Pair that with a frayed wire or something else that can trigger it and you have your boom. Could be that some smaller fire happened and that triggered the explosives before it can be contained.

No. Someone was playing with something they knew nothing about.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Hassan was having a fucking cigarette during the whole thing.

Four Lions IRL

I saw the tower burning on the way home from work, I never expected to see anything like it in real life, much less Central London.

you live in a third world country now

I doubt we'll ever actually know via official ways.

I'm honestly wondering how many people actually died. 12 official but skynews said there could have been up to 600 people in the building.

Pretty much every witness and resident of that inferno that I've seen is African/Muzzie. I reckon it was either some dumb Achmed building a bomb that backfired or a retaliation terror attack by a right wing death squad!

I moved here from America.

>you live in a third world country
Are you one to talk, privatized corporate shit?

Where are your statistics from? 2001? London Today is minority white, and Manchester is up there.

>Everyone one Earth hearing about a structural fire the minute it happened
>Third world

2011, actually.

I'd be surprised.
More likely senarios include:
bombs or molotov cocktails being made by a muzz (which we'll likely never hear about)
nig feeling cold, so decides to take all the doors down and burn them in the middle of the room (I new a family who had a council house next to them where this happened)
nig or muz does something retarded like connect the fridge to the gas
nig or muz youth set light some mattresses and rubbish left in a corridor
drug addict falls asleep with cigarette still alight
If it's just a faulty fridge and substandard building, I'll be pretty disappointed. They'll use it as an excuse to build three new low-rise cities for all the fucking immigrants.

not true. These are council flats owned by a private group. The govermeme over here in its infinite wisdom sold off its expensive location properties at bargain basement prices.

The fridge explosion is not really the issue though. I'll admit it's likely it was Haji cunt blowing his own fridge up on accident but the issue is more the fire encouraging cladding mr Goldman fitted tot he building.

World fact book corroborates with your pie chart.
Oh wait, is the CIA really the (((CIA)))?

LOL burn paki burn.
Londonistan calling

Did the tower ever collapse? Im guesing NO

sheeeit best be looking out for "renovations" in your block
best guess: eastern european meth lab

>This is gonna be my last cigarette

>"Largest UK Cities"
>Glasgow not on the list.