Why do you guys oppose reasonable gun control?


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>reasonable gun-control


What about niggers per 100,000?

We already have reasonable gun control.

how do liberals intend to defend themselves
against a tyrannical government

by voting them out of office?

by the way: that statistic is misleading.
they've intentionally picked "PER 100,000 RESIDENTS" to pump the number up. The number of gun murders would obviously be much lower if it was only per 1 or 2 residents.

you do know where you are right?

were only doing it so you eat your own words at this point tbqh

>reasonable gun-control

Because unreasonable people wont care. Why disarm ourselves and be further at the mercy of nutcases with simple weapons?

taking guns away from Democrats sounds reasonable

Were it not for niggers, USA would have Belgium's arm crime

seriously tho

how do you intend to defend against a tyrannical government

are you really just going to vote them out of office?

The elephant in the room is that US gun crime is concentrated heavily in populations of inner city blacks. This is something that "gun free zones" doesn't stop and that "common sense" gun control doesn't address. There are many areas in the US where gun ownership per capita is extremely high, but gun crime is low - because there aren't any blacks in those areas.

>how do you intend to defend against a tyrannical government
Certainly not by shooting someone playing baseball.

These (((statistics))) are never corrected for niggers.


There's no such thing as reasonable gun control.

Why do you oppose reasonable rape?

keep deflecting

why dont they just make murder illegal then we wouldnt need gun control

I'd like to think we also should be able to walk home from work without being stabbed or run over. But oh well, I guess murder gets committed with different weapons here.

>reasonable gun control?
We already have it. Stop trying to take bigger and bigger pieces of our cake and focus on something important, like the fucking environment.

Oh please, like the left is suddenly against black people being killed.

why do you oppose reasonable ovens ya kike?

It's all because of niggers and spics, deport them, and the crime will drop immensely.

If you seriously think this will have any positive affects for the liberal agenda, you are beyond delusional.

Tripfags deserve nothing but agony.
I hope all your save files become corrupted, and also that you get AIDS.

(1 post by this id, sage was burned)

Because the other countries have higher knife fatalities in exchange.

here we go again


What do americans think the "well-regulated militia" part of 2A actually refers to?

Misleading statistic. In areas with gun control, people just kill each other with baseball bats and knives.

>3 people out of 100,000 have to die to preserve my rights
>1.5 of these people out of 100,000 are statistically niggers if I am being generous

Worth it.

The Supreme Court has already went over this. 1) We, the people, ARE the militia. 2) The militia clause is a justification of the operative clause, it doesn't control it. It explains it.

a well regulated militia

which part do you think mandates that the people must be a part of the well regulated militia?

Really made me think


god king politicians who are hated and targeted. Nobody gives a shit about me fuck them they ruin millions of lives both dem and rep

i would rather have to worry about being stabbed than being shot tbqh more room for me to fight back against a melee weapon

Didn't take enough of a beating in the last thread?

Go ahead and keep pushing an issue your side killed in the '90s.

The last time you chimps passed a gun control law, you turned one of the least popular rifles in the country into the most popular rifle literally overnight. You retards put tens of millions of the weapons you were trying to ban into American hands and created a pro-gun movement that has spent the last ten years chipping away at state gun laws. There are now nine states that don't even require a permit to carry a concealed weapon.

Maybe you fucking retards should quit while you're ahead.

the second amendment protects the first, you are asking why do people not believe in 'reasonable' free speech, like not disagreeing with their political leaders and then not going to your reeducation camp.

>a cuck fighting back

Americans can do all of those things without fear or threat of being shot, except for those who live in gun-free zones.


the judiciary branch of our government

It does, check out the media, they're already trying to twist it towards gun control. Hell, they're further throwing Sanders under a bus since they're making it crystal clear that he was a Berner

Why should they? They belong to the us, you cant make laws if you have to ignore 13% of the population to justify them.

maybe if all the leftists were dead, guns wouldnt be a problem. leftists need some reasonable population control.

We have more Niggers in our country than most have citizens in their country. Thats why its so high. If it was only whites, we would be around 0.6/0.7 per 100,000. Mexicans and niggers inflate our crime statistics so much and the kikes use it as a way to take away the white mans gun rights.

Hmmm. It's always as if different races should be governed by the same laws or something. Really boils the ol barnacles.

Cuz yer a fag, bitch. May e someday you'll grow a synapse and realize that.

>vast majority of violent crime is carried out by leftist

Sounds like we need to address leftist culture first

Blow it out your ass

Not a fair comparison. America basically has an African country within its borders

Why do you appose reasonable commie control?

Obviously, Democrat voters like today's shooter and the millions of inner-city black males who slaughter each other shouldn't be able to own guns.

Only white conservatives have proven they are responsible enough to handle firearms.

If those congressmen had been carrying, that gunman wouldn't have gotten his first shot off.

I'd rather oppose lunatic leftist ms who believe the MSM when they say the GOP is evil. Fuck off to the EU if you love having your rights curtailed so much

Pure coincidence.

I agree, lets start by deporting all muslims

I wish more people could bring this up without being blasted as a racist. Talking about this in the open on all fronts would actually lead to a solution.

Because by 'reasonable' you probably mean 'UnConstututional.' And criminals aren't 'reasonable' enough to stop stealing and then carrying guns, committing crimes with guns, or committing crimes against people who therefore need to defend themselves. The fact that you would even ask the question means you have zero understanding of human nature or reality and will not last long when it hits the fan.

god how liberals are so fucking stupid only the law abiding citizens would return the guns while niggers, mafia, gangsters, criminals or god knows who more wouldnt so it will be literally a free range for them for robbing and killing or whatever... Then they come with the argument b-b-but hide and wait for the police... Are they mentally ill?

And 3.4 per 100 000 is just the nigger/spic crime.
Remove that and the US is comparable to majority white countries.

How many of those countries have large problem areas like Chicago and Baltimore?

>gun control


.036% of the population dies to guns every year. Thats fucking nothing.

Most of those shootings are done by niggers. In order to truly enforce gun control, the fucking army would have to roll into Chicago and Detroit. But that won't happen, of course. Law abiding citizens will lose their guns and the chimps will keep going as usual. The "mass shooting" rate will barely change for decades.

>Why do you guys oppose reasonable gun control?
Our firearm rights aren't subject to other people abusing those firearm rights.

> 1 post by this ID


So what exactly was the National Firearms Act?

That's weird.. why didn't you pick a country with majority blacks? Also, blacks by far commit the most gun murder in the US... maybe the answer is banning blacks...

I agree.
Genocide Millennials and Boomers NOW!


Jill Stein voter here:
The US does have a big gun death problem.
But for mass shootings per capita, we're about average compare to Europe.

So this is how they're gonna spin it.


Who said I oppose reasonable gun-control? I think it's a great idea to throw them niggers out. Who the fuck would oppose that?

London has a similar demographic to the US and nowhere near the same level as violence


I agree, so they need to get rid of niggers immediately if they want to be taken seriously.

>be yuropoor
>go to a concert
>get shot and blown up despite no guns policy

I can kinda control my gun.

I think I have reasonable control over my gun, thank you

Ignore all gunshills
They are here to keep us on the defensive
They want to control the narrative away from the Media radicalizing lefties to violence.
Stop Defending and start Attacking



Government doesn't even give rights anyway, it only violates them. The right to property is a natural right, and gun control is a violation of it. That's why I oppose "reasonable" (coercive/violent) gun control.

Less than one percent of the guns in the united states are used for violent crimes each year, so it's an almost nonexistent problem. Why would we restrict property rights if less than one percent of guns are actually used to kill people?

The reasonable gun control is to forcably disarm the non-whites, as a pretext for mass-deportation.

my guns are controlled. They only kill what they are pointed at.

Because we need to kill you. That's why.

I mean it, faggot liberals really fucked up today. Get ready, because the Second Civil War started today and we are going to fucking kill all of you or die trying.

>gun murders
>GUN murders


The number of vehicle homicides and homicides committed by Muslims is up in Europe. How many bodies will it take before Europe bans assault trucks and assault Muslims?

>stationary target
>no time constraint

>democrat kill someone

Yeah, because there are more blacks in the UK than in Finland

Gun deaths were a lot less when there was no gun control.

False comparison, one city to the entire country. Compare London to Chicago. Then compare London to Montpelier. You fucking idiot.

Because "reasonable gun control" is a slippery slope. You see over time, freedom is whittled away from a society the more prosperous it becomes. People become lazy and complacent when their nation becomes more oriented towards a lifestyle of convenience and instant satisfaction.

If you budge even an inch on your Second Amendment rights, then that means you'll budge another inch, then another, and another.

are you the guy who posts in k all the time with the glock, and it is that the river at the end of murphy dome?

murders trending down

It's not a gun problem its a nigger and spic problem


Forgot to change your flag, Achmed.

>reasonable gun control

living in a country where having a gun is almost impossible now g, i Americans should never allow them to take them away