Why is pol against socialism?

Why is pol against socialism?

Are you all rich or just cucks?

Bruh, you're addressing a board where at least 50% of it's users identify as NatSoc.

Socialism is scary, Senator Goldberg said that if socialism takes hold in America, Jewish people who have worked hard their entire lives to earn billions will be forced to give some of it to dirty poor people

Republicans are against paid maternity leave for mother's.

Why is this?

then why are you a republicuck?

Because this, we don't want to take care of lazy fucks.

Socialism work with people willing to work. 99% of niggers and arabs doesnt want to work.

We know things...

Good luck in college. When you acquire life experience and more knowledge, you'll understand.

It's satire, my fellow hilldawg.

Hard to say. It's been working so well everywhere.

guaranteed job. lmao!

if only it was that simple

stupid leftists and their non-logic

Translation: some socialism works in all-white countries.

this, a basic security grid for the very poor is good to help them, but the more social services you implement, the more taxes you have to take and the more powerful the state gets as he redistributes the wealth, which many oppose

I'd like to know why anyone would be a socialist these days.

What does Marxism do these days? I just seems to be focused on abolishing national sovereignty and the rule of law while putting guns in the hands of social, religious, political and ethnic minorities telling them to rebel.

That's no system of politics, that's a system of destruction. It has no answers, only creates its own problems which it then fails to fix.

*as it

>impoverished Mexicans cross the border to shit out children for citizenship
>niggresses have 6 kids to increase their welfare checks
>1 in three children are born live in poverty!
really made me think

Is anyone in that picture Finnish?
I don't see even one knife.

unemployment in a lot of europistan is around 6-7% and thats probably with the same BS statistics where they don't count the people that have given up.

>good luck in college

I'm in college and I'm a socialist.

>wealth should be redistributed because I'm a failure who can't provide for myself

The only cuck here is you.

One in three kids live in poverty? Id say its more like three out of three. Kids in the states dont have jobs. Their median income is $0. They are lazy, and a drain on society. Asian countries still practice child labor, thats why China is ripping us off in trade.

the solution is revolution after it breaks everything.
It just hasn't broken everything yet so you dont see the solution....yet

Thats the way Marxism is designed.

My business has nothing to do with raising children. Why should I pay my employees to stay home and raise theirs? I can't afford that, you think I should hire a temp and pay both people for one job?

I'd rather hire all men.

>America is around 2/3 white
>1/3 American kids are in poverty

Hmmmm really makes me think

asians work too.

You can't complain about declining white birth rates and then be against maternity leave like Republicans are.

the only way id be ok with paying extra taxes for health care and college is if would help my race and people. but my taxes would also go to help the monkeys and wet backs im not ok with that

cos they think the red pill is any different from the blue

The thing is, most western socialists only want the top three things, not the bottom two. The top three benefits only work because youths are also given responsibilities.

The reality is that if commiefornia instituted similar policies, you end up with a bunch of dindus claiming gimmeats, but not participating in the guaranteed work that's available or the youth parliament.

>at least 50% of it's users identify as NatSoc.
Only because of the nifty uniforms, and the holocaust (which they both deny happened and fap over).
Real Nazis were lefties, but their modern admirers are righties.

I don't know about Republicans but many here are against it because stealing is wrong.

to help whites to have more baby ?

yes you can.

don't go spending all your shekels in one place.

Socialism can only work in a high mean IQ Ethnostate.

We don't have anything against Socialism. It just needs a healthy dose of nationalism.

We have a problem (((communism))) however.

Because of its dysgenic effects. I'm not against socialism in theory, but we must look at all programs from a eugenic perspective.

>implying finland exists

That's bullshit.

Leftists also like to spew shit like "FINLAND HAS NO HOMEWORKS" on FB and I prsonally know finns, I know that's fucking retarded.

But they assume, hey Finland is a small country, nobody heard about it, we can make bullshit about it easy.

Guaranteed job is something I can 100% say is false too, you gotta look for work like anywhere. else.

We are against women working

>1/3 kids live in poverty

I bet they define poverty as going to starbux only once a week.

And what the fuck is a 'garenteed job', so if you dont have one thell just, make something up for you to do and you get money?

>against maternity leave


not to mention the more you support the poor, the more poor those poor make

thats why gulags exist

I don't want to be forced to share my things. I want the freedom to choose how I help and who I help, that way I can be more productive to my community and social circles. I want to work hard and rightfully earn a paycheque, accomplishment, fulfillment not handed out from a faceless government. Do you fear hard work fellow leaf? Do you not like the idea of each being held accountable for your own actions? Is it a big responsibility to take your life into your own hands and make of it what you will? Is it perhaps because your will is undirected, inexperienced, and a carbon copy of everyone else's?

>Richest nation in the world
>At the same time 17 trillion in debt
Um okay

jesus christ how retarded can you be

I'm a cuck because I don't want to support filthy niggers and others who made bad life choices. Makes perfect sense if you're a liberal halfwit.

You don't have a right to anyone else's labor. It's really that simple.

>one in three kids live below poverty
>America is 60% white and 6% Asian

Wow really makes you think OP is a faggot.

Socialism is for people who suck at life, and need to use the force of government to steal shit for them.

Also, people are not equal. Some people suck. Anyone who wants equality is a fucking idiot, and is probably one of the shitty useless people.

Fake news from leaf all day long. Kys.

>paid parental leave
free healthcare
basic income

>muh taxes are theft

Kys greedy kike

We have this thing called language and people wrote down how shitty socialism always ends up.

Get a job you fucking NEET.

You would think that if this worked Finland would have a really high fertility rate.

This I never understood. Here, if two parents work, the living costs are so-so met. I understand there was a time, when a wife would stay at home and the husband's paycheck would cover everything but those days are gone. Not even sure, if they ever existed here.

see how well socialism works for you when your mudslime migration is complete

that's what Marx said

I'm not a neet I'm in college and my parents pay so I don't need to work yet.

What are you studying?

Stop lying you VPN using libertarian filth.

Chemical Engineering at Uvic

Hello Chaim Gabowicz,
socialism is not good, thank you.

Also go and gas yourself with Zyklon B you Jewish Canuckcuck!

No, I am not rich.
But Socialism spreads poverty, not wealth.

And also, it is wrong from any point of view you chose and it's a Jewish idea to undermine European Civilisation.

Exactly, equal opportunity =/= equal outcome. We have equal opportunity here. And people start ranting about privilege maybe their own families need to spend a generation or two with their nose to the gindstone and make life better for their future generations. My family was dirt poor the last 2 generations. My grandparents worked hard and left an estate to my parents, Then my parents worked hard ad have a huge estate they are going to leave for me. And I am working hard to make my family's life easier and better, the cycle continues. Nignogs just live in the moment and have no self control. Thats why they spend all their money on shit like Jordans and Beats Headphones and never get ahead. Time value of money.

well you can tax those who can afford it a little more so that the middle class isn't endangered.
Tax rates like here in germany however are just completely insane, people work half a year for the state and that money is used so inefficiently or outright wasted

1) Finland won't exist in 20 years.

2) Finland hasn't had the racial demographics of America, so of course there hasn't been a big problem there, yet.

Finland is a culturally homogenous country.

You're a dumb kid that doesn't know shit. You're young, so maybe there's hope for you. I won't tell you to KYS until you get into the real world and haven't smartened up.

>I understand there was a time, when a wife would stay at home and the husband's paycheck would cover everything but those days are gone.
That's called the American Dream; being able to support a household off of on income. Women joining the workforce ruined that since the economy obviously can't account for a 100% increase in labor supply. Feminism killed the American Dream.

>calls me a Jew
>supports (((capitalism)))

By the way, go see the suicide rate for people under 25 in Finland and compare it to the rest of the world, like America...

Finland is becoming shit thanks to Socialism. It would be better for the (Nation-) State to present all young men in the nation with their responsabilities and duties and rights and tell them: You have the supreme power as long as you produce economically and have children and don't do shit against your neighbours.

That's not socialism, that's traditional European society, early Roman style.

Some Socialism is required in the mechanisation/automation era. Countries like Finland and France go a bit too far (57% of GDP is the total of public spending) but something like 45% is optimal.

It is inherently disordered, in that many forms take away people's freedom to own property.

If you see poverty in a socialist country, too bad, you have next to nothing to help your neighbor with, just gotta hope the righteous and just government will help them.

I like this, I'm saving it.

Cool. I can't wait until you are paying 29% of your earnings to house and feed brown people from 3rd world countries that were brought into Canada because baby boomers love socialism SO much, they didn't think ahead to having enough kids to keep the ponzi scheme (healthcare, pensions) going.

>for women in the workforce

People are depressed because its -40 Celsius everyday for 9 months of the year.

I suspect its because most mothers are either African Asian or "Mexican". Most of those are also dirt poor and have not contributed to the well being of america for generations the way most white people have...

>99% white

Hmm I wonder

Gibs are the ultimate manifestation of the overprotective mother. By always providing for the citizen the government is preventing the person from becoming an independent adult. Its evil disguised as virtue.

half of the people with natsoc flags are american edgy kids with 0 knowledge of what nacionalsocialism stands for, and usually tend to be more economically liberal than a fucking rothschild

>conflating marxism with socialism
the empty populism of marxism has been taken over by the right and limousine left nowadays anyways. Couple of empty slogans, vague promises of an improvement of life to lull the suffering of your sovereign citizens, cheap ploys and praying on your people's suffering to get yourself elected to continue to churn out cash.
obama,trump,macron,may are all prime examples.

God forbid people whose rights are being tread on and who are treated as 19th century field niggers are fed up with the system

>basic income for minors
That's income for the parents in case they need help raising the child. Some families do give that to the child as allowance or savings.
>guaranteed job for everyone under 25
If you agree to a wage that barely pays you a nice hot meal, yeah.

Sup Forums is against socialist ways because it only works in a white autistic country of no more than 6 million people.
Try socialism in murrica and the whole country is on fire.

A few socialism works in almost all white countries as long as there is no real threath to them.
Like Scandinavia when Germany, the U.K. and Russia will not invade...

For fuck sakes Brits, can't you take over Scandi?
Make an empire out of Norway and Denmark? I'd love to be a part of it.

No hate scandi friends, it's just that you are a real cuck infestad disgrace... Britain will eventually need space to dump all its "enrichers"...

>one of the highest IQ and most homogenous countries in the world
>America is filled with poor niggers and spics

With out scrolling through the posts yet, I'm going to tell you it should be obvious why this sort of quasi-socialism (which is hardly socialism, just sensible welfare consciousness) works in a country that is 98% white.
Let me guess, you're one of those retards shilling the idea that Libertarianism and National Socialism are somehow compatible.
He loves white people so much he wants to horde every penny so he doesn't have to help his own race. That's the (((Liberty))) movement for you.

I don't fucking know man...how about asking that to Venezuela? They have a black market for toilet tissue. Guess it wasn't "real" socialism?

Maternity leave should exist. Not for today's whores though.... ah ah !

Because I live in a society filled with useless ghetto and barrio scum. If we implemented socialism now I would simply be picking up the tab for their worthlessness. Socialism only works in a mostly equal society, like Europe before their mass third world immigration situation. In our multicultural society, the only "fair" system is a meritorious one, where the stupid assholes, criminals and other worthless members are allowed to sink straight to the bottom. An unfortunate consequence is that good ol' boy loopholes are exploited and the greediest assholes start running monopolies. There is no good solution to our situation since half of America refuses to acknowledge our inherent inequality.

>why doesn't the United States put more money into the most corrupt government in the entire first world?

Fair enough, Dmitri.

The point is, now that Europeans are getting more redpilled on race and ethnicity, you're starting to be able to connect the dots why Americans are skeptical on the welfare state.


sort yourself out bucko, start by cleaning your room and tossing the piss bottles out of your mothers basement

Finns are too financially responsible to have children.

Also, men are emotional shut-ins while women are whores who lust after european dick and a life in the mediterranean.
This is not a very good combination for an abundance of children.

Finland is home of that faggot that keeps on pushing the Lauren Southern threads. Fuck that place and fuck him. OP is a faggot.

You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.

You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence.
You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves

>giving the government the absolute authority to redistribute your property and income
>not cucked

Socialism doesn't work when you have as many colored people as we do.

youre in America, technically youre a capitalist. unless of course you are donating 50% of your wages (assuming you work) to those who don't want to work.