Why do liberals tend to be more violent than conservatives?
Why do liberals tend to be more violent than conservatives?
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because they are anti democratic
I don't think it's that they tend to be violent, I think it's because they have serious mental issues that lead to violence.
All leftist thinking is based on feelings of victimhood
Freikorps when
Their entire belief system is based on how they are victims. If you are a victim, than you are justified in fighting back against those who made you a victim.
The way they think is fundamentally twisted and lends itself to violence.
CNN radicalized them
Low iq
Because their government subsidised paycheques don't fill the void of working hard for what you earn. Because sex with their polysexual trans queer partners isn't filling the void of raising a family.
Because their professional education career isn't fulfilling the basic human need to problem solve and seek truth. Because their hobby of comicbooks, super heros, pop culture, and mainstream events never give them a productive return of accomolishment. Because their constant fighting to be accepted by the people they love in turn pushes those loved ones away and are forced to accept whatever type of acceptance they can find. Leaving them feeling hallow and never truly loved or accepted, it's all forced fakery.
They're pent up frustration, anger, hatred, and fear of the outside world is never constructively worked out in the basics of family, friends, love, work, and maturity. So they take it out on anything that opposes their delusion of reality in fear that if it breaks they will truly see the mess they are living in.
they lack the intellectual tools to look at the world objectively; or to communicate without 100% sperg
I feel it is my right as a citizen of an enlightened western nation to publicly and unabashedly say that niggers and kikes are genetically and intellectually inferior to the white man. the democracy in which I live guarantees my freedom of speech. Am I right my fellow alt righters? praise kek!
though in truth, it wouldn't harm society as a whole to return to certain dogmatic moral truths à la kant. that or you can as postmodern as you want all the while denouncing postmodernity and how it has ruined every facet of cultural society, thus being , unbeknownst to yourselves, a walking -ironic- meme.
Conservatives want to be left alone.
Socialists want to stick a gun in your face and steal half the business you built by mortgaging your house and skipping your kids music program.
Because they are not really liberal. They are Marxist, and Marxism is fueled by resentment.
They find those that oppose them are genuinely evil and should be stopped no matter what.
because conservatives are pussies
Because they operate outside of reason and they become frustrated.
>Study history
The NSDAP only formed its paramilitary divisions in response to leftist street aggression and disruption of their political meetings. So, by all means, please continue with the street aggression.
Because they want to conserve their energy.
>Why do liberals tend to be more violent than conservatives?
Frontal lobe brain damage caused by birth control and antidepressants. They are unable to think logically about their actions and are easily suggestionable and prone to fear and rage.
cause they all want to be martyrs
Because they have the help of institutions that will defend and fund them, and very rarely get in any trouble for being violent:
This is not new. It's been going on since the 1960s at least. Leftist lawyers and schools will bankroll and legally defend them when they assault, bomb, and kidnap people because they agree with their goals.
The whole appeal to liberalism is self-indulgent emotionalism and romanticism. They get off on convincing themselves they're part of a cause, and the rest of us suffer so they can get those feels.
Part of the problem is our schools and media constantly celebrating "revolution", and "revolutionaries". Totally ignored is the fact that the vast majority of revolutions made things worse than they were before.
Liberals tend to be a cocktailmix of mental illness.most of the time.
Because they think they're the good guys in a Hollywood movie and everything they do will be justified in the end.
If liberals had punched and stopped Hitler's Nazis the world would be awesome now. Instead, we are still struggling.
their entire reality collapses when Trump was voted into office. Many of them had and have mental breakdowns because of that. They can't accept the new reality and literally go crazy
> Sup Forums spends years talking about the day of the rope
> entire threads that were about roleplay murdering blacks and leftists
> liberal initiates violence against republican lawmakers
>arbitrarily label people as "the enemy"
>suppress their rights
>fight them in the streets
>burn down their venues
If these people weren't so immune to self-reflection and actually *did* study history, they might just realize their own hypocrisy.
>larping on a butanese fly fishing enthusiest forum
>actual political assasinations and riots
Pick one
Because conservatives are all talk and pedo rapists.
Because their ideas cannot succeed solely on their merits.
high neuroticism
>Why do liberals tend to be more violent than conservatives?
Because they have no valid arguments. They also know that they are wrong.
>study history
And while you're at it look up "brownshirt"
because they are mentally unstable people that support a political system that has been tried many times resulting in the same genocides and ethnic cleansings EVERY FUCKING TIME they are tried.
Hmm so liberals can't tell difference between reality and day dreaming?
They are all talk
double thinking leads to frustration. Deep down they know they're wrong and the only answer to argument is violence.
am i stupid..i read the tweet like 10 different times but i dont know what he means at the last line..what exactly did history have to do with him burning trash cans?
libtards aren't more violent, their weak minds just break easier.
Their consistent losing streak and all of the reactions of MSM and hollywood 'elites' are proof of that.
It is now confirmed that their shitty Libtard Arts degrees are paying off because they are truly turning Losing into an Art form.
So liberals have more balls than conservatives. Got it, thanks. Two Sup Forums myths smashed for the price of one.
not fagnigger leaf? wtf
This, they're all spineless and can't think for themselves
>In case of doubt, study history.
It's amazing how useful the American education system has been in brainwashing these kids. They really think that nobody attempted to silence Hitler, Mussolini, etcetera with physical force and censorship. What history really shows is that attempts at censorship only draw attention and interest to what is being censored.
Because leftism is based on "moral relativism" rather than logical analysis and responsibility. I was a lefty and everything they said all sounded good but I started noticing that they never criticized their own, never stayed consistent, never acknowledged the good things that were done by "oppressors" .
And moral relativism is, as it should obviously be, relative. Yet relativism is only allowed when they do it. Then "Might makes Right" comes down to it, and since women and blacks weren't thought to think long term by the same liberals who believe certain groups are oppressed because of who they are, they automatically resort to violence once it's no long relative.
I can spend the entire day talking about this but it's already depressing.
>tfw to intelligent to be a leftist
Are you a proxy leaf?
Never seen a leaf write anything that makes sense before
Conservatives are more individualistic and have a live-and-let-live attitude. Modern liberals, who are more socialist than liberal, are thus more collectivist and thrive off the feeling of struggle against some evil force, i.e conservatives. It makes them feel important, which can feel like a drug. That's why they get so rabid and violent about it.
> hahaha I killed someone, but you thought of killing someone but decided not to chimp out after all, hahaha i am so much better!!!
>in case of doubt study history
I bet she only ever studied the reign of terror.
>study history
Dumb cunt, history teaches you this is the absolute worst way to respond. Nazis literally said the exact same things about communists
may as well say that niggers have bigger balls
chimping out != rational violence
This is good. The sooner the mass of liberals become unhinged, the sooner we will be able to justifiably establish the 4th reich right here in america. Sieg heil (:
resorting to violence is the only way to get a dumb idea implemented
very low iq, and no knowledge of western history outside of their apologist neologism narrative.
>user, you wouldn't hit me, would you?
>I just want to talk
>Please, just let me finish, user.
>Don't burn my books, please.
It may not be totally necessary, depending on how authoritarian the government gets
They're insane and rely almost entirely on their unstable emotions.
they say study history then they promote communism
i dont understand
Every one of them is some day-dreamy marxist stoner who is expecting to start a war that someone else will come and win for them.
The people they are picking a fight with are a bunch of gun owners who left the cities 3 generations ago because they just want to be left alone.
I mean, assuming these goobers can find a bus that goes out far enough to confront the enemy I still don't see them having an awful lot of force projection.
This "civil war" is an embarrassing meme that is missing key elements to be realized. It's just going to result in a bunch of young people ruining their lives with felonies from political street fighting. There's no civil war coming. I honestly feel for the disaffected loners craving group identity who get sucked into this shit.
The real white power is growing generational wealth, having white children and voting pro-white with your dollar as much as your ballot. Cultivating your own alienation with these identity groups is faggotry and you're going to be rewarded for it all by spending the best years of your life in the joint, shrinking your options and growing your bitterness.
wasn't real communism
Does that answer your question?
Low IQ + Emotional Irrationality = High Propensity of Violent Threats and/or Outbursts
It's a good idea to assess people on the basis of these 2 factors prior to talking about highly controversial subjects. If you don't you might get a haymaker to the eye socket.
It's about time we get this ball rolling. Civil War II is gonna be a commie turkey shoot.
>More balls
And less brains, thus why they can't be trusted. Got it, thanks. Arrest the DNC and psycho analyze them.
Biggest liberal hypocrisy exposed in one concise post.
Oh, but you're a Muslim. I thought you were all about peace and tolerance. You mean you actually want people to die? Shocker.
>in case of doubt, study history
Wasn't it exactly because of people like this who made Hitler and the NSDAP so popular? Germans were so fed up with pinkos chimping out every day.
Why, yes it was!
Underrated fp
Jews have higher IQs
"Dude you don't understand! Imagine Communism, but with less white people! "
Not proxy, just a lurker that had something to say.
when is twitter going to be taken down? it's just a platform for hate speech
The correct answer
This. Brownshirts were a response to KPD thugs
I'm a liberal and i'm against resorting to violence, and I agree liberals have been the ones resorting to violence lately, you see it at protests on twitter on fucking facebook, they think it's okay to do this and that it somehow helps get their message across, no it doesn't , if anything it makes people want to fucking move away from you.
We allow nazis to march on the street for a reason, that is what america is all about, allowing people to express their views, no matter how fucked up it is. But killing people ? What a fucking stain it leaves for the left now, looking like a bunch of terrorists now.
This doesn't mean though I will be jumping on the conservative bandwagon, they are too a bunch of idiots.