If everyone had a gun it would prevent mass shootings

>if everyone had a gun it would prevent mass shootings

so where were there guns? it was the cops that took the gunman out as usual

their guns*

Not a mass shooting, by any definition

rand paul even admitted if there were no cops there would be a bunch of dead republicucks. i thought republicans carried guns everywhere. why was it a gun free zone?

Guns aren't for preventing mass shootings, but can be useful for that. We don't have guns to practice shooting or hunt, we have guns so we can shoot the government when it gets a little too much to handle.

That's the sole exact reason the founding fathers gave us the right to bear arms, they fought a fucking revolution for the same reason: tyrannical government.


Asymmetric Warfare.

they were fighting the british. They were mostly referring to foreign governments, not their own. Why would you create a government and then give subversives the right to overthrow it when they feel it's "authoritarian".

it was only thomas jefferson who was pro-revolution and that was because he was an pro-french revolution anti-federalist who was in france while the constitution was being drafted. he was probably fucking sally hemming's 14 year old pussy. not really sure if it was around the same time period.

now imagine you arent an elected member of congress with a personal security detail and armed body guards, and are just a common working class man. you get trapped and attacked by a gunman, but you have no guns because democrat faggots like the mass shooter voted them out of your hands. he still has one though, and now youre fucked.

cwb931 [3:28 PM]
Lmao the shooter guy in Virginia that shot up the baseball game was a Bernout holy shit how unfortunate for democrats
How bout them violent Trump supporters tho

the british was their own government dipshit. literally every colonist considered themselves british. britain was not a foreign government to them you ignoranmus

>they were fighting the british

Which they were under the leadership of you absolute cocksucking dumb ass.

>Why would you create a government and then give subversives the right to overthrow it when they feel it's "authoritarian".

To make sure the nation they created doesn't become authoritarian. Might as well ask why you have a door on the front of your house.

>it was only thomas jefferson who was pro-revolution and that was because he was an pro-french revolution anti-federalist who was in france while the constitution was being drafted. he was probably fucking sally hemming's 14 year old pussy. not really sure if it was around the same time period.

Kill yourself my man.

>To make sure the nation they created doesn't become authoritarian. Might as well ask why you have a door on the front of your house.

so you don't mind that black lives matter overthrows the US government then? because they feel like the government is authoritarian

It was an armed security detail for scalise that most representatives don't get.

If they hadnt been there, police response would have taken several minutes. Its not unlikely that the security detail agents quickly putting rounds down on the shooter significantly impacted his ability to attack victims and cause more damage.

Good thing everyone gets their own armed security detail and your personal safety isn't self determined, mirite?

>so you don't mind that black lives matter overthrows the US government then? because they feel like the government is authoritarian

Feeling the government is authoritarian isn't the same as the government actually be authoritarian. Niggers are dumb after all.

why was it a gun free zone? i thought republicans oppose gun free zones

A violent, racist group wants to overthrow local government and put me in immediate danger? What a fantastic reason to own firearms.

conservatives thought the government was authoritarian when liberals got obamacare passed
it's subjective

You think Republicans control NoVA?

>it's subjective
No it's not, it's either they're authoritarian or they're not.

>hurrrrrrr you can be a libertarian and an authoritarian at the same time

depends on the libertarian. some libertarians aren't really libertarian. Take steven crowder for example. he opposes drug legalization

>some libertarians aren't really libertarian


>playing tennis while carrying

the fact that anyone can call himself a libertarian proves it's subjective.

Just like how I can call myself a black and that makes me black. Race is a social construct after-all.

>being libertarian is the same as being black

being black is self-evident while being libertarian is not

you don't? thats what the ruger LCP is for

Being black is contingent on having black skin, being a libertarian is contingent on having libertarian principles.

An authoritarian with authoritarian principles can't be libertarian, and a white person with white skin can't be black.

ron paul himself isn't really a libertarian. he opposes assisted suicide. who is he tell anyone that he or she can't commit suicide?

Try arguing at any time.

>edgy comment
I bet you sleep with your katana too

my point is that every libertarian tends to be authoritarian on issue while pretending like they have the libertarian position

if you were truly libertarian, you probably would not have children since you can't have children without imposing your will on them. the family structure itself is authoritarian

authoritarian on an issue*

>my point is that every libertarian tends to be authoritarian on issue while pretending like they have the libertarian position

This sentence doesn't make sense.

>if you were truly libertarian, you probably would not have children since you can't have children without imposing your will on them. the family structure itself is authoritarian

This also doesn't make any sense. Last chance to argue before I leave this thread.

Hold on, what the fuck are you on?

how doesn't it make sense? i am saying that raising children and being libertarian is incompatible because you have to be authoritarian to some extent to be a parent

Don't try to be logical with burgers
They are like women, they only reason with emotions

in spite of what you may think you know ow guns are illegal in DC especially concealed. number two how well do you play ball with a gun in your shorts

>authoritarians and libertarians are the same thing
>you can be both at the same time, it's objective

And you didn't even try at all. Quite telling when you have to change definitions of words to help your "point."

We're done here.