"Capitalism is not the best system but when we try to think at something else we can't work out anything!!!1!"

> "Capitalism is not the best system but when we try to think at something else we can't work out anything!!!1!"
> What about distributing the production that we already produce to fulfill the requests that capitalism just can't fulfill?

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>Capitalism is not the best system but when we try to think at something else we can't work out anything
Hey look, it's a thing that no one ever says!

>What about distributing the production that we already produce to fulfill the requests that capitalism just can't fulfill?
What requests has capitalism not fulfilled?

Every country that tried communism is a failed socialist shithole
Time to move on.

The requests of the homeless to eat?

Most communist countries who have failed were because of foreign intervention.

The homeless get fed well in America

So it's an ideology that cannot stand up to any resistance?

Because soup kitchens don't exist, Do you honestly think anyone believes you when you say capitalism doesn't provide anything for the poor?

Not well enough sometimes, which could be mitigated by distributing what we produced. Fine, fair enough. What about the requests of the homeless to not be homeless? Sure, homeless shelters, but a man has a right to his own home

.It can, it's just that a few fell due to foreign intervention,and no country is willing to try again due to fear of falling. I bet if America (the instigator of Anti-Communism) switched, they'd be fine.

>lenin wrote about how stalin must be stopped from ascertaining more power or it would devastate russia
>mysteriously dies
>stalin comes into power

really activates my almonds

pretty much this

both systems are failures. the only good government is no government.

communism in north vietnam did pretty well. it united the whole country against the united states, which saw us as a evil invading force.

that being said bolshevik russia was still an evil shithole, and a state can not, and will not do will without a strong spiritual foundation.

Oh, before anyone plays the

>wats the incentive to hold a job xDDDD


There would be a lot less jobs to do because if you exit capitalism you will be able to use all of the technologies that we already have to produce lots of stuff pratically full-automatically. So there would be a lot less work required. That need can be satisfied by the people who really wants to do that job in their life (and that maybe now they can't do because of the market needs) and every loss of workers can be satisfied as we usually do in capitalism: everyone needs to work to live, so even if you don't like your job you have to spend some time (such as 2 hours a day because of the full employment :D) and do something you don't really like but then you have all of the products and care you need.

Now let me answer also with another question: what's the incentive to hold a job... nowadays?
What's the point of working in a factory with another thousand people for all of your life and live shittily anyway? Think also about it, not just about anti-communist propaganda.

>Someone, somewhere didn't get fed! Quick, fuck everyone over!"

So, now it's "a few" instead of "most". So, why did the other ones fail, comrade? I'm sure it wasn't because they all evolve into nightmarish dictatorships.

>Not well enough sometimes, which could be mitigated by distributing what we produced
You can bring the food to the homeless, but you can't force them to eat. Sometimes their desires for drugs or alchohol outweight their desire for food.

>What about the requests of the homeless to not be homeless? Sure, homeless shelters, but a man has a right to his own home
They can work for it like the rest of us.

>and no country is willing to try again due to fear of falling
Pic related is the # of nations that have declared themselves socialist at some point, it's no fucking wonder no one wants to try again, look at what's happening to Venezuela right now.

>That need can be satisfied by the people who really wants to do that job in their life (and that maybe now they can't do because of the market needs)

The free market doesn't force you to do anything (unlike gulags). The words...

>so even if you don't like your job you have to spend some time (such as 2 hours a day because of the full employment :D) and do something you don't really like but then you have all of the products and care you need.

...Aren't the product of someone who is oppressed by capitalism, it's the words of someone who just has no ambition and no amount of governmental control will fix that for you.

>Distributing production already produced
You mean the government should seize private assets? Nothing tyrannical about that user. I can see you really thought this though

It's not supposed to

>Tries to implement communism
>Companies and rich people leave and send all their money over seas to untouchable bank accounts
>Bank rush.Gif
>Banking sytem breaks
>All the jobs are gone
>All the money is gone
>All the food is gone
People turn on the commie agitators and end them all
/Communism in America

Hi comrades


Actually, one of the benefits of capitalism and the freemarket is that, as an economic powerhouse, it has a massive potential for charity. Every capitalist I've talked to mentions this and people in the U.S. still give massive amounts to charity every year; even though our capitalism has been tampered with significantly.

Even from an entirely self-serving standpoint, charity still has a place. You don't want people around driving up the gini coefficient and destabilizing society, because that affects everyone, including you.

WTF is that even supposed to mean? Capitalism gives people the freedom to do what they want with their money and property, if they want to do nice things for homeless people that's capitalism at it's finest.

People like this legitimately don't understand how any economy works or have even the most basic grasp of economics in general.

Everyone who says "MUH TECHNOLOGY WILL PROUCE SO MUCH WE CAN AFFORD TO HAVE 90% UNEMPLOYMENT XD. " hasn't worked a shit necessary job in their entire life and has no idea what actually drives high levels of productivity.

but if they do that at their own will the commies won't have people to "save" from capitalists !

>failed system keeps collapsing in countries that try it



You, like your ideology, will perish.

itt: retards

Hilariously, I'm in no danger of being sent to a gulag, because I have a second amendment.

I'm going to be ecstatic when you idiots shoot yourselves in the foot enough times to wake people up and start throwing you shitheels from helicopters.

kek, calm down snek.

Communism is stupid and can't work, libertarianism is stupid and can't work, the best system is a 50/50 balance between the two. Anarcho cap or com, can't work at all as soon as anarchy is involved everything goes to shit.

not all communists
communism is an ideology of peace
communists that killed 20 million russian were not real communists
most communists never had anything to do with murdering someone
"Das Kapital" and other communists literature are not to be taken literally.
Anyone that takes them literally is not a real communists and thus should not be defined as one.

You mean just like how Rhodesia couldn't stand up to outside forces?

Hero of the Imperium

>Capitalism is not the best system

Here's where you fucked up.

>What about distributing the production that we already produce to fulfill the requests that capitalism just can't fulfill?

And we'll just leave out the anti-religious aspect, the fact you can't own a home, the fact Marxism is so outdated that all transportation and communication is supposed to be in the hands of the government(including phones and cars),the fact it historically was the root of the famines in the countries it was implemented,the fact that fulfilling anything with a command economy is cumbersome and inefficient etc

Capitalism is:






Communism is:






>So it's an ideology that cannot stand up to any resistance?
ITT every country has the same size, the same military power, and the same hard and soft influence over the world.

Yeah, what's your point?

>doesn't know what incentives are

It's only as efficient as those running it dipshit. Let's take a look at efficiency of govt vs private projects
>900 gorrillion dollar Healthcare website
>300 dollar office toilet seats

You keep posting this, and you keep getting btfo every time.

>harmonious, after the initial purges perhaps? Or after the routine famines kick in like they did every other decade in the USSR? Or Venezuela style perhaps? Maybe it's the hyper active secret polices and their executions.

>so efficient the USSR only reached 60% of the GNP of the USA at it's height in the mid 70's?

Let me ask you, are you going to be the one to seize your grandfathers home when the revolution comes?

>muh automation!
Bullshit. If we could achieve such level of automation we would have already acheived it.

Communism is the belief that your labor is the product of society and if you labor more than another he owns more of your labor.
It is an ideology of slavers and thieves.

Congratulations you've stumbled in to moron land.

Ironically, the USSR was far behind in automation. The reason being incentive- there was no incentive other than production itself to improve logistics and organization. They'd have these massive warehouses of goods standing by, which costed them money to keep stored(inefficient). Then they kept producing outdated equipment, because they'd lose money/production if they switched factory lines to a new product as frequently as Japan or the US, and they ended up having decades old equipment because they didn't have a price/wage mechanic to ensure a steady flow of the most advanced goods. It made the worker work harder just to keep up.

>Capitalism is the belief that the worker's labor is the product of the capitalist and if he labors more than another the capitalist owns more of his labor.
>It is an ideology of slavers and thieves.

Communism, so efficient that it collapses in on itself after a few decades!

>we can just divide up what we make now, until the end of time?

Once again the commie shows his complete lack of understanding of economic calculation, what the fuck it's for and why it matters.

It's the crying 4 y.o who thinks it's not fair someone else has a slightly larger piece of cake than him, and would rather see everyone cakeless out of pure childish spite. You fucking cunts are a scourge that needs to be exterminated.

Your choices have been narrowed to Venezuela (better hurry), North Korea, Cuba, Vietnam, China...You know the paragons of Asian and Caribbean cultures.

The reason Communism never worked and never will work is the "Knowledge Problem" of Moses and Hayek. There is no man, no ten thousand men, no matter how smart, who know as well as the free market how much of a given commodity or consumer good is required at a given place at a particular point in time.



the authoritarian nationalist capitalism worked in my country but gommunism made the currency worthless, everyone was poor, people had to steal and there were shortages and no variety of goods. most advanced industrial design were shitty western product copies behind of their time. fuck off nigger.

What are computers for?

Economic calculation problem.


>What about distributing the production that we already produce
Do you even know what that means or are you just saying buzzwords?

Something Commies are too dumb to use apparently.


oh god another one of these kids

Better picture.

I prefer actually having rights over mooching.

Marxism doesn't work. "Real" Communism HAS been tried, many times, and it led to the deaths of tens of millions of innocent people who were not even involved in fighting.

mine actually happened

then why doesn't communism ever work? oh right. because "muh 1%" find a way to the top regardless at the expense of everybody else, no matter what utopian pie in the sky bullshit system that sounds so fair in your head.

>m-my particular b-brand of c-c-communism hasn't been tried yet!!!!!

Please, go ahead and implement communism. Find a country where everyone is willing and change the system. If it's an ideology that works, and provided there are no mitigating factors, we'll be proven wrong and most of the world may switch.

But that's not going to happen. Every country that has gotten anywhere near communism or socialism has fallen. If you move to that country and invest everything you have in it, you will die in poverty, along with everyone else who thought (((communism))) was viable.

The best argument against communism is the people who survived it

Looks like the communist manifesto is full of some good farytales.

>Pinochet born on November 25th
>Castro died on November 25th

>because "muh 1%" find a way to the top regardless at the expense of everybody else,
So capitalism doesn't work either then?


Commie flags are cancer but at least you're not EU flags.

I'm saying it happens regardless of what system you have in place. There's always going to be somebody who has more than you.


Under capitalism the 1% can't force you to buy their shit. Also you can become the 1% with enough effort. Under communism you receive no such luxuries.

>b-b-but it's foreign intervention!


b-b-but it's trade embargoes!


b-b-but it's not true communism/socialism/ideology of the month

And that's why you must board helicopters. You're mentally damaged.

Communism would work if *I* were in charge

>>Under capitalism the 1% can't force you to buy their shit.
Wait, how do you imagine you're "forced" to buy anything in communism?

>Also you can become the 1% with enough effort. Under communism you receive no such luxuries.
I can guarantee you that if you're such an exploiting scumbag and a general piece of shit that you need to be to become the 1% in capitalism, you'll also become the 1% in communism.


Here's a pic of the efficient, stable, humane, onward and harmonious Venezuela. Look how they efficiently form a line to get their stable provisions. A humane way of ensuring that every citizen is able to put food on the table.


Another picture of glorious North Korea. They discovered that it's more energetically efficient to use as little electricity as possible.

Too bad we can't hear from the millions that Stalin killed

This has been debunked as Photoshop propaganda, just FYI.

Can you hear from the millions Obama killed?

>Wait, how do you imagine you're "forced" to buy anything in communism?
They tell you what factory you work in and what your pay will be, you do what they say or they shoot you. The stores tend to be empty and any attempt to form competition leads to imprisonment.

>I can guarantee you that if you're such an exploiting scumbag and a general piece of shit that you need to be to become the 1% in capitalism, you'll also become the 1% in communism.
You're assuming that you need to be exploitive to become the 1% in capitalism.

Tell me this: how will the calculation know how valuable my labor is to me?

This is why I stopped being a degenerate commie. You assholes only have belief, not facts.

Communism fails both in theory and practice. There should never be any responses to these threads other than this.

Yeah cause so many people are starving here in burger land you monumental nincompoop

>They tell you what factory you work in and what your pay will be, you do what they say or they shoot you.
Lolwut, is that what they teach you in American schools or something? What the fuck?

>You're assuming that you need to be exploitive to become the 1% in capitalism.
Yes, how else will you steal people's shit if not by force or swindling?

>This has been debunked as Photoshop propaganda, just FYI.
No, it hasn't.

Do you mistakenly believe that American capitalism is a closed system that is contained within the borders of the USA?


>That one guy's comments about Stalinism means that is what it was most definitely like.

That is propaganda 101

>Yes, how else will you steal people's shit if not by force or swindling?
By selling them stuff that they want.

>Lolwut, is that what they teach you in American schools or something? What the fuck?
Remember what happened to the Ukrainian farmers?

>This has been debunked as Photoshop propaganda


Also, not that guy, but use another president to represent capitalism, not that leftist nigger.


You have food to eat?

The more capitalist a nation is, the more prosperous it tends to be. Chile vs Venezuela, Eastern Europe vs Western Europe, Botswana vs Somalia and Ethiopia, Hong Kong vs China, Mexico vs USA, etc.

Yes goyim, give me all your wealth and I'll distribute it for you

>thinking that I'm about to defend Obama

Do you know where we are?

Seriously though, to his credit, Obama didn't routinely have his own people killed for disagreeing with him, and nobody in America starved to death as a result of his policies.

>By selling them stuff that they want.
Unless you sell it at a massive markup, which means you're either exploiting a LOT of people in the production chain, or are swindling the people buying it into thinking it's worth more than it is, you're not getting anywhere near 1% with that.

>Remember what happened to the Ukrainian farmers?
Remember what happened to the American slaves OMGWTFP0WNED.

>Also, not that guy, but use another president to represent capitalism, not that leftist nigger.
Oh really, did you change your constitution while he was in power? It's simply proof that capitalism coopts everything.

I really don't care what goes on outside the borders of the USA. As long as our soldiers are well equipped and the burgers are flowing.


>>The more capitalist a nation is, the more prosperous it tends to be.
Worked for Congo.