ITT We discuss the problem with having a Black friend and thinking "not all niggers are like that"

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All niggers are like that.


Dumb bitch thinks all africans are good people.



I bet a strong white man like yourself would never harm a cheating whore. You're so civilized.

>That guy's forehead.

What the fuck.

Remember this kid thought those niggers were his friends

She was cheating on her husband with the nigger, you dumb nigger.

Who could have predicted this????

Nothing makes me smile brighter than seeing a coal burner get the fate she deserves.

niggers are niggers.


Toll Paid

White pussy was made for BBC.

Race-mixing is a sin
The bible says no interracial marriage's.

This. Race-mixing kills racism.

Niggers gonna Nig!!!!

If that was the case then hispanics would be the most tolerant race on the planet.

Fake news you racist bigot but I get what you´re trying to spread for type of propaganda.

Is this also fake news, Björn-kun?


Guess she ate too much and prayed too little?

trips don't lie
sweden is a fag

When you burn the coal you pay the toll.

Swedish cuck BTFO

When you burn the coal you pay the toll.



>I see a doctor, a lawyer and engineer.
Never mind I just see three niggers

I'd say she got a little taste of reality hopefully they hadn't bred yet.

Just cuck my shit up

Toll paid and husband doesnt need to pay alimony





kek I remember this story

what a waste of space

dozens of these useless American hippie bitches wandering around European cities

I AM that person. I'm a handsome black dude w/ an IQ of 147 who is both 'hilarious' and 'deep'.
A conservative who is rational minded and don't fit the vast majority of stereotypes. However, I did grits up Jewish. But I'm Christian now.

AMA? Lol


You can't thread yourself faggot.

However you are right and as such /thread.




Toll status: Paid in full

Burn the coal, pay the toll.


Haha stupid nigger loving whore. Glad she died.

Not all niggers. Just almost all.
The one percent will have to educate the others. If it is possible (Thousands years of evolution and civilisation is long to catch up.) and far from white clay. Another planet or an island.

That whore had what she could expect.

>Had two blacks in my area
>Didn't even realise any lived here until the police were called to a disturbance and the nigger had sacrificed his gf in the middle of their living room and ate her heart
>People mention it to me like I'm supposed to be surprised

I don't even bother warning people anymore. If they want to get culturally enriched then so be it.


To the ovens with you




There needs to be an ethnic cleansing, so that we're clear.

Toll paid, no problem.

Delivering pizza in US is far more dangerous than being a firefighter or a police in Finland.

I am constantly struggling to give people the benefit of the doubt, and being a racist condemns you to be a social outcast in our society but fuck me I am not convinced blacks are worth caring about
They seem like pit bulls, you just hope the 1 in 20 isn't a violent beast

I don't know you but some nigger kill my baby and I buy 500 rounds and make modern art in the street when I find her

gaussian curve, dude. Theirs is shifted to the left, so they're in smaller quantities but there are some sensible black people too.

>Buy a couple of nogs some lunch

>They kidnap and torture you in return

Good lord.

Everything they teach you about self defense is wrong when it comes to niggers.
>don't argue
>comply with demands
>hand over goods

You do that and you're getting executed anyway.
You've got to fight back. Sure you might get wounded or killed, but better than being a lamb to the slaughter.

If you leave your child alone with a nigger you deserve to have it killed. You don't feed your child to a lion then blame the lion, and animal is an animal.

That's the funniest shit about coal burners. She had a nice family, husband, and I'm assuming career, but she threw all of that out to be with some ugly nigger who wound up killing her afterwards. Imagine being that retarded.

I'm just glad that Baltic Sea doesn't freeze completely anymore.

What a sorry piece of shit.

True, that's not the same girl but the one on the right has been killed by an immigrant nonetheless. As for the one degrading the Swedish anthem, be patient : somehow I doubt she will ever be elected "Mother of the Year".

>this is getting out of hand

hot girl. are there any other pictures that doesn't make her look so cute? she can't have been great looking and burned that ugly coal

>getting out of hand
what did he mean by this?

>implying you'd hire that thing to look after your qt bbby

Typically the comply technique is for white on white crime
Can't do much other than fight back otherwise, you're right

>Dumb bitch thinks africans are people.

Sopa de negro. Uma delicia.

indeed. it's unfortunate but it was natural selection.

that would surely bring your kid back to life, dumbass. Don't trust your kids to someone you don't trust yourself in the first place

That does not look comfy.
Needs a redesign.
Then again they hav ethose lip discs...
Oh god... They have those lip discs.


From my experiences, If they are half white half black and their parents are wealthy, they can grow up to be very red pilled, normal, and decent.

I've had a couple full black friends growing up and they were definitely okay to be around sometimes but really hard to be around a lot of the time. I would catch them at times where they were pissed off at someone on the road or somewhere and they would shout shit like "THIS WHITE MOTHER FUCKER" and then be like oh sorry bro.

Most of my friends now that im an adult are white, asian, and i have like 1 or 2 half black friends.

What the fuck is an eat pray love lifestyle?

The lifestyle where you get blacked, then eventually murdered.

Lifestyle of a generic slut


Thats a weird Australian flag.

My black friend Hates blacks. Calls them animals. He's from Barbados though, he's civilized.

I actually went to highschool with this guy. He was on my soccer team...Anyway he was also mentally retarded. We called him raptor.

What exactly is a "Eat Pray Love" lifestyle?
The bologna pony express?

They mean the rampant cannibalism in their area. But it is the whittes fault, that Africans are not like the Black Panther movie over this reality.

An Africanized Nigger Faggot.

>burn the coal...

No but Sup Forumss confirmation bias is at play. It's not any worse than France or Britain... Although that doesn't say that much tbqh. Also defeatism is not warranted.

don't worry

i'm sure they treat child killers really well in prison

>Lifestyle of a generic slut

Gilbert wrote that she “careened from one intimate entanglement to the next—dozens of them—without so much as a day off between romances.”

memes write themselves

>he's never been in a gunfight with his pizza delivery man over the tip
Why is Europe full of pussys

>follows him after all that
WHY ARE WOMAN SO RETARDED, whats the back story?

I have a close half black friend. He was really innapropriate with my ex gf trying to fuck her.

Find out 2 years after we broke up that he slept with her while we going out.

This is sad
t. some1 of Mexican descent.

Modern blue pilled sluts find the most convoluted ways to justify their degenerate lifestyle. Even calling it "a lifestyle" Hoes are gonna hoe. Women should not have the same freedom as men. And sub-saharan africans are inherently dangerous and prone to violence. I know cos my country is getting flooded by them.

when you grow up around the north american pavement ape you learn quickly what they are all about

and he's still your friend? change your flag to the cuck flag