applying for a job that I am fully qualified for

> applying for a job that I am fully qualified for
> see this (pic related)

What are my chances guys?

Other urls found in this thread:

Put yes to all of those and you'll get instahired

autism counts as disability

>visible minority


>Do you consider yourself
Just say yes


You're fucked.


implying you're in Canada - not major.

Literally put yes for LGBT+
there's a plus so it means fucking everything
if someone asks tell them its personal and you don't feel comfortable talking about it or some shit

I got a job with CSEC by putting yes to two questions like that. They don't ask you about it in person and have no way to prove you aren't. I would have had zero chance other wise (I'm a white male).

Your fucked.
Put yes, and if anyone asks tell them you have depression/ADD/Dyslexia. If they argue against you, well that's (probably) discrimination since they're all recognised medical issues that impede daily function.

Disability > Autism
LGBT > yes, you are a trans lesbian dyke

Also chink

Basically brown.

>What are my chances guys?
depends on how many disabled, high profile, aboriginal lesbians apply

If they ask, say you're a transnigger or something.

OP is a dumb shit if he doesn't check yes

What the hell does it make a difference if you can see it or not? Or do you need a certain skin tone nowadays to be a real minority?

>What are my chances guys?
Bad, you're a fucking white male

You are fucked

If you are a white male then yes you are a visible minority.

I've been noticing a lot more Spaniards lately. Have you fags been posting more or something?

Pretty sure being white counts as a disability in their cucked system. Put it down and see what they say if anything.

I'll see what happens. I always answer honestly. I've applied for 2 other jobs at this company that I was fully qualified for as well and they never even gave me a call. I don't even want to work at a big 5 canadian bank, I really just want more interview practice.

Perhaps at another bank I will check off that I'm a Autistic Pan-sexual Aboriginal Muslim.

Why not just lie?

the job is actually pretty good

It's just an easier way to write out all the minorities it covers and a less controversial way to write non-white.

He's asking why not just lie about being a fag or something?
I'm a NEET but if I was applying for a job and saw something like that I definitely would.
You basically have no chance if you don't lie.

>job search
>0 calls
>start checking "hispanic"
>instant interview.

An exucutive at a fortune 500 company told me this is necessary now.

work the system

This, just check every box and make some shit up if anyone asks but they won't because political correctness. It's fool proof.

>decline to state

congrats. You have now solved this problem. You dont count towards or against their diversity metrics so you get a pass.

t. hr and diversity coordinator for my college

Should be ok, I think that form is less of a diversity checklist and more of an insurance failsafe. All those questions are an indicator of how sensitive you are and the likelyhood of a controversy sparking over a nonsense issue.

Nah, I stuck with No. I have all the required certs and experience. I want to see if I'll get a call based on honesty.


Always chose the LGBTQ+ option and the mix-breed one if you can. Asking you to prove it would be fascist of them.

>decline to state

That's just a red flag for HR to know you are a white guy. Also

>t. hr and diversity coordinator for my college

That's a career path for liberal women. Enjoy being cucked and poor the rest of your life.

Fuck off whitey and let me fuck your women

> visible minority

Yes I'm an anglo saxon in toronto

replace each question with 'do you want this job?' and that's your chance

This. They're not asking if you actually are these things. Just say you're a Transwolf or something.

Just say you self identify if anyone asks. You guys are cucked enough to belive that shit.

Lol are you just asumming your own gender? Fucking bigot

>Do you consider yourself

Abort immediately. The people you will work with will be ultrafaggots.

I dont think any one of those questions are even legal to ask when applying for a job. at least here in american anyway.


Why are lgbtbbq so inompetent that they can't get hired without some sort of govt assistant? Genuine question guys.

because they act like a bunch of incompetent women.

>The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) is any type of sexual activity involving a child in exchange for something of value, or promise thereof, to the child or another person or persons.

This is a thing in Canada. It means not white.

Just say yes to all, they'll have to hire you then.

Its a well paying part time job that doesn't involve food service or manual labor. I think I am fine.
decline to state is honesty. You dont want your demographic data used by the company. So you tell them not to use your demograpic data.

They can judge you based on any information you willingly provide. They cant compare you in categories you leave blank. No assumptions can be made.

Search for Telephonica Research

This. It's all arbitrary shit they cant check just fucking lie

Kneel down to my flag, you third gender faggoter

>Depression counts as a disability

Knowing this saved me

Some of those questions are actually illegal to ask applicants under Canadian anti-discrimination laws. So if you don't get the job, rat them out.

>Do you consider yourself to be a member of a visible minority?

Are you a chink, OP?

Aren't you trans-aboriginal misunderstood-minority-impaired? Check everything.

Actually, come to think of it, all of those questions are illegal to ask.

Just say yes to everything, and if they question it call them racist.

At least in the US they will call this information "voluntary" disclosure, implying you can leave it blank; but if you try to submit it online, you'll be forced to give your race and gender and all that horseshit. My employability has actually gone down with every degree I've accrued, coupled with my white maleness. I'm a lesbian Inuit from here on out. It's all a social construct anyway. I'll socially construct my way into federally protected status.

You fool, it says "consider yourself". Facts don't matter, just say yes to all of them. Besides, you can just bullshit most of them:

-Depression and Anxiety are both valid disabilities.

-Traps are gay, so you're bi / fluid.

-Doesn't say minority race, just walk in with a Athiest pin or Cross or whatever and claim to be whatever the smallest sect of your religion is.

dude just claim you're a white hispanic. they have no way to check

This OP, just do this my DUDE

Say you are a female. Then say you are transgender. That's two points in your favor. When they meet you, say you go by he/him but you are trans. Keep dressing like a male. Maybe wear a womans' hat for a few minutes one day.

Be very indignant and outraged if they accuse you of faking. People get sued over such things

lol how many choices were there for gender