Anyone have any data on when the US media went from Christian to Jew controlled? Was it the 50s? I'd like to see any information anyone has on it.
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Me too I'd like to see detailed information of how media and entertainment, financial institutions, and governments are affected by Jews. Observing the differences before and after Jewish control took place might shed light on this.
50s? LOL, Henry Ford published his famous "The International Jew" collection of articles in the 1920s...
Jewish Supremacists have been at it for a long LONG time.
Actual Redpill Here:
The media is not "Jew controlled". Jews are overrepresented in media as they are in many other higher paying professions because they have high iqs and want to make money just like everyone else.
Transition wasn't totally completed until the 80s.
I wish you couldn't choose your flag, JIDF fuck.
Considering that Ford was already speaking out against them in the 10s/20s, I'd say earlier. But the gentiles maintained a majority until the mid century.
>fell for the jewish intelligence meme
They're really good at running the same games for centuries.
this. along with the consolidation of the state of israel through successive wars.
Right on cue. It's amazing the way you white people claim the jews control your countries and the world, yet simultaneously claim you are the superior race. The cognitive dissonance is amazing.
I urge you do some research outside of the Sup Forums groupthink. There's a long history of white people blaming jews for all their problems. They even used to think the black plague was a jewish invention to kill them all off. It's kind of sad how paranoid you guys are. I'm literally just a 19 year old black guy on his laptop in toronto and you think im JIDF because I have an opinion different from yours.
Been looking for this for a long time now. Must appreciated. ...Even if there's nothing particularly objectionable about Tarzan and Jane.
>Was it the 50s?
Since forever.
bumpity bump. Finally something good. I would like to see this info as well, compare it to the economy, middle class income, crime rates, school scores etc. Maybe find (((patient))) zero in-case time travel becomes real.
>you think im JIDF because I have an opinion different from yours.
You probably have been influenced by the jew and don't even know it.
I just wish I could understand where the culture destruction compulsion is derived.
Jealousy and feelings of inadequacy don't seem like flames that would stay lit for that long.
>You probably have been influenced by the jew and don't even know it.
Everyone has been.
True, I remember being physically sick when I just started understanding the tip of the ice(((berg)). I can't even enjoy most movies or tv shows anymore.
Doesn't bother me like that.
That's what media is used for, after all. It has always had a purpose.
But having that wool pulled back, can shake you.
Hollywood was always Jewish. They moved out there so they could steal patents.
Yes yes ik. All the infographs stating how whites have superior intelligence to blacks and latinos are correct, but the ones that show jews are higher than whites are evil tricks by the never-ending jewish boogeyman that controls all things.
When looking at the way you whites thinks jews control everything and are out to get you, I've notice you sound just like people from the black community the way they talk about white people.
I think a lot of you have a serious inferiority complex when it comes to jews and create this caricature of them being evil in order to justify your hatred and jealousy of them. Blacks do the same thing with whites, however with a lot more objective justification I'd say.
>Anyone have any data on when the US media went from Christian to Jew controlled?
It was always Jew controlled.
What's wrong with Hercules?
From the 50s onward, but consolidated in the 90s when fucking Clinton signed the telecommunications act of 1996 allowing 90% of US media to be owned by 6 corporations
you dirty fucking american scum
"christian" newspapers ARE christkike newspapers, you filthy pathetic AMERIKIKE CHRISTIAN bastards THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A GOOD CHRISTIAN NEWSPAPER
and there's NOTHING you dirty stinking AMERICAN FAGGOTS can do about it
you're all filthy dirty ABRAHAMIC KARMI worthy only of getting killed by your SUPERIORS
you dirty CHRISTKIKE faggots
come on, attack me again like the DIRTY STINKY SMELLY AMERICAN SCUM you all are
filthy fucking AMERICAN cunts
GET OFF and STAY OFF my Sup Forums
That isn't a correct explanation, since their representation is hugely out of proportion even when taking IQ into account. Nepotism is the correct explanation.
actually we acknowledge that the Ashkenazi Jews have a higher IQ.
It was during Wilson's term.
Thats enough meth for today Ahmed
Who is hiding behind that flag?
I think, that you have nothing to hide, except...
All of recorded history. Goys guide to history is a decent documentary. I think it real title is Jewish revolutionary spirit or something. Maybe that's just the book title.
That faggot sold us out to the Jew Banks.
Hollywood was founded by jews
The thing is, the BASED NIGGER'S not wrong. Jews are just cancerous by the fact that they're an outgroup and what they're doing is a survival strategy. Some of them don't even know what they're doing.
Don't forget education
You wouldn't think it but it has been. Jews are seriously fucked in the head. I mean they're the creators of cuckold porn for fucks sake.
So don't you think it's plausible that the overrepresentation of jews in high income fields is simply because of their higher intelligence levels. The same way asians are overrepresented in many of those areas as well.
Again this reminds me of black people ik that think white people do better because of racism and muh white privilege when really they just have higher iqs.
Kek, I wish I could remember being this blue pilled
Of course. Not accepting facts about IQ and the 115 IQ average of Ashkenazis were fatal errors made by the old nationalists. The Jew is highly intelligent and that's why we are being exterminated.
Was Madonna the antichrist?
Every sick porn fetish except Jewish porn. Really makes you think.
1913 they started getting really massive influence, Wilson was massively influenced by Jews and you saw the USA acting against its interested by entering WW1 soon after his election, also his handler Brandeis got a sit on the supreme court iirc. Jews were also massively influential in stopping the US from doing anything against the new Soviet Revolution (three guesses for who ran those). However, while they had a lot of influence it was still shared with the classic anglo banker-industrial elite.
As their control of the economy tightened with massive ethno-nepotism their influence increased and around the 60s you saw almost complete control of the institutions which manifested itself in the demonstrations against Vietnam, spearheaded by Jews on campus. Soon after the US foreign policy shifted from explicitly anti-communist to enforcing Israel's and the banker's will.
Pierce wrote a lot of good pieces on it, lemme find them.
Well I stated above that I live in toronto already lmao. However im an american citizen and was born and raised in NYC.
Dude, stop hiding behind that gay flag, you won´t be nuked, lol
Yes, it's just because Jews adhere to tribal morality (double standard for in-group vs out-group). And like whites used to do before being permanently cucked by Christian universal morality. Blacks, Arabs, etc. have the same tribal morality ("dindu nuffin" is poking fun at black tribal morality), but are not as smart as Jews.
Democracy was a mistake. Sure, it's better than most forms of government, but we are seeing the flaws of democracy play out now. People on average do NOT know what a good leader is. We've elected so many crooks into places of office. So many times has the public been duped that Washington is a nightmarish bog of evil.
We literally need Jesus Christ to come back and rule the world as He said He would. We cannot trust it to human devices. Praise be to the Lord Jesus Christ. May your Kingdom come, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Clinton was the first Jewish president.
There you go, first part but you should find the rest from there easy. It's long but Pierce was a good writer imo.
I looked up Jewish porn and very little came up. And the stuff that did come up wasn't really jewish porn it was just a white girl who they claim is jewish but she's just french or something.
>So don't you think it's plausible that the overrepresentation of jews in high income fields is simply because of their higher intelligence levels.
They are over represented even after correcting for IQ, by a huge margin.
I have no problem with Jews running the media. If they're on top that means they deserve to be there. Hopefully people will start waking up and doing as the Jews do, otherwise it's white genocide for real and we'll only have ourselves to blame for it.
>survival of the fittest
This. John Lennon said show business is an extension of the Jewish religion.
I am sorry, I didn´t notice
Well, I also like triggering the dumb burgers, who want women to be their slaves, I laugh from being called a Jew for just defending a woman as an equal concept to a man
>Praise be to the Lord Jesus Christ. May your Kingdom come, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
You people wouldn't believe in him even if he did show himself.
That's the sad fact of the world, people crave the illusion.
calm down ahmed...not my fault you are a shitskin
The issue is that in other times they would have been kicked out already, put the Anglo system just lets them prosper and the world wars enforced it on the west and its offshots.
1909.... helping bring in the income tax to pay money to the federal reserve in 1911..
She was the antipasta. That's why she dyed her hair blonde.
dirty fucking AMERIKIKES have the audacity to call me AHMED in this very thread
they don't even speak English, the dirty filthy brown mudshit ameriikikes
>Completely ignores the point im making.
And idk why this sjw blm shit shows up, when it's supposed to be Black Nationalist. Fuck BLM they're destroying our communities and causing increased crime rates.
when jerusalem was destroyed in 70 ad and god dispersed them across the earth
Jews don't put their women in porn. It's funny. If a jewish girl wanted to do porn, the most "porny" Jew executive in the world would still talk her out of it, drive her to her parents house, tell her to love her mother and father, explain to her how she's better than this and should honor her family... but when it comes to the goyim girl it is full on
Well to be fair isn't sasha grey jewish? I mean I'm sure there are lots of jew porn actresses but they don't market them as jewish.
What do you classify as?
Race? Affiliation? Morals? Etc...?
What do you mean?
pic related: average american Sup Forums poster
Lol so true. Most large psychiatric hospitals have a Jesus ward. No one is trying to figure out which one is telling the truth lol.
Yeah right around 1990 bush Era, TV really hit a new threshold and turned to shit. Jerry springer, reality tv. America's shitty home videos. Super hero series. captain planet.
And how exactly did you "correct for IQ", doc?
Perhaps you should do a statistics treatise on how hamsters are underrepresented as Nobel laureates, even after adjusting for IQ. It's basically the same whining as muh non-equal pay for wymminz crap.
People already have an image of what he's supposed to be in their mind.
If Jesus isn't a 6'2" white man with luscious locks, do you think people will respond to him?
Im not even a kike... I have christian northern european ancestry going back to 1750
suck my dick filthy junkie will be gassed
>Most large psychiatric hospitals have a Jesus ward.
wow they need to burn in hell keeping christians locked up and calling them crazy for believing in god
>the Anglo system just lets them prosper
They're prospering and doing find in non Anglo countries, in Europe especially. The amount of people that are redpilled on Jews is significantly low. This is a sign of weakness. You can make all the excuses you want, but if the people don't rise up then it's only their fault, not the systems. Even Hitler didn't garner a country majority in terms of votes initially. This is human nature.
>I have christian northern european ancestry
sure you do, PEDRO
you stinking dirty lying AMERIMEXISHIT
No, it's full of people who all claim to be the messiah. That's what Jesus Ward means.
Idk. In His Second Coming, He isn't described as coming back as a human.
It will be like a star descending from the Heavens to judge the Earth, and it will be too late to repent at that point.
Citation please. And how exactly can you accurately correct for the effect that iq has on their success. For instance if you have a 100 iq but are born to a successful father with 130+ iq that owns a law firm or something you are probably much more likely to be successful than someone with a 105 iq that just has average middle class parents.
Probably the "Greeks are not white" meme. Either that or encouraging children to "stray from God"
>nobody cares that god perfectly predicted what would happen to the jews
Dueteronomy 28:63-67
And it shall come to pass, that as the LORD rejoiced over you to do you good, and to multiply you; so the LORD will rejoice over you to destroy you, and to bring you to nought; and ye shall be plucked from off the land whither thou goest to possess it. 64And the LORD shall scatter thee among all people, from the one end of the earth even unto the other; and there thou shalt serve other gods, which neither thou nor thy fathers have known, even wood and stone. 65And among these nations shalt thou find no ease, neither shall the sole of thy foot have rest: but the LORD shall give thee there a trembling heart, and failing of eyes, and sorrow of mind: 66And thy life shall hang in doubt before thee; and thou shalt fear day and night, and shalt have none assurance of thy life: 67In the morning thou shalt say, Would God it were even! and at even thou shalt say, Would God it were morning! for the fear of thine heart wherewith thou shalt fear, and for the sight of thine eyes which thou shalt see.
funny how when you remind CHRISTKIKES that their lord and savior is a jew, they flip out, isn't it
>And how exactly did you "correct for IQ", doc?
By taking percentage of Jews in a certain IQ range vs percentage of whites in the same IQ range, then their relative percentages of the total population. Compare this to percentage of each in influential positions and the Jew is very much over represented. For example, there are far more whites with >130 IQ in the USA than there are Jews, yet Jews hold more positions in occupations requiring minimum 130 IQ than should be the case if only taking IQ into account. So there is not a strong correlation there. Nepotism is the correct explanation.
autistic tripfag shitskin
do the world a favor and off yourself before you manage to reproduce with your genetic sewage
I also conducted a study and I found that corrected for iq black people are underrepresented in high earning areas. Now gibs reparations.
People in Europe did rise up, not just in Germany. They got fire bombed by the UK and USA (also all the lend lease supplies that allowed for the soviets to push beyond Poland) for that and after the war the same system got put up in the other countries.
If a medium sized country in Europe did have a revolution or change of the guard of some kind, decided to expel 3rd world foreigners and repudiate all the bad loans the US army would be there in no time to ... bring democracy.
It's a simple proportional comparison, retard. Given numbers of Jews in a certain IQ range vs number of whites in the same IQ range, Jews are still overrepresented.
This actually sounds correct. But I still don't understand do you think jews overrepresentation is a result of their ongoing plot to control muh white race? Or simply because of nepotism on an individual basis with no unifying plot or conspiracy.
>I also conducted a study and I found that corrected for iq black people are underrepresented in high earning areas
Except this is false. Blacks are proportional given their IQ. In fact, they are slightly overrepresented due to affirmative action.
Actual Christians do not care. The best and the worst can come from the same race. Our best ally in the war against the Jewish satanic cabal is, in fact... another Jew.
>autistic tripfag shitskin
>do the world a favor and off yourself before you manage to reproduce with your genetic sewage
there's the proof
this mexican-american imposter posting under the United States flag is calling we WHITE ARYANS "genetic sewage"
if that doesn't tell you everything you need to know about the state of America right now, nothing ever will, and you should be shot in the head
americans, like the jews they claim they despise, are very clearly rootless homeless scum pretending to adopt whatever ancestry they come across
we should begin genetic testing these americans
Where's my rake
Just stop
you dumb amerikike
FUCK OFF the word
is only learned by you incorrectly on Sup Forums
it doesn't exist anywhere else
so it's very clear that you have no idea what you are talking about