>Greek master race.
Look at your mighty poland
We have no remedy. Pls nuke us!
>top 3 are entry points into western Europe
Good, let's hope the fire rises some more.
>diversity meme
Grreeeeece is a shithole. People are lazy and smelly. Always protesting something. And the food sucks.
Hungary will exit soon, not sure about grecce
Sounds like a perfect place for muslims to call home
We are officially less cucked than britain, spain, france and sweden
feels good man but still much room for improvement
Atleast they aren't cowards
when hungary says ''we dont take immigrant'' do they mean ''we dont take nonwhites''
Can i move there ?
They are explicitly accepting white flight refugees.
A country a.....
What did they mean by this?
link ?
if true im seriously considering it
Da fuck spainbros?
Orbán is a fucking genius
>doesn't make much difference
God i fucking hate middle grounders. These fucking people are the worst. At least pick a fucking position you pathetic cucks! I hope these are mostly boomers who will be dying soon. The younger generations seem to be more opinionated and radicalized one way or the other.
Greeks aren't white, so their probably worried diversity means more non-lazy people who work for more than one hour a day.
Yeah... well...
>growing diversity
>in Poland
How will we be able to build enough gas chambers for a third of the population?
They will probably decide within the next decade, when they see Abdul porking their wife
fuck the new flags
Would if I could.
There are your garden variety Eurofags, then there are Spaniards.
Have you collectively forgotten 3/11 already?
You underestimate the apathy of these people.
OK, when they get stabbed by a Iraqi
thank you
If they survive, chances are that they will publicly apologize to the stabber for inciting anti-Iraqi hatred.
Hungary, Poland and Portugal will be the last bastions of western culture
those people are sheep who will follow the current status quo because its the easy thing to do
they will fall in line, dont concern yourself with them
Replace stabbing with rape and this actually happened in Germany.
I woudn't be suprised
I had only good experiences in my life with hungarians thats why I favor that country. Also theyre very good at chess :)
We need their support if we want our ideology at the top
Hungarians are indeed, quite good people, and they have hot women
Probably when asked that question people thought diversity = castilians, galicians, catalans, basques...
Spaniards aren't retarded, at least not that much.
>Moors, Turkic Huns and buckethead Indian mongrels
Muslims want get into big cities
Literally what we do not need in this land
Turkic Huns?
Soo.. Rural areas=no mudslimes?
don't reply to kebabposters, user
You often can't tell they're not Polish until they speak. They're very low key, they know how to behave, since the culture is similar. And their kids will be Poles. Not much to complain about, really, Ukraine used to be part of Poland anyway.
Good advice
I already lol at the idea of rural areas having nonwhites, lol
Based Al-Andalus knows its roots.
So did Belarus and it has nothing to do with poland.
Al-Andalus was destroyed by natural selection
It can happen though
because in poland diversity is people from 100 km away.
Best solution, except Portugal becomes New New Mexico and all Niggers in Europe get deported there.
No, basque
Boomers is a uniquely american concept, it doesn't apply to other countries with a different history for the 2nd half of the last century, which bred different generations
Are you kidding me? Belarussians are even more like Poles than Ukrainians and we like each other. Honestly you can barely tell you left Poland when you cross the border, everything there looks just like Poland with a bit less cash and some commie statues (ours went straight to thrashcan).
Luckily kike propaganda is not as pervasive here so regular people don't associate "diveesity" with pic related.
That's more of an american thing, and more recently northern Europe.
In Portugal, people associate diversity with dindus and sandniggers so no.
>barely a difference between Holland and Poland
This is why you need cold hard data, not meme propaganda
Never met one.
The partitions also happened because the country was ethnically unstable, so no, they are not all the same.
>no direct democracy anywhere in Europe
Portugal are just moors with quasi Latin American culture
What do you mean
Never said they are, but there is A LOT of overlap in culture, customs etc. And it's much easier to integrate when a kid looks just like all the other kids in the playground, right?
We are white
Here's a better one.
what I said Miguel
our democracies all depend on decades old parties that were hijacked by lobbyists and special interest groups. no new party has an actual chance. meanwhile post-commie countries have young democracies and new parties
Shouldn't those add up to 100%?
What you're trynna finna pull here, Alfonso?
The kid may be mentally unstable
Europe must be cultured enriched.
Oh no
Fuck off Merkel
t. Doesn't understand statistics
Poland does not even have multicultural minefield. But does your country have mines?
))) hate-games.com (((
>South Korea red
>China red
That map is a crock of shit. I've been to China and I've never been as warmly welcomed even among people who didn't speak 1 word English as I was there. Even better than in other European countries.
Im afraid that role is already taken. By you.
Maybe towards tourists who stay there only for a week or two, heh.
Oh yes
Not completly
It's "Part and Parcel" Time, Joao.
Absolute qt
Haha, less than 100 refugees, good luck
No, fucking weeb
>Sees Plots of ISIL canceled in Spain in the table
> forgets that his country neighbours Spain - a country has 1 million Moroccans in Schengen Area with great transport infraestruture between the 2 countries.
>Chinese people
>anything warm or caring
Prove me wrong
True statement up until turkey browned them and now look at greece...totally unable to prosper and advance humanity due to having to care for its massive shit tier population who cant care for themselves.
>like anyone would leave spain for portugal
Nice cherry picking. Did you actually go to China?