What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
He meant to shoot those other guys, not him because there's no possible way he's any part of the problem its those other guys over there.
snowflakes would literally shit themselves in the face of an actual tyrannical government
What do you mean what does he mean? He's explaining why the 2nd exists. Funny how it's only the government and their subverted stooges calling for a government gun monopoly.
Ma I posted it again!
Can you say this under a tyrannical government?
You're obviously too stupid to own guns if you can't figure that one out.
It has been noted in our records and Have Nice Day.
Could you say this in Thailand about their leader?
It means todays shooting was justified
>23 Jun 2016
I imagine his position has "matured" since then. :^)
This is all a distraction for the building not collapsing in London
Back to plebbit with you
I have no sympathy for these fuckheads. The time is ripe for a revolution. These people play with human lives and don't have a care in the world if someone dies as long as they make money. Fuck em.
And he is right.
He meant this...
The nazi is right.
No estoy en contra del sistema. El sistema está en mi contra
The right to have weapons is the right to be free.
The gunman was shooting innocent people, not just the tyrannical government.
Not really. The bloke who did the shooting did it for selfish reasons. Only because his party lost the elections. Rather like Realith Winner with a gun. Now, if he had taken shots at both Democrats and Republicans then I'd call this a noble shooting.
baseball practice is the height of tyranny
>le overthrow the government with your puny firerarm maymay
>le a bunch of rednecks with assault rifles going against the strongest military in the world maymay
isn't this the same guy who said this schtick about
>hurr any public service is equal to slavery because you force people to work durrr
jesus fuck this guy is some next level autist, no wonder you fags like him.
Rand Paul is the literal opposite of tyranny. He's a libertarian.
mickey rourke is a terrorist sympathiser
>libertarianism ie neoliberalism
>not tyranny
unironically kys mah nigga
It could be to shoot deer :(
But he shot innocent people too?
The problem is the Bernie guy shot the Republican not because the government is too tyrannical, but because it's not tyrannical enough.
Still waiting on an argument. Try again?
The 2nd amendment is for shooting tyrants (progressives, communists, socialists) not right-wing politicians.