This mornings assassination attempt on the US senator

Sup Forums
Is this video of the senators attempted assassination recorded by an eyewitness legit?
Doesn't seem fake to me.

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Last bump for actual news related material
What the fuck is wrong with you faggots?
Oh wait, it's not a pirate thread or interracial b8

HOLY SHIT. Yes, this looks legit. Thank you. I've been looking all day for any footage. Everybody has a phone and somebody is always filming.

Bump because you all need to see this

We've all seen it a million times already in the actual thread you self-centred, moronic, LATE, faggot.

why the pbs watermark

Yeah on some stupid gypsy webm

Fuck off leaf faggot

Can I come to Moldova?

Can work, would like to join military and patrol borders.

There's not much to talk about in the video honestly, plus I think the shills might be having a hard time spinning this one. I just hope everyone makes it out ok. Tragic.

who is that laying out on the ground at 2:27 Maybe Tyson chicken man?

Bump just to annoy the stupid leaf

That senator got too close to pizzagate. They activates one of their MK zombies on him.

and if he doesnt die there they take him to the seth rich hospital

Total false flag. Crisis actors. Designed to distract. Do not be fooled.

And he'd been stalking the place out for 2 months.

>hodgkinson probably not real name
>probably not dead

The Baseball field is a sacred vestige for white men and white families.

Of course, great white Men can't enjoy and white families can't enjoy a peaceful existence so long as the demented subhuman libterds and their negroid and beaner allies are around.

Do you think libterd men gather to play sports, besides anal ping pong tournaments?


Fake hoax. Sound of firecrackers. I mean they're really not putting much effort into PsyOps anymore

maybe a real trained gunman did the shooting. Pin it on Hodge


I've already fapped twice to that video, old news

Bump for actual news.

All the fuckin newfags are getting snagged easy by the slide threads. Bump this shit! And sage the slides

This guy's catching the best happening footage of 2017 and he can't hold the fucking camera horizontal

>Crisis actors


hard for amateurs when .556 is flying around

He can't even point the camera at the action.. He films the fucking fence while they are taking the dude out, and then he films the body laying on the ground. That's interesting.

When he's talking to someone, they ask him about calling 911.. He says he assumes other people have called already. Maybe this guy just doesn't know how to fear for his life properly, but he makes no effort to secure his safety, other than ducking behind a garbage can.

Idk I only watched it once, but it's just a little fucky to me. Reminds me of the video of that old black dude that was shot.

You are quite possibly the youngest or dumbest user on Sup Forums today... That was the sound of hot lead cracking and wizzing sunshine. Not everything is a psyop. take the tinfoil hat off and step away from the keyboard for a while

trained gunman. 100 rounds. fail.

The dude is fucking hiding for his life while an active shooter is running around with tons of crossfire, and you get pissed off because he didn't take a better video?

for fucks sake.

that sounds like a convenient excuse. Obviously the guy made the decision to stay and film.

nobody would stick around for that, or if they did, they would probably take cover behind something more substantial than a fence. it's fake...

You hear that snap sound? That's the bullets because they're breaking the speed of sound. It seems pretty real.

Slow down there Rambo. When you hear the first crack of a bullet wizzing past your head the last thing you're thinking about is holding a fuckin camera steady so that Normies like you don't get their panties in a bunch. Sick of you flat earth, moon landing hoax faggots gumming up the chatter in every thread

people were running back and forth, he was even talking to someone.. were they right next to him or by the building? What if the shooter would have walked over to the garbage can?

That was a lot of gunfire, are we sure it was only one shooter? I only see one lying on the ground "what a way to start the day," get up, leave..


I'm glad this guy had genuine concern for a fellow human being who he thought was injured.

so shooter was a patsy that left the scene alive and died in the hands of the SEIU? and this assassination attempt was on Trump's birthday?

sure seems like the deep state is trying to send him a message.

I don't know what guns sound like. Does that sound like an M16?

The first thing you would do is hit the deck or run.
He turns his camera on, or was it already on? He grabs his dog stands up, turns around and hides behind a garbage can and films people running back and forth, talks to some guy, then stands up and leaves after showing the body on the ground and hearing sirens

Pretty easy to start recording on a smart phone. He probably wanted to document the chaos because why not? As long as he got down might as well..

It's a smartphone mic, of course it's going to sound like a firecracker.

>be american

>be canadian, fuck dog

Sounds like rifle fire to me.
Kinda hard to tell exactly what caliber it is because you can't pic up the full concussion of the shot through a phone mic.
I'd say it sounds legit though
Not really anything to be learned from this video desu

The gun wasn't shooting at him during the entire time. There's a few times you hear the snap getting kinda close but overall he wasn't even close to getting shot.

Sup Forums's job:
Find that neon green rake and claim it as our own!



I live 2.5 hours from DC. That fuckin' rake is OURS boys!



Congressmen are all freemasons. If they don't go along with this shit they die. 2,000,000 freemasons in this country including police medical, government, judicial, news. They have people in every position you need to stage and keep quiet an incident like this. This was most likely staged like most of the white mass shooter incidents.

I want her to step on me while wearing those heels

Don't blame you bro

Not suprised

Only "water sports."

Distract from what, the upcoming civil war?
Pretty sure shooting at congress just highlights that, m8


Last bump


the distraction is the DRUMFTSSDFS IMPEACHMENT investigation story we get every other day now. It's what all the msm are talking about this. No one wants to talk about a lefty shooting up the place

Civil War 2 now pls