Self country hate thread

Post ITT if you hate your own country

>fat, loudmouth, stupid and obnoxious """""people"""""
>Jewish control
>stupid brainwashed retards everywhere that do what their told and are just a bunch of pathetic slaves
>niggers spics and non whites everywhere and nobody cares
>get cut at birth
>get shot
>live in a culture less shithole
>so degenerate and sick that it makes Sweden look like a god fearing country
>have one of the most embarrassing worst stereotypes ever
>no sense of racial pride and identity
>all forms of nationalism and patriotism are civic or rooting for Jewish wars
>embarsement of countryman that are arrogant and retarded and say shit that the Jews taught them
>easily butt hurt countrymen that can't take a joke about their country or handle bants
>be hated and universally despised around the world
>israels bitch
>retarded religious zealots and christians everywhere
>shit education system
>get into debt for college
>everyone hates us
>laughing stock of the world
>elected bush twice
>elected a nigger twice
>helped destroy Germany twice
>killed millions of innocent people after WWII
>destroyed Sadams Iraq for Jewish overlords
>bought sold and paid for politicians and government
>water is poisoned with flouride
>quality is non existent, just quantity
>consumerist zombies everywhere
>everyone believes this shithole is the best country in the world
>shitty infrastructure
>3rd world tier rail service
>shitty expensive healthcare

I don't know what my ancestors had in mind when they moved into this shithole

>low wage
>high taxes
>euro inflation
>high petrol price
>tanta figa

>loves the BBC

>everyone hates own nation
>can't go two weeks without cultural enrichment

>John Paul II raped little children
>It turns out holocaust didn't happen
>need to desintegrate all concentration camps
>feels bad man

So Canada?

Mexico! do I really need to explain anything, ha, gringo? Are you happy now :(

Can you send me pics of your sister?

Such is the burden of such a large nation. A small ethnostate Republic is a way to go. Like Rome, we will fall from within under political discourse.
>Mfw I am living during the decline of the United States
>This is what it is like watching a country die.

Fuck you and stop using my flag. Or at least put a bird on it.

No complaints here


Bird??! Mapuche, give me pls suggestions!


Reminder this is the same faggot that made those
>tfw being nip
threads. Likely a gook that doesn't appreciate his American occupiers.

This is now a thread for pepes

Neck yourself. You're a disgrace to the confederacy.

If we don't turn shit around here in the USA- i may move to eastern europe just in order to see mostly white faces and not deal with nigger shit

I think OP is right, although murica is too waste to be the same in everything. Wermont is last white stronghold remain

>being White supremacist
>niggers fucking white womyn in the white house
>niggers fucked my daughter
>moving to NK bc no niggers only chinks
>mfw dont want to get a coma


The entire world is fucked. Fucking people are insane.

And its thanks to organizations like yours.


Reminder that hatred towards the (((USA))) is natural when you are redpilled.

the ummah knows no boundries, praise allah!

What's up with people believing in this stupid Jewish conspiracy? I'd expect maybe conservative Muslims and Christians to hate them, not secular people with access to the Internet,

Shoo be gone

I don't think any American loves his country anymore, user. It goes completely against Nationalism or Communism, which are the two rising political ideologies in the current year.

National Socialism/Bolshevism or Communism is the norm here.

Then leave faggot.
You're the degenerate who hates his own country and countrymen.

Why would a Communist hate a secular Jew though? In 2015 a poll estimated around 65% of Israeli Jews said they are not-religious or convinced atheists.

>hates the most degenerate country in the world
Nice logic there fatty


Always love your country, despise those who soil it and lead it astray.

Not like any citizens care anymore.

>Bunch of fat fuckers
>Degeneracy Factories 'educational institutions'
>Brainwashed majority is democrat
>They believe E PLURIBUS UNUM 'out of many one' means our country was founded on open borders and immigrants
>In reality it was a call to unify the 13 colonies
I still love America and it's so called principles but seriously fucking hate non-patriots and lefties or illegals. seriously fuck off imperium when


Fuck this """"”"""""""""""""""""""""country”""""""""""""""""""""""""""