Alt-Left / True Left General

Thread for the discussion of humanism, alternative progressivism, meritocracy, anti-identity politics, geopolitics, and current political events and trends.

What does the alt-left stand for?
>Global diplomacy and cooperation
>Self improvement
>Health and fitness
>Spiritual development
>Contribution to your community and to humanity as a whole
>Vocal and physical resistance to corruption and anti-human acts
>Preservation of the world's natural beauty and its environment
>Self defense and gun ownership
>Free speech and civil political discourse to develop and refine principles

What does the alt-left stand against?
>Zionism (identity politics)
>Racism (identity politics)
>Unconditional support of any candidate or party (identity politics)
>War and war profiteering
>Malignant mass immigration
>Degeneracy and moral decay
>Greed, laziness, and apathy
>Usury and other activities of leeches

How do I help?
>Eat better
>Read books and articles
>Stop watching porn
>Write to politicians
>Enlighten your friends and neighbors
>Campaign for genuine humanist candidates of all ideologies
>Shill on the internet but BE NICE!
>Understand that your self-interests must align with the interests of humanity
>Train yourself to do good because you like it - as you improve, it will become easier and easier to be a good person!

Other urls found in this thread:

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard has introduced a bill demanding that the United States ends its funding of terrorist groups such as ISIS and al-Nusra

>"The CIA has also been funneling weapons and money through Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar and others who provide direct and indirect support to groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda,” Gabbard stated on the House floor last week."

>“The CIA has long been supporting a group called Fursan al Haqq, providing them with salaries, weapons, and support, including surface to air missiles. This group is cooperating with and fighting alongside an al-Qaeda affiliated group trying to overthrow the Syrian government. The Levant Front is another so-called moderate umbrella group of Syrian opposition fighters. Over the past year, the United States has been working with Turkey to give this group intelligence support and other forms of military assistance. This group has joined forces with al-Qaeda’s offshoot group in Syria.

>“This madness must end. We must stop arming terrorists. The Government must end this hypocrisy and abide by the same laws that apply to its’ citizens.”

>"Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration are well aware of the support the Gulf states have provided to ISIS."

Short and long term hopes/goals
>Divide democratic party voters, sow as much dislike as possible towards antifa, Hillary Clinton, the DNC, and SJWs, create a clear line between the establishment and the anti-establishment
>Elevate the 2020 presidential campaign of Tulsi Gabbard, the only politician in the US who has consistently opposed the meddling of the US and Israel in the Middle East regardless if it was a republican or a democrat doing it
>Reclaim the DNC from the weasels currently running it or split a third party off of it
>Further undermine and derail the Tories, keep Theresa May as their face and prevent a smart replacement. Elect Corbyn to protect internet freedom and distance the UK from Israel and its games
>Continue dissociating Trump from the alt-right, categorize him with the neoconservatives and Hillary, keep the slow burn going until Sup Forums is massively anti-Trump and ready to vote for Gabbard
>Form a strategic merging of sorts between the alt-left and the alt-right behind Tulsi Gabbard with common goals and common enemies, ideally bringing the Berniecrats and identitarians together under the same cause
>Split the left/right paradigm, bring half of both together to form a majority that leaves out the cuckservatives and the SJWs as fringe groups
>Elect all kinds of third party candidates, whether they are green or libertarian doesn't matter, the status quo has to be brought down first

I really, really like this flag

You guys are 40 years too late, I'm afraid.

I agree with everything except for identity politics. They are an important part of human functionality and develop naturally in human society, it is not something one should stand against.


If youre against identity and race realism, then you are no matter than any other shit tier ideology. Organic identities almost always form racially or ethnically and ground a man in something bigger, that is, with completely voluntary association you will see a society divided first on ethnic lines, then on class or other lines. Your ideology is thus unnatural and would require heavy Year Zero tier social engineering to make happen.


Bernie Bro here.

Donald Trump is literally waging a war against the conspiracy that has ruined America and Europe for the last 70 years or more. Even if you disagree with his policies, once he wins this war a number of things will happen:

>aliens disclosed
>suppressed technology (zero-point energy, easy space travel, cure for cancer, other cures as well) released to public
>CIA black projects no longer getting funding freeing up millions of dollars for things like healthcare, infrastructure, lower taxes
>purging of Mossad-blackmailed establishment fuckheads in both the Democratic and Republican parties

Deracination / Lack of identity is easily one of the biggest spiritual issues is the West today. Most organic identities, cultural traits, practices of our ancestors, which kept them rooted and granted a degree of permanence have been replaced by ideology, pop culture and consumer trends (Oh Im a game of thrones liking iPhone user who likes X sports team). Also its funny how many "universalist" values are often strictly white ones, such as constitutionalism and abstract loyalty (rather than personal loyalty aka nepotism)

My concern with racial identity is individual quality - see pic related. I often see racial preservationists express the viewpoint that their race is superior to another race because the average person of one race has a higher IQ or lower crime rate than the average person of another race. Higher IQ and better impulse control are certainly things we should strive to promote in the gene pool, which is why I am against racism. There is more variation within a group than between groups - for every hard working "Aryan" white you have a punk or a non-producer. Racial identitarianism would give the lowlives of the race a false sense of superiority when really they are no better than the lowest of other races. People should be judged for their individual merit without being scapegoated or crutched by their race.

The alt-left praises quality over purity. I would gladly accept hard working and creative nonwhites into the gene pool and prioritize them over any "pure" white who has little to contribute. The genes of the latter should ideally fade out of the gene pool. To believe your race is superior to another race is to reject the option of making your own race even better. I say "no" to the "white race" and "yes" to the "great race".

Been so disillusioned with the left that even though I voted Sanders in PA's primary, I voted for Trump in the General. I'm glad to see more people waking up to the BS being forced upon us by both parties, and it's important that this continues on. Agree with most everything in the OP, too.

But youre missing the point. We want our white society to have all sorts of people, craftsmen, cashiers, tradesmen and high IQ execs. The non edgy ones recognize IQ is one a bell curve, but the simple fact is, im not an IQ determinist and no serious nationalist is. Seriously. What we want is high social trust and to feel at home. Silicon Valley is full of very high achieving Asians and Indians, but thats not a society where really anyone there feels at home, or part of a people tied to land and culture. Multiracial societies have far lower social trust and a plethora of other social capital disappears. If you have enough mixup in your society, nature will inevitably create small ethnic fractionalizations. Its simply unsustainable and doesnt provide a suitable environment for human happiness.

This is the funniest shit I've ever read. You sound like jaded Obama voters who wanted what he ran on. America's foreign policy can't change. We're a banana republic to Saudi Arabia and Israel

Also what's with all the individual level self-help shit? You just want the gibsmedat but want to feel entitled to it by being "enlightened"

Hahaha fucking hippies

>Multiracial societies have far lower social trust and a plethora of other social capital disappears. If you have enough mixup in your society, nature will inevitably create small ethnic fractionalizations
I agree, I don't think multiracial societies are stable. In my country (America) I want the racial identities to be broken down into one American identity. Let me clarify that this is not civic nationalism, see the pic in I oppose the separation of whites, blacks, Asians, Indians, Hispanics, etc into different racial categories in the United States. It has just become a tool for politicians and ideologues to drive and divide people. Many nonwhites for example are convinced that they can't vote for Trump because he won't look out for "nonwhite interests", which was used to corral people into thinking they have to vote for Hillary Clinton. The problems rooted in a multiracial society would not be present in a society that is not multiracial.

Society has to be improved at the level of the individual. Trying to improve it politically just leads to populism and demagoguery, as we are seeing in the US today. No politician can truly fix society, that is the job of individuals. I believe that freedom from usury and easing the economic woes of the workers can help to facilitate their development into better people.

>Society has to be improved at the level of the individual.
>No politician can truly fix society, that is the job of individuals.

This. Thank you. Personal responsibility and development is far more beneficial to society than resting your hopes on a politician to fix society's problems.

I'll believe it when I see it. I will support Trump if he turns out good in the end but from most of his presidency, I have only seen more of what we got from Obama and Bush. I would rather be wrong about Trump now and be pleasantly surprised if he improves than subject myself to trying to defend the man's constant blunders.

Obama had reasonable promises.

His actions, though...

>Society has to be improved at the level of the individual. Trying to improve it politically just leads to populism and demagoguery, as we are seeing in the US today. No politician can truly fix society, that is the job of individuals. I believe that freedom from usury and easing the economic woes of the workers can help to facilitate their development into better people.
Is this a... Libshit making sense?

fake and gay

I'm a former national socialist so this didn't form from the typical "libshit" development pattern.

What brought you to think that any f those values are Leftist? Seems like you took all those opions from Or are you just a cheeky troll?

Hi is this the liberal thread

Doomed to failure because you ignore basic biological truths. It would be in a world where humanity was all equal on a basic genetic level, but we're not. But by all means, have fun trying to get niggers and sand niggers to play nice.

*it would be good

>Self improvement
>>Health and fitness
>>Spiritual development
>Contribution to your community and to humanity as a whole
>Vocal and physical resistance to corruption and anti-human acts
>Preservation of the world's natural beauty and its environment
>Self defense and gun ownership
>Free speech and civil political discourse to develop and refine principles

*takes a hit of blunt


*pushes rose colored sunglasses back up nose


>health and fitness

The memes just write themselves

I think Hitler was right on the ideal system of economy and government, a meritocratic system based on encouraging nobility and rooting out explotation, but I disagree firmly with national socialists on issues of race and racial identity as well as on topics of personal freedom of speech and gun ownership, not to mention the abhorrent decision to kill millions of innocent Jews instead of just killing the banking families.

I also don't want to associate with slogans and symbols that have been so despised and defamed and then reappropriated by neo-nazis and basic white nationalists who don't even know what the symbols represent. It seems ridiculous to me to doom your movement from its conception by basing it off of previous movements that are hated to a comical extent.

From my definition of left/right, which concerns your view of how important the government should be to the management of society, I would be a leftist as I do believe in a strong government with the power to uplift the noble and punish the unjust, a large government would be required for this. Most fascists would also be left-wing from this definition. Democrats can call me right-wing all they want, their definition is poor and contradictory.

You can't even secure the lifes of whites from muslisms lmao.

alt-left? This is just classic liberalism.

Jesus Christ, no one studies history anymore

Either way, classical liberalism is still alternative leftism. The ideology is nigh dead on the left and should be firmly distinguished from the democrats.

Isn`t identity politics just a nationalism? Like zionism just a jeiwsh breed of nationalism?

Identity politics refers to politics that revolve around identities. Usually, the identities are races, genders, and political ideologies.

Both sides use identity politics. Certain (but not all - to say "all" democrats would be identity politics) democrats use identity politics by saying they are "pro-woman" and "pro-minority" and shaming white men, and they try and get all women and minorities to vote for them because of their identity. Then you have white supremacists coming around saying that their identity is superior to others. Both sides are reinforcing identity and racism by obsessing over it.

Some people on Sup Forums will say "we need to unite against the leftists", which is identity politics because it is throwing all leftists into a group and all non-leftists into a group and acting as if they should have unity just because they share an identity.

To be anti-identity politics would be to judge things case by case, issue by issue, and individual by individual. You wouldn't hate someone just because of their identity and you wouldn't consider someone an ally just because of their identity. Instead, you would judge people of an identity individually without stereotyping or strawmanning them.

Zionism is a specific form of nationalism however it has come to be associated with the actions used to protect Israel, namely the instability and war that Zionists create in order to destabilize the Middle East for the benefit of Israel.