Friendly reminder that the wrong side won the war

Friendly reminder that the wrong side won the war.

oh yessss let's all get oppressed and murdered because we're not German great plan
also socialism

Which war?

Who could be behind this post?

stop attacking communists and maybe you'll win next time

US civil war was a Jewish ploy to divide America since it was too powerful.
To this day the idea of states rights and the delegation of Federal authority to state authority only exists to weaken the nation.

United as one bloc you'd be the most powerful empire in the world. Not that you're not doing a good job of that as it is.

>oh yessss let's all get oppressed and murdered because we're not German great plan
You're not German, Ahmed, but the native Brits are. They are Saxon.

Also, Hitler never genocided anyone. The number "11 million, 6 million jews and 5 million non jews" was created because 6 million is a jewish prophesy, and 5 million "was a carefully crafted number, enough to get nonjews interested in the holocaust, but not more than the number of jews" according to weisel.
>also socialism
Hitler was not a Marxist and spurned redistribution and collectivism

To the great burning tower of diversity with you.

Yeah, Napoleon should've won.


Because our citizens are definitely safe and not getting murdered for not following an ideology right now...

no more brother war

>socialism will save the white race

Communism doesn't exist anymore anywhere in the world except North Korea. Even China is communist in name only.

And North Korea will collapse on its own in less than 10 years.

>Being such a shitty ideology you collapse on your own during peace time
Toppest kek

Your freedumb is not worth anything.

Judeo Bolsheviks.

The nazis did nothing wrong. Prove me otherwise.

>tfw no comfy American Reich

Im glad Germans lost

the south has always been a shithole. The only thing wrong with the Civil War was the reconstruction, should have had Sherman burn the entire place to the fucking ground

Would've been awesome.

>TFW people still think it was a war.

Yea... I know...

Well my friend, I'm pretty sure in an alternate reality, we're still sitting somewhere thinking how better off it would be if Nazis didn't win the war and the kind of life we'd have.
Truth is both sides lost the war, the only victory was claimed by the Jews and the banks.
We have no way of knowing how things would turn out if Germany won, at least no way that doesn't involve multidimensional travel.
I honestly believe that even if Germany won, the world would be ruled by ruthless Germans instead of ruthless Jews and we'd still be slaves, just with a different chain.

The guy who finally gets access to a time machine shouldn't even bother with Nazi Germany, he should look towards the Roman Empire and maybe then civilization would prosper.

I just want to play a game like this pic.
Played the start of new Wolfenstein just to be in the environment, then stopped of course.
The stereotyping of national socialists as psychotic sadists (ironically with Jewish characteristics) was too much to stomach.

Would've been interesting.

You do know who makes these games, right?

of course. needless to say i didn't pay money for it and i knew what i was getting into.
i just wanted to be in that world for a while, see the symbols, the completed volkshalle surrounded by zeppelins and beams of light.
and then stop and uninstall it.

I thought Nazi philosophy was "might makes right"?

Well those little wussy Nazi nancy cuck bois were no match against the commissars and brave Bolshvik Russian soldiers who took a stand at Stalingrad and then drove the Nazis back to Berlin and their graves.

"I wish reactionaries crying about how things were better 50 years ago weren't so fragile and weak and unable to adapt. Waaaah."

>I thought Nazi philosophy was "might makes right"?
National Socialism is a philosophy of peace.