Drumpf blocks vet organization on Twitter

He sure is supportive of your boys in uniform, burgers.


Other urls found in this thread:


wtf I hate vets now


isnt this the org that supports free tranny surgeries for soliders?

>one Twitter accounts singlehandedly representative of all vets

Report, hide, and carry on



Proabably a Soros run org which uses brain damaged vets for political purposes.


Anyone who responds to their own posts 18 times in 3 minutes should be banned.

Literally nuclear codes meme

its george soros vet organisation you dummy

You're not the voice of vets
You're an activist group

>morning joe
trump watches FnF in the mornings.
errbody noes this

>radical far-left vet organization shunned by most of the veteran/military community


Oh no, he blocked a fake veterans organization that the democrats made up.

Drumpf BTFO

Holy shit, someone got taken to the woodshed.

It was her turn! What difference does it make?

You mean the draft dodger who doesn't respect POWs isn't supportive of the military? You don't say...

>constitution literally says the president can bar anyone from coming in at his discretion
>it's unconstitutional

>a dog barks, the caravan moves forward
>autistic screeching

how are even supposed to perceive it, it's literally niggers screeching behind a garbage bin about some autism from (((think tanks))).

>gracious hosts


>Gracious host

...We've literally been playing babysitter to make sure they don't start WWIII.
Do these "vets" not realize their stay on foreign bases isn't a fucking vacation?

>communist liberal front in veteran clothing
I'd block a stolen valor obvious troll account too.

They deserve to be banned from all the internets. Morons

Fuck you, we dont need you burgers here. Leave already niggers

Who the fuck is John Lewis

wtf i hate right wing politics now!


(((activist group)))

Top motherfucking kek!

>nigger social media
Lol any fake faggot can get a blue check mark by paying off the kikes and pretend thier fake organization is legitimate. Lol 500k ex military are saying Trump dancers for Putin? Why can't these stupid democrats get over the fact that they lost the election? Russia didn't "interfere" they lost security by trying to hide thier corruption illegally.

Stupid fucks.

wtf thats not democracy thats textbook fascism and patriarchy

Back to tumblr


The redpilling continues.

>narrative collapse over Russia collusion
>suddenly cucks start get blocked
>realize that if they actually want to convince anyone of their point, they now should be respectable or it may be the last time they shitpost the President
>and are then unable to forge an argument because insults and abuse is all they ever had

Stop playing army,boyo.

>VoteVets.org is organized as a progressive

No one cares. American left are psychopath murderers.

Yep. Founded by (((Jon Soltz))). DOUG BAND on board of advisors.

what a bunch of faggots

As a veteran, fuck VoteVets. These are nothing more than a bunch of liberal cucks. Their military affiliation does not give them a right to shitpost on the presidents profile. Sorry, but you don't get special treatment fags.

Surely this is it. Drumpf will finally be impeached.


>In a June 2011 press release, the organization specifically identified itself as the "largest progressive group of veterans in America."[11]

>climate change denials are a threat to our national security

Wow, trump really did betray us. First he turned on gays, vets, and now the average trump supporter has stopped supporting him.

I've been on the trump train for years, but this was just to much. This is exactly like how hitler started

Also everyone still using fabricated flags is being a fag.

>Do these "vets" not realize their stay on foreign bases isn't a fucking vacation?
They do no work and collect a pay check. It is a vacation.

nat'l is the accepted abbr. for national, and totally appropriate on a character-limited medium, you pleb

It isn't even shitposting, its just spouting liberal talking points.
Do liberals call that shitposting? I thought it was their way of resisting

that person is either larping as a vet or was some sort of non combat desk jockey


yes you do

they continue their work for the jews, on the outside

As a veteran I'm appalled and say this is fake news. The VA I know and visit attends to every need for vets. It's true they can be a cluster fuck, but at least they genuinely care and help.

>fake news


He hates all of you

Spamming strong claims with no evidence is just shitposting and trolling in my opinion. Liberals may think they are good points because, "omg doesn't everyone think this way?", but until they can factually back their shit up, which they can't, they are just reduced to whining like the spoiled children they are.

why does this fat fuck sit on twitter and act petty all day? Its embarassing wtf countries with hardass leaders like Russia and Iran are probably laughing their asses off at this pathetic country. I like Trump, but this obsession with stooping to other peoples level on twitter just makes him look silly

The neoliberals are the ones who really started pushing the blind support of military after 9/11. People in America are almost fucking obligated to say "thank you for your service" to every person who has ever enlisted. Military service is a noble thing, especially when drafted, but lionizing it is retarded. Oh the sacrifices! You got a fifty thousand dollar bonus, extra benefits during and after service, and you can say you got PTSD while driving a humvee in germany for three and a half years.

Hitler gassed the Jews. They couldn't do shit about it. What difference does it make

Putin's name should be put first. Trump is a weenie

blocked because they were spamming

It's funny how these accounts always make out like they don't care that they were blocked. They so clearly do care.

Obama blocked me on Youtube last year

should I sue also??

Must be a group of faggot liberal vets... most military personnel i know are all for trump.

>sucki sucki

Don't lose next time

Lol I wonder why they got blocked, fucking shill account.

an actual somali nigger calling anyone else a nigger.



Sounds like the passive aggressive approach, I wonder if they'll keep using false saints to make the president appear unlikable

What part of it say that? Just like a broad citation, I don't know the constitution well.

>bring this up now
>expecting it to gain traction